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Dogecoin Bearish Alert: Analyst Warns Of Potential Slide To $0.09, Here’s Why

狗狗幣看跌警報:分析師警告可能跌至 0.09 美元,原因如下

發布: 2024/06/28 14:46 閱讀: 303



狗狗幣看跌警報:分析師警告可能跌至 0.09 美元,原因如下

Dogecoin's Next Price Trajectory: Analysis and Predictions


Market Overview and Critical Support Zone


Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced significant bearish pressure amidst market instability and volatility. Cryptocurrency analyst YG Crypto has identified a crucial support zone between $0.11200 and $0.11500. If DOGE breaks below this range, a deep correction may occur, potentially reaching $0.095.

在市場不穩定和波動的情況下,狗狗幣(DOGE)經歷了巨大的看跌壓力。加密貨幣分析師 YG Crypto 確定了 0.11200 美元至 0.11500 美元之間的關鍵支撐區域。如果 DOGE 跌破該範圍,可能會發生深度調整,有可能達到 0.095 美元。

Potential Downward Trend and Opportunity for Recovery


YG Crypto predicts that if the support range is not maintained, DOGE may experience a downward trend. However, a breakout above $0.16 and a subsequent rally to $0.170 and $0.176 are possible if DOGE can overcome dynamic resistance.

YG Crypto預測,如果無法維持支撐區間,DOGE可能會出現下跌趨勢。然而,如果 DOGE 能夠克服動態阻力,則有可能突破 0.16 美元並隨後反彈至 0.170 美元和 0.176 美元。

Long-Term Projections and Analyst Insights


Despite recent negative movement, analyst Kaleo acknowledges the potential for a 6,000% or 30,000% pump in the future, similar to DOGE's previous rallies. However, he cautions against expecting major price action until December or February 2023. Kaleo also predicts a potential retracement to 8-10 cents, based on historical patterns.

儘管最近出現負面走勢,但分析師 Kaleo 承認,未來有可能上漲 6,000% 或 30,000%,類似於 DOGE 先前的反彈。不過,他警告說,在 2023 年 12 月或 2 月之前,不要預期價格會出現重大波動。

Ambitions for $1 and $2

1 美元和 2 美元的野心

Despite the bearish trend, Kaleo believes DOGE could reach $1 and $2 in the future, driven by a potential "memecoin supercycle." However, it is important to note that this is a speculative prediction and subject to market fluctuations.

儘管趨勢看跌,但 Kaleo 相信,在潛在的「memecoin 超級週期」的推動下,DOGE 未來可能會達到 1 美元和 2 美元。然而,值得注意的是,這是一個投機性預測,會受到市場波動的影響。


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