首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 憤怒的佩佩叉獨特的質押模式吸引投資者,DOGE 引領市場復甦—Cosmos 能否重拾動力?

Angry Pepe Fork Unique Staking Model Draws Investors As DOGE Leads Market Resurgence – Can Cosmos Regain Momentum?

憤怒的佩佩叉獨特的質押模式吸引投資者,DOGE 引領市場復甦—Cosmos 能否重拾動力?

發布: 2024/06/28 15:03 閱讀: 663

原文作者:CoinPedia News


憤怒的佩佩叉獨特的質押模式吸引投資者,DOGE 引領市場復甦—Cosmos 能否重拾動力?

Angry Pepe Fork's Unique Staking Model Attracts Investors as DOGE Leads Market Recovery

DOGE 引領市場復甦,Angry Pepe Fork 獨特的質押模式吸引投資者



Recent market volatility has driven investors to seek safe havens in the cryptocurrency market. Among the emerging favorites is Angry Pepe Fork, with its innovative staking model.

最近的市場波動促使投資者在加密貨幣市場尋求避風港。 Angry Pepe Fork 是新興的熱門產品之一,其創新的質押模式。

Angry Pepe Fork's Staking Model:

Angry Pepe Fork 的質押模型:

Angry Pepe Fork's staking pool is available from the start of its presale, allowing users to earn rewards as they stake their tokens. The platform offers three lock-in periods:

Angry Pepe Fork 的質押池從預售開始就可用,允許用戶在質押代幣時獲得獎勵。該平台提供三個鎖定期:

  • 30 days: For beginners
  • 60 days: For experienced investors
  • 90 days: For experienced investors seeking maximum returns

Additionally, the project introduces a "conquer-to-earn" model, where users are rewarded for defeating "zombie meme coins." As more meme coins are conquered, the APY for APORK (the native token) holders increases.

30天:適合初學者60天:適合有經驗的投資者90天:適合尋求最大回報的有經驗的投資者此外,該項目引入了“征服賺錢”模式,用戶因擊敗“殭屍模因幣”而獲得獎勵。隨著越來越多的 Meme 幣被征服,APORK(原生代幣)持有者的 APY 會增加。

Dogecoin Price Prediction:


Dogecoin, a pioneer in the meme coin market, has sparked a recent rally. Crypto analyst KALEO predicts that the token could reach $1-$2 soon, signaling a possible resurgence for the meme coin sector.

狗狗幣是迷因幣市場的先驅,最近引發了反彈。加密貨幣分析師 KALEO 預測,該代幣可能很快就會達到 1-2 美元,這表明模因幣行業可能會復甦。

Cosmos Market Analysis:


Cosmos, known for its blockchain interoperability, has experienced a decline below its key support zone. However, analysts suggest that this may present a buying opportunity for investors seeking long-term growth potential.

以其區塊鏈互通性而聞名的 Cosmos 已跌破其關鍵支撐區域。然而,分析師表示,這可能為尋求長期成長潛力的投資者提供買入機會。



Angry Pepe Fork's unique staking model, Dogecoin's market leadership, and Cosmos's long-term prospects make these projects attractive investments in the current market environment. As new developments unfold, the crypto market remains dynamic and presents opportunities for savvy investors.

Angry Pepe Fork 獨特的質押模式、狗狗幣的市場領導地位以及 Cosmos 的長期前景使得這些項目在當前市場環境下具有吸引力的投資。隨著新的發展,加密貨幣市場仍然充滿活力,並為精明的投資者提供了機會。


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