首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Avalanche (AVAX) 價格暴跌 20% 狗狗幣,DEX 交易者受益

Avalanche (AVAX) Price Shoots 20% Toppling Dogecoin, DEX Traders Benefit

Avalanche (AVAX) 價格暴跌 20% 狗狗幣,DEX 交易者受益

發布: 2023/12/12 18:07 閱讀: 769



Avalanche (AVAX) 價格暴跌 20% 狗狗幣,DEX 交易者受益

In a massive rally over the last week, Avalanche’s native cryptocurrency AVAX has shot up by another 20% in the last 24 hours, shooting to $42, and unseating Dogecoin as the ninth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap. With this move, Avalanche has extended its weekly gains to a staggering 85%, and the best among the top ten cryptocurrencies.

在上週的大幅上漲中,Avalanche 的原生加密貨幣 AVAX 在過去 24 小時內又上漲了 20%,達到 42 美元,取代狗狗幣成為市值第九大加密貨幣。透過這項舉措,Avalanche 將其每週漲幅擴大到驚人的 85%,在十大加密貨幣中表現最佳。

Avalanche DEX Traders on A Frenzy

Avalanche DEX 交易者瘋狂

DeFiLlama data reveals noteworthy developments in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, specifically related to Avalanche’s leading decentralized exchange (DEX), Trader Joe. On December 11, Trader Joe’s fee capture soared to $1.23 million, marking the second-highest figure for the year.

DeFiLlama 數據揭示了去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域的值得注意的發展,特別是與 Avalanche 領先的去中心化交易所 (DEX) Trader Joe 有關。 12 月 11 日,Trader Joe 的手續費收入飆升至 123 萬美元,創下年內第二高數字。

Additionally, the platform’s revenue reached $145,000, reflecting a significant milestone. The past 24 hours have seen a remarkable surge in AVAX, the native token of Avalanche, exceeding 20% and surpassing the $40 mark.

此外,該平台的收入達到 145,000 美元,這是一個重要的里程碑。在過去的 24 小時內,Avalanche 的原生代幣 AVAX 大幅飆升,漲幅超過 20%,突破 40 美元大關。

This surge propelled AVAX into the top ten in market capitalization, reaching its highest point since May 2022. Simultaneously, Trader Joe’s native token, JOE, experienced a gain of over 9%.

這一飆升推動 AVAX 躋身市值前十,達到 2022 年 5 月以來的最高點。與此同時,Trader Joe 的原生代幣 JOE 漲幅超過 9%。

Large AVAX Transactions and Validator Support

大型 AVAX 交易和驗證器支持

AVAX has showcased remarkable outperformance compared to other prominent altcoins, drawing bullish sentiments from various cryptocurrency analysts. Analysis provided by IntoTheBlock highlights a noteworthy trend in the increasing number of substantial AVAX transactions.

與其他著名的山寨幣相比,AVAX 展現了顯著的優異表現,吸引了許多加密貨幣分析師的看漲情緒。 IntoTheBlock 提供的分析凸顯了 AVAX 大量交易數量不斷增加的值得注意趨勢。

Last week, the figures peaked at nearly 1,000 transactions surpassing $100,000. Although these levels are not yet comparable to those observed in the previous bull market, they are viewed as a positive indicator for bullish market sentiments.

上週,這一數字達到頂峰,有近 1,000 筆交易超過 10 萬美元。儘管這些水平尚無法與先前牛市中觀察到的水平相比較,但它們被視為看漲市場情緒的積極指標。

Furthermore, Avalanche has generated significant attention by implementing a strategic initiative to heavily incentivize validators, resulting in a notable uptick in its market value.

此外,Avalanche 透過實施一項大力激勵驗證者的策略性舉措而引起了廣泛關注,導致其市場價值顯著上升。

As of December 7, this fourth-generation proof-of-stake blockchain has dedicated over $275 million in AVAX to reward its validators over the past year, a substantial contrast to its earnings of $11.5 million in user fees.

截至 12 月 7 日,這個第四代權益證明區塊鏈在過去一年中已投入超過 2.75 億美元的 AVAX 來獎勵其驗證者,這與其 1,150 萬美元的用戶費用收入形成鮮明對比。

This proactive approach, aimed at ensuring efficient transaction confirmations, underscores Avalanche’s dedication to maintaining a resilient and decentralized network.

這種積極主動的方法旨在確保高效的交易確認,突顯了 Avalanche 致力於維護彈性和去中心化網路的決心。

The financial implications of Avalanche’s validator incentives have sparked discussions and enthusiasm within the AVAX community, giving rise to speculation about the potential price trajectory of AVAX as we approach the conclusion of 2023. The next major price resistance for Avalanche (AVAX) is at $53, another 25% from the current levels.

Avalanche 驗證者激勵措施的財務影響引發了 AVAX 社群內的討論和熱情,隨著 2023 年臨近,引發了對 AVAX 潛在價格軌蹟的猜測。Avalanche (AVAX) 的下一個主要價格阻力位是 53 美元,在在目前水準的基礎上再降低25%。

The post Avalanche (AVAX) Price Shoots 20% Toppling Dogecoin, DEX Traders Benefit appeared first on CoinGape.

Avalanche (AVAX) 價格暴跌 20%,狗狗幣、DEX 交易者福利首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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