首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師預測 DOGE 高峰為 4 美元,而新的 Dogecoin20 獲得投資者的支持

Analysts Predict DOGE Peak at $4, While New Dogecoin20 Gains Investors’ Support

分析師預測 DOGE 高峰為 4 美元,而新的 Dogecoin20 獲得投資者的支持

發布: 2024/04/03 03:42 閱讀: 220



分析師預測 DOGE 高峰為 4 美元,而新的 Dogecoin20 獲得投資者的支持

Dogecoin ($DOGE) recorded solid value growth during the last seven days. One of the most famous analysts, DonAlt, used this recent growth as an argument to justify his predictions that $DOGE could reach a value of even $4 at one point!

狗狗幣($DOGE)在過去 7 天內錄得穩健的價值成長。最著名的分析師之一 DonAlt 以最近的成長作為論點來證明他的預測,即 $DOGE 的價值可能會在某一時刻達到 4 美元!

However, fluctuations in the value of this popular meme coin cast doubt on DonAlt’s predictions. During the last 24 hours, $DOGE has seen a noticeable drop in value, so precisely because of this, many investors prefer to opt for “Dogecoin’s alternative,” the young Dogecoin20 ($DOGE20).

然而,這種流行的迷因幣的價值波動使人們對 DonAlt 的預測產生了懷疑。在過去 24 小時內,$DOGE 的價值明顯下跌,因此,正是因為如此,許多投資者更願意選擇“狗狗幣的替代品”,即年輕的 Dogecoin20 ($DOGE20)。

So let’s check what is expected from both meme coins, and by investing in which of them, you could experience the highest return on investment and the most benefits.


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DonAlt believes that Dogecoin could reach $4, while other analysts have higher hopes for its fresh “alternative”!

DonAlt 認為狗狗幣可能會達到 4 美元,而其他分析師則對其新的「替代品」抱有更高的希望!

The fact is that for some time now, Dogecoin has been gaining in value. Over the last week, $DOGE has risen by almost 5%, but unfortunately, the situation has recently started to change, and in the previous 24 hours, the value of $DOGE has fallen by more than 10%.

事實上,一段時間以來,狗狗幣的價值一直在上漲。過去一周,$DOGE 上漲了近 5%,但不幸的是,最近情況開始發生變化,在過去 24 小時內,$DOGE 的價值已下跌超過 10%。

While $DOGE has witnessed an upward trend, one of the popular analysts, DonAlt, has shared his, some would say, extremely positive prediction for this meme coin. In his opinion, Dogecoin could, at one point, reach an impressive $4! But how realistic is this prediction, and if so, when could this scenario happen? Judging by the currently available predictions, here’s how things stand.

雖然 $DOGE 見證了上漲趨勢,但一位受歡迎的分析師 DonAlt 分享了他對這種模因硬幣的極其積極的預測,有些人會說。在他看來,狗狗幣有可能在某個時刻達到令人印象深刻的 4 美元!但這個預測有多現實?如果是的話,這種情況什麼時候會發生?從目前可用的預測來看,情況如下。

In the coming period, especially after the Bitcoin halving event, many coins, including $DOGE, are expected to achieve impressive results. However, reaching the value of $4 is unrealistic, at least for Dogecoin. Predictions suggest that, during 2024, the maximum value this meme coin could reach will be around $0.138. Reaching the value of $4 when it comes to this meme coin is possible, but not before 2031!

未來一段時間,尤其是比特幣減半事件之後,包括$DOGE在內的許多幣種有望取得令人矚目的成績。然而,達到 4 美元的價值是不切實際的,至少對狗狗幣來說是如此。預測表明,到 2024 年,這款迷因幣的最高價值將達到 0.138 美元左右。這種迷因幣的價值有可能達到 4 美元,但不可能在 2031 年之前實現!

It is not so bad news, especially for those investors who are willing to wait. However, those who would like to see the fruits of their investment earlier should perhaps ignore DonAlt’s extremely positive prediction and turn to coins that show more realistic chances of exploding earlier. One such coin worth attention is Dogecoin “alternative”, the young Dogecoin20.

這並不是什麼壞消息,特別是對於那些願意等待的投資人來說。然而,那些希望更早看到投資成果的人也許應該忽略 DonAlt 極其積極的預測,而轉向那些顯示出更現實的更早爆炸機會的代幣。其中一種值得關注的貨幣是狗狗幣“替代品”,即年輕的狗狗幣20。

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>>> 立即購買狗狗幣20

Dogecoin20 is a fresh meme coin that could bring you much more than the “original” Dogecoin!

Dogecoin20 是一種新鮮的迷因硬幣,它可以為您帶來比「原始」狗狗幣更多的東西!

If you follow the situation in the crypto world at least a little, that is, if you have at least a bit of “crypto experience,” then you can probably notice that the meme coin sector is expanding. Every day, new meme coins are “born,” but hardly any of them manage to survive for a long time. 


