首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 山寨幣季節接近:7 月最值得投資的 3 種加密貨幣——以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork

Altcoin Season Nears: 3 Best Cryptos To Invest In July – Ethereum, Notcoin, and Angry Pepe Fork

山寨幣季節接近:7 月最值得投資的 3 種加密貨幣——以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork

發布: 2024/06/27 15:03 閱讀: 836

原文作者:CoinPedia News


山寨幣季節接近:7 月最值得投資的 3 種加密貨幣——以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork

Altcoin Season Nears: Top 3 Crypto Investments for July

山寨幣季節將近:7 月三大加密貨幣投資

Leading crypto experts have predicted an impending altcoin rally. Here are the three most promising cryptocurrencies to invest in this July before the price surge:

領先的加密貨幣專家預測山寨幣即將上漲。以下是今年 7 月價格飆升之前最有投資前景的三種加密貨幣:

1. Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)


APORK has exhibited resilience during the recent altcoin market downturn. Its unique "Conquer to Earn" system rewards users for removing inactive projects, creating a vibrant and engaged community. Moreover, its staking feature offers attractive returns on locked coins, appealing to both novice and experienced investors.

APORK 在最近的山寨幣市場低迷期間表現出了韌性。其獨特的「征服以賺取」系統獎勵用戶刪除不活躍的項目,創造一個充滿活力和參與的社群。此外,其質押功能為鎖定代幣提供了誘人的回報,對新手和經驗豐富的投資者都有吸引力。

2. Ethereum (ETH)


The long-awaited approval of Ethereum ETFs is imminent, potentially fueling significant price growth. ETH is currently trading below $3,500, and analysts predict a substantial rally once it breaches this resistance level.

期待已久的以太坊 ETF 即將獲得批准,這可能會推動價格大幅上漲。 ETH 目前交易價格低於 3,500 美元,分析師預測一旦突破該阻力位,將會大幅反彈。

3. Notcoin (NOT)

3. 諾特幣(NOT)

NOT has initiated a $3 million token burn, reducing its circulating supply. The platform has also introduced incentives for Gold and Platinum users, enhancing its value proposition. Market experts anticipate a surge in NOT price, with potential targets of $0.026000 and $0.045000.

NOT 已啟動 300 萬美元的代幣銷毀,減少了其流通供應量。該平台還為黃金級和白金級用戶提供了激勵措施,增強了其價值主張。市場專家預計 NOT 價格將飆升,潛在目標為 0.026000 美元和 0.045000 美元。



Ethereum, Notcoin, and Angry Pepe Fork are poised for explosive growth in July. Ethereum ETFs, token economics adjustments, and the presale hype surrounding APORK create compelling investment opportunities. Don't miss out on these top crypto picks before the altcoin season takes off.

以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork 有望在 7 月實現爆炸性增長。以太坊 ETF、代幣經濟調整以及圍繞 APORK 的預售炒作創造了引人注目的投資機會。在山寨幣季節開始之前,不要錯過這些頂級加密貨幣精選。


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