首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE、WIF 成為當今表現最佳的貨幣,BTC 目標為 7 萬美元(週末觀察)

DOGE, WIF Emerge as Today’s Top Performers, BTC Aims at $70K (Weekend Watch)

DOGE、WIF 成為當今表現最佳的貨幣,BTC 目標為 7 萬美元(週末觀察)

發布: 2024/04/07 14:49 閱讀: 221



The weekend is going quite favorably for Bitcoin as its price has kept climbing and went to a 5-day peak of just under $70,000.

週末對比特幣來說非常有利,因為其價格不斷攀升,並達到近 70,000 美元的 5 天高峰。

Most altcoins are also slightly in the green, with ETH nearing $3,400 and BNB closing down to $600.

大多數山寨幣也小幅上漲,ETH 接近 3,400 美元,BNB 收盤跌至 600 美元。

BTC Goes After $70K

BTC 追求 7 萬美元

Last weekend was also quite positive for BTC as the asset stood primarily around $70,000 and even challenged $71,000 on Sunday evening. However, the bears stepped up at this point and pushed Bitcoin south hard.

上週末對 BTC 來說也相當積極,因為該資產主要維持在 70,000 美元左右,甚至在周日晚上挑戰 71,000 美元。然而,空頭此時站了出來,大力推動比特幣下跌。

This resulted in a price drop to $68,500 on Monday and an even more violent decline to under $66,000 on Tuesday. They kept the pressure piling, and BTC slipped to a ten-day low of under $64,500 on Wednesday.

這導致周一價格跌至 68,500 美元,週二跌幅更猛烈至 66,000 美元以下。他們繼續施加壓力,週三 BTC 跌至 64,500 美元以下的十天低點。

The bulls finally awakened at this point and initiated an impressive leg-up that resulted in BTC briefly exceeding $69,000. Another rejection followed that drove the cryptocurrency down to $66,000 on Friday.

多頭終於在此時覺醒,並開始了令人印象深刻的上漲,導致 BTC 短暫突破 69,000 美元。隨後的另一次拒絕導致該加密貨幣在周五跌至 66,000 美元。

As mentioned above, though, the weekend has been a lot more positive. Bitcoin recovered some ground yesterday and stood at around $67,000-$68,000. Another jump came earlier today when BTC went as high as $69,800 amid increased whale activity.

不過,如同上面提到的,週末的情況要正面得多。比特幣昨天收復了一些失地,並維持在 67,000 美元至 68,000 美元左右。今天早些時候,隨著鯨魚活動的增加,比特幣價格再次上漲至 69,800 美元。

Its market cap now stands at $1.365 trillion on CG, and its dominance over the alts has stalled at 50.3%.

目前,其 CG 市值為 1.365 兆美元,相對於其他市場的主導地位已停滯在 50.3%。

WIF, DOGE on a Roll


The two best performers from the larger-cap alts are Dogecoin and dogwifhat. The OG meme coin has soared by almost 9% in a day and has neared $0.2. Recall that there have been numerous predictions that DOGE will soar to $1 during this bull cycle.

大盤替代品中表現最好的兩個是狗狗幣和dogwifhat。 OG meme 幣一天內飆升近 9%,已接近 0.2 美元。回想一下,有許多預測表明 DOGE 將在本次牛市週期中飆升至 1 美元。

WIF has skyrocketed by 12% in a day and sits at $3.7. MNT follows suit with a 6% increase that has pushed it to $1.4.

WIF 在一天內飆升了 12%,目前價格為 3.7 美元。 MNT 緊隨其後,上漲了 6%,將其推至 1.4 美元。

The rest of the larger-cap alts are also in the green, albeit in a more modest fashion. ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, ADA, and TON have all added around 1-2% in a day. More gains come from the likes of Avax (4.4%), SHIB (3.5%), and UNI (3%).

其餘的大盤股也都是綠色的,儘管方式較為溫和。 ETH、BNB、SOL、XRP、ADA 和 TON 一天內均上漲了 1-2% 左右。更多收益來自 Avax (4.4%)、SHIB (3.5%) 和 UNI (3%) 等公司。

The total crypto market cap has reclaimed the $2.7 trillion level after a $40 billion increase in a day.

加密貨幣總市值在一天內增加 400 億美元後已恢復至 2.7 兆美元水準。

The post DOGE, WIF Emerge as Today’s Top Performers, BTC Aims at $70K (Weekend Watch) appeared first on CryptoPotato.

DOGE、WIF 成為今日表現最佳者,BTC 目標為 7 萬美元(週末觀察)的文章首先出現在 CryptoPotato 上。


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