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Altcoins Experience Stagnation as BTC Attempts to Boost Appetite


發布: 2024/06/28 02:07 閱讀: 972



Altcoins Experience Stagnation as BTC Attempts to Boost Appetite


Altcoin sales have stalled, but BTC's attempts to cross $62,000, while feeble, are fueling appetite. Today's ETF application for SOL Coin, with support from other ETF issuers, could initiate a new wave of altcoin growth. However, the anticipation for tomorrow's PCE data and uncertainties surrounding Germany, the USA, and MTGOX BTCs have tempered the positive impact on SOL Coin's price.

山寨幣銷售已經停滯,但 BTC 突破 62,000 美元的嘗試雖然微弱,但卻刺激了人們的胃口。今天 SOL Coin 的 ETF 申請,在其他 ETF 發行人的支持下,可能會引發新一波山寨幣成長。然而,對明天 PCE 數據的預期以及圍繞德國、美國和 MTGOX BTC 的不確定性削弱了對 SOL Coin 價格的正面影響。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

BTC is finding buyers at $61,700, with $61,500 serving as support an hour ago. If BTC sees higher peaks, a return to $72,000 is conceivable. Altcoins could witness significant percentage gains this time. Dogecoin is in an upward trajectory, poised for a breakout. However, certain factors may hinder this.

BTC 在 61,700 美元處尋找買家,一小時前為 61,500 美元作為支撐。如果 BTC 看到更高的峰值,那麼重返 72,000 美元是可以想像的。這次山寨幣可能會出現顯著的百分比漲幅。狗狗幣正處於上升軌道,準備突破。然而,某些因素可能會阻礙這一點。

On the daily chart, DOGE may decline due to investor behavior. The transfer of supply from medium and long-term investors to short-term investors is discouraging for DOGE. Short-term investor supply has increased by 2 billion over the past month.

在日線圖上,DOGE可能會因投資人行為而下跌。供應從中長期投資者向短期投資者的轉移令 DOGE 感到沮喪。過去一個月短期投資者供給增加了20億。

Thus, total short-term investor supply rose from 10.5 billion to 13.4 DOGE. The risk of long-term investors selling to weaker hands, who are more likely to offload assets readily, raises concerns about short-term price fluctuations.

因此,短期投資者總供應量從 105 億增加到 13.4 DOGE。長期投資者向較弱的投資者出售資產的風險引發了人們對短期價格波動的擔憂,而較弱的投資者更有可能輕易拋售資產。

DOGE Price Prediction


DOGE, confined within a descending wedge, is finding buyers at $0.124. This formation, characterized by converging downward-sloping trend lines, often indicates an upward breakout. To break out successfully, DOGE must surpass the $0.128 resistance.

DOGE 被限制在下降楔形內,在 0.124 美元處尋找買家。這種形態的特徵是向下傾斜的趨勢線匯聚,通常預示著向上的突破。為了成功突破,DOGE 必須突破 0.128 美元的阻力位。

If a breakout occurs, what is the potential price target for DOGE? The formation targets $0.3. However, the prevalence of short-term investors, as discussed earlier, diminishes the likelihood of a sustained breakout due to potential profit-taking. This could result in a decline to $0.116 if the attempt to break the upper trend line fails. Further down, the expected bottom for DOGE is $0.105.

如果發生突破,DOGE 的潛在價格目標是多少?該陣型目標價為 0.3 美元。然而,如同前面所討論的,短期投資者的盛行降低了因潛在獲利回吐而持續突破的可能性。如果嘗試突破上方趨勢線失敗,可能會導致價格跌至 0.116 美元。再往下看,DOGE 的預期底部為 0.105 美元。

In the event that the support from the last dip is breached, the upward trend may be suspended temporarily.



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