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Astrobotic To Send Dogecoin To The Moon This December, DOGE Price To Rally?

Astrobotic 今年 12 月將狗狗幣送上月球,狗狗幣價格會上漲嗎?

發布: 2023/11/16 19:42 閱讀: 728



Astrobotic 今年 12 月將狗狗幣送上月球,狗狗幣價格會上漲嗎?

America’s renowned Space Research and Robotics firm Astrobotic is all set up to launch its satellite with a physical Dogecoin into the moon. The news has taken the meme coin segment by storm while gaining attention from the market participants.

美國著名的太空研究和機器人公司 Astrobotic 已準備好將裝有實體狗狗幣的衛星發射到月球。這則消息席捲了迷因幣領域,同時引起了市場參與者的注意。

Meanwhile, the launch along with Dogecoin will take place on December 23 with DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket as per the official Tweet by Dogecoin’s X account.

同時,根據狗狗幣 X 帳戶的官方推文,狗狗幣將於 12 月 23 日透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur Rocket 與 DHL Moonbox 一起發布。

The Most Anticipated Dogecoin Launch


Astrobotic was funded by the Dogecoin community back in 2015 and has sent them a bunch of “Physical Dogecoins”. In return, Astrobotic’s mission to the moon in 2021 included Dogecoin to safely land on the lunar surface.

Astrobotic 早在 2015 年就得到了狗狗幣社群的資助,並向他們發送了一堆「實體狗狗幣」。作為回報,Astrobotic 2021 年的登月任務包括讓狗狗幣安全登陸月球表面。

The claim retained the attention of the Space Technology firm and in 2021, they shared a post addressing how in between the integration of MoonBoxes with the Peregrine lunar lander they stumbled across some Dogecoins sent back in 2015 to the firm. Tagging the SpaceX founder Elon Musk, Astrobotics alluded, “Dogecoin actually going to the moon.”

這一說法引起了太空技術公司的關注,2021 年,他們分享了一篇帖子,講述了在 MoonBoxes 與 Peregrine 月球著陸器集成期間,他們如何偶然發現了一些 2015 年寄回該公司的狗狗幣。 Astrobotics 在給 SpaceX 創始人埃隆馬斯克打上標籤時暗示,“狗狗幣實際上要去月球了。”

Previously, the vision to send a literal Dogecoin to space was curated by Elon Musk due to his craze of DOGE meme coins. The DOGE-1 mission which is still pending from 2021 is yet to make a move. 

此前,由於伊隆馬斯克對狗狗幣的狂熱,他策劃了將狗狗幣送入太空的願景。 DOGE-1 任務仍懸而未決,從 2021 年開始,尚未採取行動。

SpaceX, the launch provider for Intuitive Machines, has repeatedly postponed the Nova-C mission, proportionally affecting the launch of DOGE-1.

Intuitive Machines 的發射提供者 SpaceX 多次推遲了 Nova-C 任務,從而相應地影響了 DOGE-1 的發射。

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另請閱讀:菲律賓發行 1.79 億美元的代幣化國債,徹底改變數位金融

DOGE Community Sparked Over the Launch

DOGE 社群因發布而引發熱烈討論

As the updates went viral that the physical Dogecoin would be sailing to the moon on December 2023, the Doge Army went straight to the X platform to share their joy. Notably, the Doge community has lauded the news with their collaborative opinions. Many enthusiasts already reposted the launch news showing the positive stance of the crypto community for the same.

隨著實體狗狗幣將於 2023 年 12 月航行到月球的消息傳開,狗狗軍團直接來到 X 平台分享他們的喜悅。值得注意的是,總督社區以他們的合作意見對此消息表示讚賞。許多愛好者已經轉發了發布訊息,顯示了加密社群對此的積極立場。

However, on the contrary, many raised concerns over the official announcement from Astrobotic is yet to come. Although the community is already head over heels, there’s no certain confirmation from the Space tech firm.

然而,相反,許多人對 Astrobotic 尚未發布的官方聲明表示擔憂。儘管社群已經對此感到興奮不已,但太空科技公司尚未給予明確的確認。

As of writing, the Dogecoin price was at $0.078778 with a tremendous jump of over 6% in the last 24 hours. In addition, the volume has surged 29.17% to $850.42 million as the news circulates over the market.

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣價格為 0.078778 美元,在過去 24 小時內大幅上漲超過 6%。此外,隨著消息傳遍市場,成交量激增29.17%至8.5042億美元。

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The post Astrobotic To Send Dogecoin To The Moon This December, DOGE Price To Rally? appeared first on CoinGape.

Astrobotic 今年 12 月將狗狗幣送上月球,狗狗幣價格會上漲嗎?首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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