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Analyzing the Shift of Dogecoin and Solana Enthusiasts Towards a Cryptocurrency with High Growth Prospects

分析狗狗幣和 Solana 愛好者轉向具有高成長前景的加密貨幣

發布: 2023/12/25 19:30 閱讀: 471



分析狗狗幣和 Solana 愛好者轉向具有高成長前景的加密貨幣

Analyzing the Shift of Dogecoin and Solana Enthusiasts Towards a Cryptocurrency with High Growth Prospects

分析狗狗幣和 Solana 愛好者轉向具有高成長前景的加密貨幣

While Musk announced that his AI startup xAI is not raising money, dropping the Dogecoin ($DOGE) price, Solana ($SOL) remained stagnant even after shocking Solana Saga phone sales. So, crypto enthusiasts are seeking cryptocurrency with high growth prospects, and Borroe Finance ($ROE) stands out among the rest with its deflationary token model. Which is the best cryptocurrency to buy now? Let’s explore.

雖然馬斯克宣布他的人工智慧新創公司xAI 不會籌集資金,並降低了狗狗幣($DOGE) 的價格,但即使在Solana Saga 手機銷量令人震驚之後,Solana ($SOL) 仍然停滯不前。因此,加密貨幣愛好者正在尋找具有高成長前景的加密貨幣,而 Borroe Finance ($ROE) 以其通縮代幣模型在眾多加密貨幣中脫穎而出。現在最值得購買的加密貨幣是什麼?讓我們來探索一下。


>>立即購買 $ROE 代幣



Musk’s Announcement About xAI Funding Halts Dogecoin’s Momentum

馬斯克關於 xAI 融資的公告阻礙了狗狗幣的發展勢頭

DOGE jumped by 7% on December 5 after a US SEC filing showed xAI might try to raise $1 billion as it had already raised a staggering $134.7 million. After Elon Musk, also known as ‘DOGE father’, revealed that his artificial intelligence startup xAI was not raising money, Dogecoin hit a major blockade on December 6. 

12 月 5 日,美國 SEC 提交的一份文件顯示 xAI 可能會嘗試籌集 10 億美元,因為該公司已經籌集了 1.347 億美元,該公司股價在 12 月 5 日上漲了 7%。在被稱為「狗狗之父」的馬斯克透露他的人工智慧新創公司 xAI 沒有籌集資金後,狗狗幣於 12 月 6 日遭遇重大封鎖。

Following the announcement, Dogecoin has significantly plummeted. In fact, DOGE declined from $0.105 to $0.096, representing an 8.57% decrease. As DOGE continues to sway around the $0.096 mark on December 18, DOGE finds a critical level at $0.090

消息公佈後,狗狗幣大幅下跌。事實上,DOGE 從 0.105 美元下跌至 0.096 美元,跌幅為 8.57%。 12 月 18 日,隨著 DOGE 繼續在 0.096 美元大關附近波動,DOGE 發現關鍵水準為 0.090 美元。

Dogecoin’s technical analysis reveals that $DOGE RSI sits at 57.80, indicating that the bulls are still in control. Additionally, the DOGE MACD indicator also signifies a bullish zone. Despite having a negative impact on Musk’s statement, Dogecoin still has a bullish outlook. 

狗狗幣的技術分析顯示,狗狗幣 RSI 為 57.80,顯示多頭仍處於控制之中。此外,DOGE MACD 指標也表示看漲區域。儘管對馬斯克的聲明產生了負面影響,但狗狗幣的前景仍然看漲。

Dogecoin’s buyers are accommodating and trying to push the DOGE price higher. Experts predict that DOGE must break the $0.098 resistance level again to begin an upward trajectory. However, investors are shifting their choice from Dogecoin to Borroe Finance as the best crypto to invest in

狗狗幣的買家正在配合並試圖推高狗狗幣的價格。專家預測,DOGE 必須再次突破 0.098 美元的阻力位才能開始上漲軌跡。然而,投資者正在將他們的選擇從狗狗幣轉向 Borroe Finance,作為最佳的加密貨幣投資。

Solana Saga Mobile Phones Hits $5000 on eBay

Solana Saga 手機在 eBay 上售價達到 5000 美元

On December 16, the Solana Saga series phone achieved remarkable prices on eBay, commanding as much as $5,000. This figure reflects a staggering tenfold increase from their initial retail price of $599, and the entire inventory was swiftly sold out.

