首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣 ETF 交易達到 111B 美元里程碑,狗狗幣競爭對手為輝煌的一年做好準備

$111B Milestone for Bitcoin ETF Trading, Dogecoin Competitor Gears Up for Stellar Year

比特幣 ETF 交易達到 111B 美元里程碑,狗狗幣競爭對手為輝煌的一年做好準備

發布: 2024/04/07 16:49 閱讀: 927



比特幣 ETF 交易達到 111B 美元里程碑,狗狗幣競爭對手為輝煌的一年做好準備

The tides are changing in the world of cryptocurrency. In March 2024, spot Bitcoin ETFs (exchange-traded funds) witnessed a monumental surge in trading volume, reaching a staggering $111 billion. This nearly triples the February figure, which itself marked the first full month of trading after their January launch. This dramatic rise suggests a growing institutional interest in Bitcoin, potentially propelling it further into the mainstream financial landscape and solidifying its position as one of the best cryptocurrencies.

加密貨幣世界的趨勢正在改變。 2024 年 3 月,現貨比特幣 ETF(交易所交易基金)交易量大幅飆升,達到驚人的 1,110 億美元。這幾乎是 2 月數字的三倍,而 2 月本身就是 1 月推出後第一個完整交易月。這種急劇上升表明機構對比特幣的興趣日益濃厚,有可能推動其進一步進入主流金融領域,並鞏固其作為最佳加密貨幣之一的地位。

While Bitcoin remains the undisputed king of cryptocurrencies, there’s a constant rumble in the altcoin arena. Dogecoin, the meme-inspired token that took the internet by storm, has seen its dominance challenged by a new contender: Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ).




Rebel Satoshi: A Feisty Competitor in the Best Memecoin Arena

叛逆中本聰:最佳 Memecoin 競技場中的活躍競爭對手

Unlike Dogecoin, which started as a lighthearted joke, Rebel Satoshi boasts a more robust ecosystem built on the foundation of the $RBLZ token (ERC-20). This token empowers users to become “Recusants,” granting them exclusive access to a vibrant community, NFT collections, voting rights on the project’s future, and the chance to snag some sweet discounts on merchandise.

與最初只是一個輕鬆笑話的狗狗幣不同,Rebel Satoshi 擁有一個建立在 $RBLZ 代幣(ERC-20)基礎上的更強大的生態系統。該代幣使用戶能夠成為“反對者”,讓他們能夠獨家訪問充滿活力的社區、NFT 系列、對該項目未來的投票權,以及獲得一些商品折扣的機會。

But $RBLZ is more than just a membership card in this potential best memecoin. It serves as a gateway to a world of exciting experiences. Holders can stake their tokens to earn rewards, participate in thrilling quests, and be a part of a movement that celebrates the spirit of rebellion against centralized power structures.

但在這個潛在的最佳迷因幣中,$RBLZ 不僅僅是一張會員卡。它是通往令人興奮的體驗世界的門戶。持有者可以質押他們的代幣來賺取獎勵,參與激動人心的任務,並成為慶祝反抗集權權力結構精神的運動的一部分。

Rebel Satoshi’s unique NFT collection further amplifies this rebellious spirit. These 9,999 one-of-a-kind digital artworks showcase iconic figures like Rebel Satoshi himself, Rac Catesby, and the intriguing Wintour family. Owning an NFT grants holders a chance to etch their names in the prestigious Rebel Meme Hall of Fame, solidifying their place in the community’s history.

Rebel Satoshi 獨特的 NFT 系列進一步放大了這種叛逆精神。這 9,999 幅獨特的數位藝術作品展示了 Rebel Satoshi 本人、Rac Catesby 以及有趣的 Wintour 家族等標誌性人物。擁有 NFT 使持有者有機會在著名的 Rebel Meme 名人堂中銘刻自己的名字,鞏固他們在社區歷史中的地位。



A Multi-Layered Ecosystem for Growth within the Top Altcoins


While $RBLZ fuels the governance and membership side of things, Rebel Satoshi has another token up its sleeve: $RECQ, the native arcade token. This transactional token is the lifeblood of the upcoming Rebel Satoshi Arcade, a platform brimming with fun-filled Play-to-Earn games. Here, $RECQ will be used for in-game purchases, acquiring exclusive skins and tools, and paying fees. Think of it as the fuel that keeps the arcade’s engine roaring, potentially making Rebel Satoshi a frontrunner among top altcoins.

