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Atari to bring retro games onchain with Base

Atari 將透過 Base 將復古遊戲帶到鏈上

發布: 2024/07/25 20:45 閱讀: 568



AtariX, the Web3 initiative of video game pioneer Atari, will introduce its iconic titles to the blockchain through a collaboration with Base, Coinbase's Ethereum layer-2 scaling blockchain.

AtariX 是電玩先驅 Atari 的 Web3 計劃,將透過與 Coinbase 的以太坊第 2 層擴展區塊鏈 Base 的合作,將其標誌性遊戲引入區塊鏈。

The collaboration commences with the classic arcade game Asteroids, a space-themed multidirectional shooter released in 1979. Players navigate a spaceship, aiming to shoot and destroy asteroids while evading them.

這項合作始於經典街機遊戲《Asteroids》,這是一款 1979 年發布的太空主題多向射擊遊戲。

Preview of the classic game Asteroids. Source: AtariX


This initiative allows players to compete and ascend a global leaderboard, earning prizes such as a $1,000 Atari gift card.

該計劃允許玩家參與競爭並提升全球排行榜,贏得價值 1,000 美元的 Atari 禮品卡等獎品。

Onchain Arcade with NFT Access Pass

帶有 NFT 訪問通行證的 Onchain Arcade

Atari establishes an onchain arcade, enabling classic games to be played through Base. Users connect their wallets and mint a non-fungible token (NFT) access pass, which they utilize to play and record their scores on the blockchain.

Atari 建立了一個鏈上遊戲廳,可以透過 Base 玩經典遊戲。用戶連接他們的錢包並鑄造一個不可替代的代幣(NFT)訪問通行證,他們用它來在區塊鏈上玩和記錄他們的分數。

Players can mint up to 1,000 NFT passes per wallet. However, the platform clarifies that owning multiple NFTs does not enhance their game scores. The access pass costs 0.0015 Ether (ETH) to mint (approximately $5).

玩家每個錢包最多可以鑄造 1,000 個 NFT 通證。不過,該平台澄清,擁有多個 NFT 並不會提高他們的遊戲分數。鑄造通行證的成本為 0.0015 以太幣 (ETH)(約 5 美元)。

Asteroids is readily available for free on various websites and retro game compilations. However, the fee on the AtariX platform grants players the opportunity to compete against others, potentially win Atari gift cards, and engage within its ecosystem of games.

《小行星》可以在各種網站和復古遊戲合集上免費獲得。然而,AtariX 平台上的費用讓玩家有機會與其他人競爭,有可能贏得 Atari 禮品卡,並參與其遊戲生態系統。

Classic Games Embark on the Blockchain via Ordinals Protocol

經典遊戲透過 Ordinals 協議登陸區塊鏈

This integration marks the second instance of games being introduced to the blockchain. On January 8, developers at the Bitcoin Ordinals portfolio tracker Ninjalerts inscribed the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator on a satoshi. This allowed the community to play classic SNES games on the Bitcoin network.

此次整合標誌著第二次將遊戲引入區塊鏈。 1 月 8 日,比特幣 Ordinals 投資組合追蹤器 Ninjalerts 的開發人員在 Satoshi 上刻下了超級任天堂娛樂系統(SNES)模擬器。這使得社群能夠在比特幣網路上玩經典的 SNES 遊戲。

On January 25, a pseudonymous developer known as Mini Doge replicated this feat on Dogecoin (DOGE) using the Dogecoin Ordinals protocol, "Doginals." The developer inscribed the iconic 1990s first-person shooter Doom onto the network, enabling users to play the classic game on their computers and mobile phones by accessing the Dogecoin blockchain.

1 月 25 日,一位名為 Mini Doge 的匿名開發者使用狗狗幣 Ordinals 協議「Doginals」在狗狗幣 (DOGE) 上複製了這一壯舉。開發人員將 90 年代標誌性第一人稱射擊遊戲《毀滅戰士》收錄到網路上,使用戶能夠透過存取狗狗幣區塊鏈在電腦和手機上玩這款經典遊戲。

On February 22, Ninjalerts inscribed a Nintendo 64 emulator onto the Bitcoin blockchain. Ninjalerts CEO Trevor Owens expressed that placing game emulators on Bitcoin is part of their mission to preserve critically endangered games. Owens asserts that there exists no platform superior to Bitcoin for immortalizing data.

2 月 22 日,Ninjalerts 將 Nintendo 64 模擬器寫入比特幣區塊鏈。 Ninjalerts 執行長 Trevor Owens 表示,將遊戲模擬器放在比特幣上是他們保護極度瀕危遊戲使命的一部分。歐文斯斷言,不存在比比特幣更好的數據永生平台。


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