However, from time to time, a meme coin is “born” and shines at the very start of its crypto journey. One such rare gem is the young $DOGE20!

然而,時不時會有一種模因幣“誕生”,並在其加密之旅的一開始就大放異彩。年輕的 $DOGE20 就是這樣稀有的寶石之一!

Both investors and analysts seem to be aware that Dogecoin20 is showing a tendency to, at least through 2024, achieve more tremendous success than the “original” Dogecoin. It’s safe to say this new meme coin is revolutionizing the crypto world precisely by connecting the popularity of Dogecoin and Ethereum’s cutting-edge capabilities.

投資者和分析師似乎都意識到,Dogecoin20 至少在 2024 年之前表現出比「原始」狗狗幣取得更大成功的趨勢。可以肯定地說,這種新的迷因硬幣透過將狗狗幣的流行與以太坊的尖端功能結合起來,正在徹底改變加密世界。

Many analysts have high hopes for $DOGE20 and believe that this is the next 100x potential meme coin, and there are many reasons for that. This stake-2-earn coin provides an opportunity to earn passive income and win eco-friendly rewards. The altruistic aspect of this meme coin project is the additional reason why more and more investors choose to invest in $DOGE20.

許多分析師對 $DOGE20 寄予厚望,並認為這是下一個 100 倍潛力的模因幣,其中有許多原因。這種 2 質押硬幣提供了賺取被動收入和贏得環保獎勵的機會。這個 meme 幣專案的無私方面是越來越多投資者選擇投資 $DOGE20 的另一個原因。

What is also very interesting about this meme coin project is its tokenomics. 25% of the tokens are intended for the presale and the same amount for marketing activities. It seems to be a winning strategy and an extremely wise move, and this is probably what led $DOGE20 to reach the widest audience and complete its presale sooner than expected.

這個模因幣專案的另一個非常有趣的地方是它的代幣經濟學。 25% 的代幣用於預售,同等數量的代幣用於行銷活動。這似乎是一個制勝策略,也是一個極其明智的舉動,這可能是導致 $DOGE20 接觸到最廣泛受眾並比預期更早完成預售的原因。

Remember that although the presale was recently completed, it’s not too late if you want to grab $DOGE20 at a great price.

請記住,雖然預售最近才完成,但如果你想以優惠的價格搶到 20 美元 DOGE,現在還不算太晚。

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The Dogecoin20 presale is completed, but you still have a little time to grab this high-potential meme coin at a great price!


$DOGE20 gained support from investors at the very start of its journey, and the fact that this meme coin completed its presale in record time speaks in support of that!

$DOGE20 在其旅程一開始就獲得了投資者的支持,而這款迷因幣在創紀錄的時間內完成預售的事實就證明了這一點!

The “first wins” principle, i.e., the fact that those who invest first have the greatest chance of achieving the greatest return on investment, is obvious when it comes to the Dogecoin20 presale. Investors rushed to grab $DOGE20 right at the start, which led to this meme coin raising more than $10 million in record time!

在Dogecoin20預售中,「先勝」原則,即先投資的人有最大的機會獲得最大的投資回報,這一點是顯而易見的。投資者一開始就爭相搶購 DOGE20 美元,導致這款 Meme 代幣在創紀錄的時間內籌集了超過 1000 萬美元!

Although the presale is over, if you missed investing in this meme coin, you shouldn’t worry. You have one last chance to grab $DOGE20 at a unique price of only $0.00022 per token. So, hurry up and do it ASAP, before the Doge Day! 

雖然預售已經結束,但如果您錯過了投資這款迷因幣的機會,請不要擔心。您還有最後一次機會以每個代幣僅 0.00022 美元的獨特價格獲得 $DOGE20。所以,趕快在總督日之前盡快行動吧!

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Do not be disappointed that there are no arguments to support the predictions of the popular analyst DonAlt, who said that Dogecoin ($DOGE) could explode and reach $4. Indeed, $DOGE will not explode during 2024, but its alternative shows a serious chance of doing so!

不要失望,沒有任何論點支持受歡迎的分析師 DonAlt 的預測,他表示狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 可能會爆炸並達到 4 美元。事實上,$DOGE 不會在 2024 年爆炸,但它的替代方案顯示出爆炸的可能性很高!

Dogecoin20 ($DOGE20), apart from the fact that it could bring up to 100x gains to the earliest investors, also brings chances to win fantastic prizes, together with other benefits.


So, hurry up and invest in $DOGE20 before the Doge Day, and take advantage of all that this high potential stake-2-earn meme coin has to offer! Now could be the last chance to invest in this Dogecoin alternative at a fantastic price of only $0.00022, so grab this rising meme coin star straight away!

因此,趕快在狗狗日之前投資 DOGE20 美元,並充分利用這種高潛力的 2 收益模因硬幣所提供的一切!現在可能是投資這款狗狗幣替代品的最後機會,價格僅為 0.00022 美元,所以立即抓住這個冉冉升起的模因硬幣明星吧!

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