雖然 $RBLZ 推動了治理和會員方面的發展,但 Rebel Satoshi 還有另一個代幣:$RECQ,原生街機代幣。這款交易代幣是即將推出的 Rebel Satoshi Arcade 的命脈,這是一個充滿樂趣的 Play-to-Earn 遊戲平台。在這裡,$RECQ 將用於遊戲內購買、獲取專屬皮膚和工具以及支付費用。將其視為保持街機引擎運轉的燃料,有可能使 Rebel Satoshi 成為頂級山寨幣的領跑者。

The team behind Rebel Satoshi understands the importance of a sustainable economic model. A portion of the collected fees from $RECQ transactions will be used to buy back tokens and redistribute them as rewards within the ecosystem, further incentivizing user participation and growth.

Rebel Satoshi 背後的團隊了解永續經濟模式的重要性。從 $RECQ 交易中收取的部分費用將用於回購代幣並將其作為生態系統內的獎勵重新分配,進一步激勵用戶參與和成長。

The presale for $RECQ has already garnered significant interest, with over 321 million tokens sold in stage 1 alone. The price is on an upward trajectory, increasing with each stage, making this an opportune moment for investors seeking the next best cryptocurrency.

$RECQ 的預售已經引起了極大的興趣,僅第一階段就售出了超過 3.21 億枚代幣。價格處於上升軌道,隨著每個階段的增加而增加,這對於尋求下一個最佳加密貨幣的投資者來說是一個絕佳的時機。



A Stellar Year for Rebel Satoshi and the Future of Decentralized Finance


The impressive growth of spot Bitcoin ETFs and the rising popularity of Rebel Satoshi paint a promising picture for the future of cryptocurrency. As Bitcoin gains traction with institutional investors, projects like Rebel Satoshi attract passionate communities seeking financial gain, a sense of belonging, and the thrill of being part of a revolutionary movement.

現貨比特幣 ETF 的令人印象深刻的增長和反叛中本聰的日益受歡迎為加密貨幣的未來描繪了一幅充滿希望的圖景。隨著比特幣越來越受到機構投資者的青睞,像 Rebel Satoshi 這樣的計畫吸引了熱情的社區,尋求經濟收益、歸屬感以及成為革命運動一部分的興奮感。

With its robust tokenomics, engaging NFT collection, and the upcoming launch of the Rebel Satoshi Arcade, Rebel Satoshi is poised for a stellar year. Whether it dethrones Dogecoin as the reigning memecoin king remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: Rebel Satoshi is here to shake things up in the crypto world, and investors looking for the next top altcoin (or best memecoin!) would be wise to keep a close eye on its progress.

憑藉其強大的代幣經濟、引人入勝的 NFT 系列以及即將推出的 Rebel Satoshi Arcade,Rebel Satoshi 有望迎來輝煌的一年。它是否會取代狗狗幣成為迷因幣之王,還有待觀察,但有一點是肯定的:叛逆中本聰將撼動加密世界,尋找下一個頂級山寨幣(或最好的模因幣!)的投資者將是明智之舉密切關注其進展。

This explosion of activity across the crypto spectrum, from established players like Bitcoin to exciting newcomers like Rebel Satoshi, highlights this technology’s immense potential. As the lines between traditional finance and cryptocurrency continue to blur, one thing is certain: finance’s future is becoming increasingly decentralized, and innovative projects like Rebel Satoshi are leading the charge.

從比特幣等老牌參與者到 Rebel Satoshi 等令人興奮的新參與者,整個加密領域的活動爆炸式增長,凸顯了這項技術的巨大潛力。隨著傳統金融和加密貨幣之間的界線不斷模糊,有一點是確定的:金融的未來正變得越來越去中心化,而像 Rebel Satoshi 這樣的創新計畫正在引領這一潮流。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

The post $111B Milestone for Bitcoin ETF Trading, Dogecoin Competitor Gears Up for Stellar Year appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

比特幣 ETF 交易的 111B 美元里程碑事件、狗狗幣競爭對手為恆星年做好準備首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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