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Atari to bring retro games onchain with Base

Atari 将通过 Base 将复古游戏带到链上

发布: 2024/07/25 20:45 阅读: 568



AtariX, the Web3 initiative of video game pioneer Atari, will introduce its iconic titles to the blockchain through a collaboration with Base, Coinbase's Ethereum layer-2 scaling blockchain.

AtariX 是视频游戏先驱 Atari 的 Web3 计划,将通过与 Coinbase 的以太坊第 2 层扩展区块链 Base 的合作,将其标志性游戏引入区块链。

The collaboration commences with the classic arcade game Asteroids, a space-themed multidirectional shooter released in 1979. Players navigate a spaceship, aiming to shoot and destroy asteroids while evading them.

此次合作始于经典街机游戏《Asteroids》,这是一款 1979 年发布的太空主题多向射击游戏。玩家驾驶一艘宇宙飞船,瞄准射击并摧毁小行星,同时躲避它们。

Preview of the classic game Asteroids. Source: AtariX


This initiative allows players to compete and ascend a global leaderboard, earning prizes such as a $1,000 Atari gift card.

该计划允许玩家参与竞争并提升全球排行榜,赢得价值 1,000 美元的 Atari 礼品卡等奖品。

Onchain Arcade with NFT Access Pass

带有 NFT 访问通行证的 Onchain Arcade

Atari establishes an onchain arcade, enabling classic games to be played through Base. Users connect their wallets and mint a non-fungible token (NFT) access pass, which they utilize to play and record their scores on the blockchain.

Atari 建立了一个链上游戏厅,可以通过 Base 玩经典游戏。用户连接他们的钱包并铸造一个不可替代的代币(NFT)访问通行证,他们用它来在区块链上玩和记录他们的分数。

Players can mint up to 1,000 NFT passes per wallet. However, the platform clarifies that owning multiple NFTs does not enhance their game scores. The access pass costs 0.0015 Ether (ETH) to mint (approximately $5).

玩家每个钱包最多可以铸造 1,000 个 NFT 通证。不过,该平台澄清,拥有多个 NFT 并不会提高他们的游戏分数。铸造通行证的成本为 0.0015 以太币 (ETH)(约 5 美元)。

Asteroids is readily available for free on various websites and retro game compilations. However, the fee on the AtariX platform grants players the opportunity to compete against others, potentially win Atari gift cards, and engage within its ecosystem of games.

《小行星》可以在各种网站和复古游戏合集上免费获得。然而,AtariX 平台上的费用让玩家有机会与其他人竞争,有可能赢得 Atari 礼品卡,并参与其游戏生态系统。

Classic Games Embark on the Blockchain via Ordinals Protocol

经典游戏通过 Ordinals 协议登陆区块链

This integration marks the second instance of games being introduced to the blockchain. On January 8, developers at the Bitcoin Ordinals portfolio tracker Ninjalerts inscribed the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator on a satoshi. This allowed the community to play classic SNES games on the Bitcoin network.

此次集成标志着第二次将游戏引入区块链。 1 月 8 日,比特币 Ordinals 投资组合追踪器 Ninjalerts 的开发人员在 Satoshi 上刻下了超级任天堂娱乐系统(SNES)模拟器。这使得社区能够在比特币网络上玩经典的 SNES 游戏。

On January 25, a pseudonymous developer known as Mini Doge replicated this feat on Dogecoin (DOGE) using the Dogecoin Ordinals protocol, "Doginals." The developer inscribed the iconic 1990s first-person shooter Doom onto the network, enabling users to play the classic game on their computers and mobile phones by accessing the Dogecoin blockchain.

1 月 25 日,一位名为 Mini Doge 的匿名开发者使用狗狗币 Ordinals 协议“Doginals”在狗狗币 (DOGE) 上复制了这一壮举。开发商将 90 年代标志性第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士》收录到网络上,使用户能够通过访问狗狗币区块链在电脑和手机上玩这款经典游戏。

On February 22, Ninjalerts inscribed a Nintendo 64 emulator onto the Bitcoin blockchain. Ninjalerts CEO Trevor Owens expressed that placing game emulators on Bitcoin is part of their mission to preserve critically endangered games. Owens asserts that there exists no platform superior to Bitcoin for immortalizing data.

2 月 22 日,Ninjalerts 将 Nintendo 64 模拟器写入比特币区块链。 Ninjalerts 首席执行官 Trevor Owens 表示,将游戏模拟器放在比特币上是他们保护极度濒危游戏使命的一部分。欧文斯断言,不存在比比特币更好的数据永生平台。


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