首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 為什麼分析師相信 Popcat (POPCAT)、Moonbag (MBAG) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 將成為下一個狗狗幣!

Why Analysts Believe Popcat (POPCAT), Moonbag (MBAG) & Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) To Be The Next Dogecoin!

為什麼分析師相信 Popcat (POPCAT)、Moonbag (MBAG) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 將成為下一個狗狗幣!

發布: 2024/07/11 10:02 閱讀: 364



The crypto market is witnessing the emergence of new and innovative meme coins that have the potential to rival established giants like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). In 2023, Bonk and Dogwifhat made waves in the market, but we are now seeing the rise of more utility-driven meme tokens such as Popcat, Moonbag, and Angry Pepe Fork (APORK). Popcat token has experienced an impressive 3,480% surge since its January launch, while Angry Pepe Fork and Moonbag token are still in presale but exhibit similar potential.

加密市場正在見證新的創新迷因幣的出現,這些幣有潛力與狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬幣(SHIB)等老牌巨頭相提並論。 2023 年,Bonk 和 Dogwifhat 在市場上掀起波瀾,但我們現在看到更多實用驅動的迷因代幣的崛起,例如 Popcat、Moonbag 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)。 Popcat 代幣自 1 月推出以來已經經歷了令人印象深刻的 3,480% 的飆升,而 Angry Pepe Fork 和 Moonbag 代幣仍處於預售階段,但表現出類似的潛力。

Popcat Token: A Strong Performer with Future Promise

Popcat 代幣:表現強勁,前景光明

Popcat token has emerged as one of the top 15 meme coins in the market, fueling speculation that it could potentially rival Dogecoin in the near future. It was created as an attractive alternative for meme coin investors who missed out on Bonk, and its price performance has lived up to expectations. In the past six months, Popcat has witnessed a remarkable 3,800% spike, further enhancing its potential.

Popcat 代幣已成為市場上排名前 15 的 meme 代幣之一,這引發了人們對其在不久的將來可能與狗狗幣競爭的猜測。對於錯過了 Bonk 的 meme 幣投資者來說,它是一個有吸引力的替代品,而且它的價格表現也達到了預期。在過去六個月中,Popcat 的成長率達到了 3,800%,進一步增強了其潛力。

Angry Pepe Fork: Innovative Features Drive Growth and Earning Opportunities


Crypto enthusiasts such as Crypto League have predicted that Angry Pepe Fork could potentially experience a 100x growth in 2023. The platform's design, which prioritizes community engagement and real-world utility, sets it apart from other meme coins.

Crypto League 等加密貨幣愛好者預測,Angry Pepe Fork 可能會在 2023 年實現 100 倍的增長。

Angry Pepe Fork offers multiple earning opportunities for its community members. Firstly, its innovative "Conquer-To-Earn" system allows users to team up and stake their tokens to conquer inactive meme-based projects on the blockchain. The more projects are dethroned, the higher the APY (annual percentage yield) for all participants.

Angry Pepe Fork 為其社群成員提供多種賺錢機會。首先,其創新的「征服賺錢」系統允許用戶組隊並質押他們的代幣,以征服區塊鏈上不活躍的基於模因的項目。被廢黜的項目越多,所有參與者的 APY(年收益率)就越高。

Additionally, Angry Pepe Fork rewards its active community members with bonuses and extra tokens. These features, coupled with the recently launched staking portal, provide endless earning possibilities. Traders can now stake Angry Pepe Fork tokens for periods of 30, 60, and 90 days.

此外,Angry Pepe Fork 還為其活躍的社區成員提供獎金和額外代幣獎勵。這些功能,加上最近推出的質押門戶,提供了無限的獲利可能性。交易者現在可以質押 Angry Pepe Fork 代幣,期限為 30 天、60 天和 90 天。

These unique offerings have made the Angry Pepe Fork presale one of the most sought-after this month. Despite its recent launch, it has already surpassed a $100K revenue milestone and is approaching $200K. Its token price currently stands at $0.014, but analysts predict a 200% increase during the presale and a 350% surge once it lists on major exchanges.

這些獨特的產品使 Angry Pepe Fork 預售成為本月最受歡迎的產品之一。儘管最近才推出,但它的收入已經突破了 10 萬美元的里程碑,並且正在接近 20 萬美元。其代幣價格目前為 0.014 美元,但分析師預測預售期間將上漲 200%,在主要交易所上市後將飆升 350%。

MoonBag Token: A DeFi-Focused Meme Coin with Strategic Liquidity Plan

MoonBag Token:具有策略流動性計劃的專注於 DeFi 的 Meme 代幣

MoonBag token differentiates itself with its no-tax policy and advanced liquidity plan, ensuring smooth transactions and investor confidence. Its liquidity is divided into smaller portions during the presale and a buyback and burn mechanism is implemented. This plan aims to stabilize prices and increase the value of the MoonBag native token, $MBAG, over the coming months.

MoonBag 代幣以其免稅政策和先進的流動性計劃而脫穎而出,確保交易順利和投資者信心。其流動性在預售期間被分成較小的部分,並實施回購和銷毀機制。該計劃旨在在未來幾個月內穩定價格並增加 MoonBag 原生代幣 $MBAG 的價值。

The ongoing MoonBag presale has attracted significant investor interest, raising over $3.2 million. In its sixth presale stage, the token price is set at $0.0003, allowing investors to acquire 3,333 MoonBag coins for just 1 USDT.

正在進行的 MoonBag 預售吸引了投資者的極大興趣,籌集了超過 320 萬美元。在第六階段預售中,代幣價格設定為 0.0003 美元,投資者只需 1 USDT 即可購買 3,333 個 MoonBag 幣。

Which Meme Coin is a Better Investment: Angry Pepe Fork or Popcat?

哪個 Meme 幣是更好的投資:Angry Pepe Fork 還是 Popcat?

Predicting the success of meme coins is challenging, given their reliance on hype and sentiment. However, Angry Pepe Fork's diversified utility in the market, compared to Popcat's limited focus, may make it a more attractive investment option.

預測模因幣的成功具有挑戰性,因為它們依賴炒作和情緒。然而,與 Popcat 的有限關注相比,Angry Pepe Fork 在市場上的多元化效用可能使其成為更具吸引力的投資選擇。

Furthermore, Angry Pepe Fork's lower market capitalization suggests that it could require significantly less capital to drive its price higher. For those interested in participating in its presale, a video guide is available on its website.

此外,Angry Pepe Fork 的較低市值表明它可能需要更少的資金來推高其價格。對於有興趣參與預售的人,其網站上提供了影片指南。

Website: https://angrypepefork.com/


Presale: Visit Angry Pepe Fork Presale

預售:造訪 Angry Pepe Fork 預售

Telegram: https://t.me/AngryPepeFork


Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngryPorkCoin


Source: https://thebittimes.com/why-analysts-believe-popcat-popcat-moonbag-mbag-angry-pepe-fork-apork-to-be-the-next-dogecoin-tbt96384.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/why-analysts- believe-popcat-popcat-moonbag-mbag-angry-pepe-fork-apork-to-be-the-next-dogecoin-tbt96384.html


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