首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師看好 Memecoins PEPE 和 POPCAT,預測即將到來的反彈

Analyst Bullish on Memecoins PEPE and POPCAT, Predicts Impending Rallies

分析師看好 Memecoins PEPE 和 POPCAT,預測即將到來的反彈

發布: 2024/06/28 00:04 閱讀: 571

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


分析師看好 Memecoins PEPE 和 POPCAT,預測即將到來的反彈

Frogs and Cats: Crypto Analyst Predicts Surge for Pepe and Popcat

青蛙和貓:加密貨幣分析師預測 Pepe 和 Popcat 數量激增

Crypto analyst Bluntz Capital has projected significant gains for Pepe, citing its recent ABC corrective move. This pattern often precedes a five-wave surge.

加密貨幣分析師 Bluntz Capital 預計 Pepe 將大幅上漲,並引用了 ABC 最近的調整措施。這種模式通常先於五浪飆升。

Pepe: Rally on the Horizon


Despite a recent 20% dip, Pepe is poised for a rally, according to Bluntz Capital. Its $0.00001249 price reflects a 1% decline over the past 24 hours. The token's market cap stands at $5.25 billion, making it the third-largest among meme coins.

據 Bluntz Capital 稱,儘管最近股價下跌 20%,但佩佩仍有望上漲。其價格為 0.00001249 美元,在過去 24 小時內下跌了 1%。該代幣的市值為 52.5 億美元,使其成為第三大 meme 代幣。

Bluntz Capital's analysis relies on Elliot Wave theory, which predicts long-term price patterns based on investor sentiment.

Bluntz Capital 的分析依賴於艾略特波浪理論,該理論根據投資者情緒預測長期價格模式。

Popcat: Soaring to New Heights


Popcat, the Solana-based meme coin, has experienced a remarkable 7,000% surge this year. Its current price of $0.5733 gives it a market cap of $561 million. Bluntz Capital believes Popcat's rally has yet to reach its peak.

Popcat 是基於 Solana 的迷因幣,今年經歷了 7,000% 的驚人飆升。目前其股價為 0.5733 美元,市值為 5.61 億美元。 Bluntz Capital認為Popcat的漲勢尚未達到頂峰。

HODLing and Whales

HODLing 和鯨魚

Despite market volatility, analysts advise Pepe holders to remain patient. They note that periods of sideways trading and consolidation often precede price breakouts.


Whale activity has also been significant. One Pepe whale recently deposited over 700 billion tokens on Binance, indicating potential investor shakeout.

鯨魚活動也很活躍。一隻佩佩鯨最近在幣安上存入了超過 7,000 億枚代幣,這表明潛在的投資者將受到衝擊。

Strong Performers


Pepe has been one of the strongest performers this year, with an 860% gain year-to-date. Popcat's performance has been even more impressive, with a 7,000% surge.

佩佩是今年表現最強勁的股票之一,年初至今漲幅達 860%。 Popcat 的表現更令人印象深刻,飆升了 7,000%。


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