首页 > 资讯新闻 > 山寨币季节临近:7 月份最值得投资的 3 种加密货币——以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork

Altcoin Season Nears: 3 Best Cryptos To Invest In July – Ethereum, Notcoin, and Angry Pepe Fork

山寨币季节临近:7 月份最值得投资的 3 种加密货币——以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork

发布: 2024/06/27 15:03 阅读: 836

原文作者:CoinPedia News


山寨币季节临近:7 月份最值得投资的 3 种加密货币——以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork

Altcoin Season Nears: Top 3 Crypto Investments for July

山寨币季节临近:7 月份三大加密货币投资

Leading crypto experts have predicted an impending altcoin rally. Here are the three most promising cryptocurrencies to invest in this July before the price surge:

领先的加密货币专家预测山寨币即将上涨。以下是今年 7 月价格飙升之前最有投资前景的三种加密货币:

1. Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)


APORK has exhibited resilience during the recent altcoin market downturn. Its unique "Conquer to Earn" system rewards users for removing inactive projects, creating a vibrant and engaged community. Moreover, its staking feature offers attractive returns on locked coins, appealing to both novice and experienced investors.

APORK 在最近的山寨币市场低迷期间表现出了韧性。其独特的“征服以赚取”系统奖励用户删除不活跃的项目,创建一个充满活力和参与的社区。此外,其质押功能为锁定代币提供了诱人的回报,对新手和经验丰富的投资者都有吸引力。

2. Ethereum (ETH)


The long-awaited approval of Ethereum ETFs is imminent, potentially fueling significant price growth. ETH is currently trading below $3,500, and analysts predict a substantial rally once it breaches this resistance level.

期待已久的以太坊 ETF 即将获得批准,这可能会推动价格大幅上涨。 ETH 目前交易价格低于 3,500 美元,分析师预测一旦突破该阻力位,将会出现大幅反弹。

3. Notcoin (NOT)

3. 诺特币(NOT)

NOT has initiated a $3 million token burn, reducing its circulating supply. The platform has also introduced incentives for Gold and Platinum users, enhancing its value proposition. Market experts anticipate a surge in NOT price, with potential targets of $0.026000 and $0.045000.

NOT 已启动 300 万美元的代币销毁,减少了其流通供应量。该平台还为黄金级和白金级用户提供了激励措施,增强了其价值主张。市场专家预计 NOT 价格将飙升,潜在目标为 0.026000 美元和 0.045000 美元。



Ethereum, Notcoin, and Angry Pepe Fork are poised for explosive growth in July. Ethereum ETFs, token economics adjustments, and the presale hype surrounding APORK create compelling investment opportunities. Don't miss out on these top crypto picks before the altcoin season takes off.

以太坊、Notcoin 和 Angry Pepe Fork 有望在 7 月实现爆炸性增长。以太坊 ETF、代币经济调整以及围绕 APORK 的预售炒作创造了引人注目的投资机会。在山寨币季节开始之前,不要错过这些顶级加密货币精选。


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