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The Best Crypto Presales To Buy Before The End Of June 2024

2024 年 6 月結束前最值得購買的加密貨幣預售

發布: 2024/06/28 00:06 閱讀: 477



2024 年 6 月結束前最值得購買的加密貨幣預售

The Best Crypto Presales for Explosive Gains


Amid the current market downturn, the presale market offers a unique opportunity for investors seeking maximum profit. Unlike the volatile spot market, presale tokens cannot incur losses and offer the potential for substantial gains as prices increase with each stage.


We have scoured the burgeoning crypto landscape to identify the most promising presale tokens for investors to consider before the end of June:

我們仔細研究了新興的加密貨幣領域,以確定最有前途的預售代幣供投資者在 6 月底之前考慮:

  • Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)
  • WienerAI ($WAI)
  • PlayDoge ($PLAY)
  • Sealana ($SEAL)
  • Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)
  • 99Bitcoins Token ($99BTC)
  • Mega Dice Token ($DICE)
  • Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT)

Pepe Unchained: A Revolutionary Meme Coin

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)WienerAI ($WAI)PlayDoge ($PLAY)Sealana ($SEAL)Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ)99Bitcoins Token ($99BTC)Mega Dice Token ($DICE)Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT)Pepe Unchaaryd: Avolutionary米姆幣

As the third largest meme coin, Pepe Coin ($PEPE) has significantly revived the crypto market. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU), its second-generation spin-off, has launched a presale that has raised nearly $1 million in just days. With an impressive layer-2 network for faster and cheaper transactions, Pepe Unchained has the potential to outshine its predecessor.

作為第三大迷因幣,佩佩幣($PEPE)大大復興了加密貨幣市場。其第二代衍生產品 Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 已啟動預售,短短幾天內就籌集了近 100 萬美元。 Pepe Unchained 擁有令人印象深刻的第 2 層網絡,可實現更快、更便宜的交易,有潛力超越其前身。

WienerAI: An AI-Powered Meme Coin


WienerAI ($WAI) combines the strength of a meme coin with the utility of AI trading capabilities. Its presale has attracted whale investors, raising over $6.5 million. Its elaborate backstory and virality have made it a favorite among Shiba enthusiasts.

WienerAI ($WAI) 將迷因幣的優勢與人工智慧交易功能的實用性結合在一起。它的預售吸引了鯨魚投資者,籌集了超過 650 萬美元。其詳盡的背景故事和病毒式傳播使其成為柴犬愛好者的最愛。

PlayDoge: A Nostalgic P2E Game

PlayDoge:一款懷舊的 P2E 遊戲

PlayDoge ($PLAY) is a P2E crossover that evokes childhood memories of Tamagotchi. Players can care for their virtual pups, earning $PLAY tokens for ranking on the global leaderboard. Its presale has raised over $5.1 million, gaining momentum with its nostalgic appeal.

PlayDoge ($PLAY) 是一款 P2E 跨界遊戲,喚起了電子寵物的童年記憶。玩家可以照顧他們的虛擬小狗,賺取 $PLAY 代幣以在全球排行榜上排名。其預售已籌集超過 510 萬美元,其懷舊吸引力勢頭強勁。

Sealana: A Hot Meme Coin with Upcoming Listings

Sealana:即將推出的熱門 Meme 代幣

Sealana ($SEAL) is a meme coin featuring a seal who dreams of big things. Investors can participate in the purchase of $SEAL tokens through its website before July 1st for inclusion in the initial airdrop. Its potential association with the creators of Slerf Token (SLERF) adds to its appeal.

Sealana ($SEAL) 是一種迷因硬幣,其特徵是一隻夢想偉大事業的海豹。投資者可以在 7 月 1 日之前透過其網站參與購買 $SEAL 代幣,以納入初始空投。它與 Slerf Token(SLERF)創建者的潛在聯繫增加了它的吸引力。

Base Dawgz: A Multi-Chain Daredevil

Base Dawgz:多鏈夜魔俠

Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) is a multi-chain token that can be accessed on ETH, SOL, BSC, and AVAX. Its presale has raised over $2.1 million, and its daredevil mascot and share-to-earn incentives make it an attractive investment opportunity.

Base Dawgz ($DAWGZ) 是一種多鏈代幣,可在 ETH、SOL、BSC 和 AVAX 上存取。它的預售已籌集超過 210 萬美元,其大膽的吉祥物和分享收益激勵措施使其成為一個有吸引力的投資機會。

99Bitcoins Token: Education Meets Earnings

99Bitcoins 代幣:教育與收益的結合

99Bitcoins Token ($99BTC) is from the largest crypto-learning platform, 99Bitcoins. It is a learn-to-earn token that allows investors to earn $99BTC while gaining valuable crypto knowledge. Its presale is approaching $2.3 million, offering a chance to win a share of $99k worth of BTC.

99Bitcoins 代幣(99BTC)來自最大的加密貨幣學習平台 99Bitcoins。它是一種學習賺錢代幣,可讓投資者賺取 99 BTC,同時獲得寶貴的加密知識。其預售金額接近 230 萬美元,有機會贏得價值 9.9 萬美元的 BTC。

Mega Dice Token: A Crypto Casino with Investor Rewards

Mega Dice 代幣:提供投資者獎勵的加密貨幣賭場

Mega Dice Token ($DICE) offers a strong crypto casino product with over 4k games and 50k players. Investors who purchase tokens are rewarded based on the casino's performance. Its presale has raised $1.5 million, and investors have the potential to win substantial cash airdrops.

Mega Dice Token ($DICE) 提供強大的加密賭場產品,擁有超過 4000 款遊戲和 50k 玩家。購買代幣的投資者將根據賭場的表現獲得獎勵。其預售已籌集 150 萬美元,投資者有可能贏得大量現金空投。

Shiba Shootout: A Wild West Adventure


Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT) combines the popularity of Shiba coins with the atmosphere of the Wild West. Its Campfire Stories feature crypto investment sharing, and its cactus staking rewards longer hodlers.

柴犬大戰(SHIBASHOOT)將柴犬硬幣的受歡迎程度與狂野西部的氛圍結合在一起。它的 Campfire Stories 以加密貨幣投資共享為特色,其仙人掌質押獎勵長期持有者。



Presale tokens offer significant advantages, especially during market downturns. The tokens mentioned above have strong potential for success, with their low prices providing the perfect opportunity for explosive gains. However, it is crucial for investors to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.



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