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Avalanche (AVAX) Price Adds 400% in Two Months: Details

Avalanche (AVAX) 價格在兩個月內上漲 400%:詳情

發布: 2023/12/17 06:17 閱讀: 352



After a marvelous 30% upsurge last week, AVAX replaced Dogecoin (DOGE) as the ninth largest cryptocurrency asset. Its upsurge is driven by a combination of long-term and short-term catalysts as AVAX outperforms almost all large-cap altcoins.

在上周大幅上漲 30% 後,AVAX 取代狗狗幣 (DOGE) 成為第九大加密貨幣資產。 AVAX 的上漲是由長期和短期催化劑共同推動的,因為 AVAX 的表現優於幾乎所有大盤山寨幣。

Avalanche (AVAX) price rally expands

Avalanche (AVAX) 價格漲勢擴大

The price of Avalanche (AVAX), the core native asset of the eponymous blockchain network, set a new local high at $44 on major spot exchanges today, Dec. 16, 2023. Last time AVAX was so expensive on May 8, 2022, before the ecosystem of Terra/Luna collapsed. As such, today marks an 83-week high for the AVAX price.

今天,即2023 年12 月16 日,同名區塊鏈網路的核心原生資產Avalanche (AVAX) 的價格在主要現貨交易所創下了44 美元的本地新高。上一次AVAX 如此昂貴是在2022 年5 月8日,之前Terra/Luna 的生態系統崩潰了。因此,今天 AVAX 價格創下 83 週新高。

AVAX price jumps to highest since early May, 2022Image via CoinMarketCap

圖片來自 CoinMarketCap

Last week, AVAX became the fastest-growing altcoin in the top 20 of the largest assets; in the top 30 of CoinMarketCap it was only surpassed by Internet Computer (ICP).

上週,AVAX 成為前 20 名最大資產中成長最快的山寨幣;在 CoinMarketCap 的前 30 名中,僅被網路電腦 (ICP) 超越。

In the last 24 hours, $4.88 million of AVAX positions, mostly shorts, were liquidated. The largest single liquidation was registered on OKX in an AVAX-USDT short and exceeded $128,000 in equivalent.

在過去 24 小時內,價值 488 萬美元的 AVAX 頭寸(其中大部分是空頭)被清算。 OKX 上最大的單筆清算是 AVAX-USDT 空頭交易,金額超過 128,000 美元。

In the last two months, the total value locked (TVL) in Avalanche-based decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols almost doubled: It soared from $487 million to $949 million. Benqi, Trader Joe, Aave and GMX are the largest and fastest-growing DeFis in the ecosystem.

在過去兩個月中,基於 Avalanche 的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 協議的鎖定總價值 (TVL) 幾乎翻了一番:從 4.87 億美元飆升至 9.49 億美元。 Benqi、Trader Joe、Aave 和 GMX 是生態系統中規模最大、成長最快的 DeFi。

As covered by U.Today previously, two weeks ago, on Dec. 1, Avalanche (AVAX) C-chain also registered an all-time high in transactional activity.

正如 U.Today 先前報導的那樣,兩週前的 12 月 1 日,Avalanche (AVAX) C 鏈的交易活動也創下了歷史新高。

社群顯示 Avalanche (AVAX) 最熱門的產業

Analysts are attributing this upsurge to a spark of interest in the real-world asset tokenization segment. Avalanche (AVAX) is promoted as one of the leaders on this sphere.

分析師將這種熱潮歸因於人們對現實世界資產代幣化領域的興趣的火花。 Avalanche (AVAX) 被提升為該領域的領導者之一。

Besides RWAs, Avalanche (AVAX) enthusiasts indicated some other focuses of its ecosystem. Pseudonymous cryptocurrency analyst and educationist @crypthoem, author of Seven C Newsletter on crypto, sees GameFi, RWAs and meme coins as the most promising spheres of Avalanche's (AVAX) dApps scene.

除了 RWA 之外,Avalanche (AVAX) 愛好者還指出了其生態系統的其他一些重點。化名加密貨幣分析師和教育家 @crypthoem,《Seven C Newsletter》的作者,加密貨幣領域的作者,將 GameFi、RWA 和 Meme 幣視為 Avalanche (AVAX) dApp 場景中最有前途的領域。

Avalanche $AVAX has soared 300% in less than 3 months, but it’s just started.I believe generational wealth is waiting to be found on this chain with their:- Ecosystem- Airdrops- Memes- TechHere’s how you find it (mega thread): 🧵👇 pic.twitter.com/eqglLzdmwc

Avalanche $AVAX 在不到3 個月的時間裡飆升了300%,但這才剛開始。我相信世代財富正等待著在這條鏈上被發現,他們的:- 生態系統- 空投- Memes- 技術這裡是你如何找到它的(超級線程): 🧵👇 pic.twitter.com/eqglLzdmwc

— hoeem (@crypthoem) December 15, 2023

- hoeem (@crypthoem) 2023 年 12 月 15 日

Avalanche (AVAX) meme coin Akita Inu (AKITA) is among the best-performing Avalanche altcoins with 17% overnight growth.

雪崩 (AVAX) 模因幣秋田犬 (AKITA) 是表現最好的雪崩山寨幣之一,隔夜成長率為 17%。


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