12月16日,Solana Saga系列手機在eBay上創下了驚人的售價,售價高達5000美元。這個數字比最初的 599 美元零售價翻了十倍,而且全部庫存很快就被搶購一空。

Despite unimaginable sales of Solana Saga phones, the SOL price remains stagnant at around the $70 level. SOL was trading at $71 on December 16. Following the massive sales, SOL didn’t show much price improvements. On December 18, SOL stood at $69, marking 2.50% downhill. 

儘管 Solana Saga 手機的銷售難以想像,但 SOL 價格仍停滯在 70 美元左右的水平。 12 月 16 日,SOL 的交易價格為 71 美元。在大規模銷售之後,SOL 的價格並未出現太大改善。 12 月 18 日,SOL 價格為 69 美元,下跌 2.50%。

However, Solana’s indicators underscore a bullish outlook. The dotted markers of the Parabolic SAR remained positioned below the price candles, and the SOL MACD exhibited a divergence from the Signal line, rebounding from the brief concern of a potential SOL bearish crossover.

然而,Solana 的指標強調了看漲的前景。拋物線 SAR 的虛線標記仍位於價格蠟燭下方,SOL MACD 與訊號線出現背離,從對 SOL 潛在看跌交叉的短暫擔憂中反彈。

As SOL price declines below the $70 level after being rejected from the channel’s upper boundary, experts reveal that SOL might go down towards $65 by the end of 2023. All this negative SOL outlook points investors to Borroe Finance, which has distinguished itself as one of the best DeFi projects.

由於 SOL 價格在被通道上限拒絕後跌破 70 美元水平,專家透露,到 2023 年底,SOL 可能會跌至 65 美元。所有這些負面的 SOL 前景都將投資者轉向 Borroe Finance,該公司已成為最好的DeFi 專案。

Borroe Finance: The AI-Driven Masterclass

Borroe Finance:人工智慧驅動的大師班

As the world’s first Web3 blockchain invoice discounting NFT marketplace, Borroe Finance has already caught the eyes of many investors and crypto enthusiasts. Borroe Finance has blended a new sense of DeFi and NFTs

作為全球首個Web3區塊鏈發票貼現NFT市場,Borroe Finance已經吸引了許多投資者和加密貨幣愛好者的目光。 Borroe Finance 融合了 DeFi 和 NFT 的新意義。

With its innovative approach that aligns with the principles of Web3, $ROE emphasizes equitable value sharing among creators and users. What’s even more interesting about Borroe Finance is its simple fee structure and full cost transparency. Also, Borroe Finance uses a deflationary token that reduces $ROE by time.

$ROE 以其符合 Web3 原則的創新方法,強調創作者和使用者之間公平的價值共享。 Borroe Finance 更有趣的是其簡單的費用結構和完整的成本透明度。此外,Borroe Finance 使用通貨緊縮代幣,可按時間減少 ROE 美元。

Investors enjoy the advantages of low-risk investment choices, minimal transaction fees, and high scalability, making Borroe Finance a compelling platform. Besides that, Borroe Finance has fractionalized NFTs that provide access to more market participants. 

投資者享有低風險投資選擇、最低交易費用和高可擴展性的優勢,使 Borroe Finance 成為一個引人注目的平台。除此之外,Borroe Finance 也對 NFT 進行了細分,為更多市場參與者提供了機會。



Blooming as a top crypto to buy, $ROE’s presale is on the run. Experts say it’s not just a presale; it’s a ticket to be part of something trailblazing. Currently, Borroe Finance is in Stage 3, pricing each $ROE token at $0.0175

作為最值得購買的加密貨幣,$ROE 的預售正在進行中。專家表示,這不僅是預售,更是預售。這是成為開創性事物一部分的門票。目前,Borroe Finance 處於第三階段,每個 ROE 代幣的定價為 0.0175 美元。

Investors buying $ROE at this stage will embark on this excellent journey, profiting 128.57% by the end of the presale when $ROE reaches $0.0400.

在這個階段購買 $ROE 的投資者將踏上這段精彩的旅程,在預售結束時,當 $ROE 達到 0.0400 美元時,獲利 128.57%。

Learn more about Borroe Finance ($ROE) here:

在此了解更多關於 Borroe Finance ($ROE) 的資訊:

Visit Borroe Finance Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Borroe Finance on Twitter

請造訪 Borroe Finance 預售 |加入 Telegram 群組 |在 Twitter 上關注 Borroe Finance



Keywords: best crypto to invest in, best DeFi projects, top crypto to buy, best cryptocurrency to buy

關鍵字:最值得投資的加密貨幣、最佳 DeFi 專案、最值得購買的加密貨幣、最值得購買的加密貨幣


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