首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 實體 DOGE、BTC、比特幣創世盤將於今年 12 月 23 日前往月球:詳細信息

Physical DOGE, BTC, Bitcoin Genesis Plate to Head to Moon on Dec. 23 This Year: Details

實體 DOGE、BTC、比特幣創世盤將於今年 12 月 23 日前往月球:詳細信息

發布: 2023/11/16 19:42 閱讀: 701



The official account on the X social media platform has issued a post to announce that some physical Dogecoin will be delivered to the Moon this year.


The long-awaited event is to take place in late December, two days prior to Christmas Day. But DOGE will not be the only crypto to be taken to the Moon this year.

這項期待已久的活動將於 12 月底舉行,即聖誕節前兩天。但 DOGE 並不是今年唯一登上月球的加密貨幣。

Dogecoin going to the Moon


The new X post revealed that company Astrobotic intends to send a physical DOGE to the Moon in the DHL Moonboxx with ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on December 23 this year.

新的 X 貼文透露,Astrobotic 公司計劃於今年 12 月 23 日使用 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭,透過 DHL Moonboxx 將實體 DOGE 發送到月球。

Back in 2015, the Dogecoin community began raising funds for the future space mission of taking DOGE to the natural satellite of Earth. Now, they have teamed up with Astrobotic to make their dream come true.

早在 2015 年,狗狗幣社群就開始為未來將 DOGE 帶到地球天然衛星的太空任務籌集資金。現在,他們與 Astrobotic 合作,實現他們的夢想。

More info, with the physical dogecoin travelling in the "MoonBox" https://t.co/aS1zGvb0if pic.twitter.com/L7WUhg3aIj

更多信息,實體狗狗幣在“MoonBox”中旅行 https://t.co/aS1zGvb0if pic.twitter.com/L7WUhg3aIj

— Dogecoin (@dogecoin) November 16, 2023

— 狗狗幣 (@dogecoin) 2023 年 11 月 16 日

Astrobotic is a space company owned by its employees and it is focused on developing various supplementary things for spacecraft – advanced navigation, operation, power, testing, and computing systems.

Astrobotic 是一家由員工擁有的太空公司,專注於開發太空船的各種輔助設備——先進的導航、操作、動力、測試和運算系統。

They deliver various cargoes to the Moon for governments, corporations and those individuals who can afford this.


The company emerged in 2007 and is headquartered in Mojave, California and Pittsburgh, PA. Up to now, Astrobotic has successfully completed two Moon missions with landing. The mission of the company is to make space available to the humanity.

該公司成立於 2007 年,總部位於加州莫哈韋和賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡。截至目前,Astrobotic已成功完成兩次登月任務。公司的使命是為人類提供空間。

This time, Astrobotic is carrying NASA’s and some other payloads to deliver them to the Moon. However, aside from those, according to the Payload Manifest, there will be a DHL MoonBox. It will contain various “payloads from around the world will be stored aboard Peregrine on the Moon for centuries to come. From photographs and novels to student work and a piece of Mount Everest”.

這次,Astrobotic 搭載了 NASA 的有效載荷和其他一些有效載荷,將它們運送到月球。然而,除此之外,根據有效負載清單,還將有一個 DHL MoonBox。它將包含各種“來自世界各地的有效載荷,將在未來幾個世紀內存儲在月球上的遊隼號上。”從照片和小說到學生作品和珠穆朗瑪峰的一部分」。

Physical BTC and BTC Genesis Plate to rest on Moon

實物 BTC 和 BTC Genesis Plate 將停留在月球上

Per the X post of the Dogecoin team, this MoonBox will also contain some physical DOGE. The payloads will also carry “Lunar Bitcoin” for BitMEX exchange - “A unique physical coin destined for the Moon, loaded with one Bitcoin – and “Bitcoin Genesis Plate”: “This plate includes a copy of the Genesis Block, the first block of bitcoin (BTC) to be mined.”

根據狗狗幣團隊的 X 帖子,這個 MoonBox 還將包含一些實體狗狗。有效負載還將攜帶用於BitMEX 交易所的“月球比特幣”——“一種運往月球的獨特物理硬幣,裝載有一個比特幣——以及“比特幣創世板”:“該板包括創世區塊的副本,這是第一個區塊。比特幣(BTC)將被開採。”

Bitcoin goes to the MoonImage source




Elon Musk’s intention to take DOGE to Moon

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 打算將 DOGE 送上月球

On April 1, 2021, tech mogul and owner of the SpaceX company Elon Musk, tweeted that he is going to “out a literal DOGE on the literal Moon”. The community first took it to be an April Fools joke.

2021 年 4 月 1 日,科技大亨兼 SpaceX 公司所有者 Elon Musk 在推特上表示,他將「在月球上建造一個真正的 DOGE」。社區最初認為這是個愚人節玩笑。

However, later Musk revealed that SpaceX was getting ready for a mission to take a satellite to a lunar orbit and that mission, according to Musk, was paid for in Dogecoin by Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC)

然而,後來馬斯克透露,SpaceX 正在準備將衛星送入月球軌道的任務,據馬斯克稱,該任務是由 Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) 用狗狗幣支付的

Musk called it DOGE-1 Lunar Mission. It is expected to launch at some point this year but it has been constantly delayed for various reasons so far.

馬斯克稱之為 DOGE-1 月球任務。預計將於今年某個時候推出,但迄今為止由於各種原因不斷推遲。


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