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Bancor (BNT) Market Cap Triples in 4 Days – Analyst Reveals the Catalyst

Bancor (BNT) 市值在 4 天內成長兩倍 – 分析師揭示催化劑

發布: 2023/11/13 18:50 閱讀: 803



The decentralized liquidity protocol Bancor (BNT) has staged a remarkable comeback in recent days, with its market capitalization more than tripling over the past four days. This massive surge appears to be driven by significant accumulations from whales and other large holders.

去中心化流動性協議 Bancor (BNT) 最近幾天出現了驚人的反彈,其市值在過去四天內增長了兩倍多。這種大規模的激增似乎是由鯨魚和其他大型持有者的大量積累所推動的。

Bancor pulled off one of the most stunning rallies of 2023 so far, with its BNT token jumping by 139%. This resulted in Bancor’s market cap exploding to $115 million, a 3 fold jump in just four days.

Bancor 完成了 2023 年迄今為止最驚人的上漲之一,其 BNT 代幣上漲了 139%。這導致 Bancor 的市值激增至 1.15 億美元,在短短四天內增長了 3 倍。

Source: Santiment – Start using it today

來源:Santiment – 從今天開始使用

According to on-chain analytics provider Santiment, the build-up to this rally was evident for weeks beforehand. Their data showed the number of BNT wallets holding balances between 10,000 to 100,000 BNT had steadily accumulated since late October. These “sharks and whales” were hinting at the spike to come.

根據鏈上分析提供者 Santiment 的說法,這次反彈的累積在幾週前就已經很明顯了。他們的數據顯示,自 10 月底以來,持有 10,000 至 100,000 BNT 餘額的 BNT 錢包數量一直在穩步累積。這些「鯊魚和鯨魚」暗示著即將到來的高峰。

Overall, BNT holders have been accumulating heavily as well, with Santiment noting that BNT holdings across the network were the highest they had been in 8 months. This return of strong conviction from both small and large holders paved the way for the upside breakout.

總體而言,BNT 持有者也在大量增持,Santiment 指出,整個網路上的 BNT 持有量達到了 8 個月以來的最高水準。小股東和大股東的強烈信念的回歸為上行突破鋪平了道路。

Bancor v3, a significant upgrade focused on enhanced liquidity and pricing, also recently went live. The success of the well-executed launch likely improved investor sentiment around the project.

Bancor v3 是一項專注於增強流動性和定價的重大升級,最近也上線了。順利啟動的成功可能會改善投資者對該專案的信心。

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The on-chain insights make it clear Bancor’s powerful rally was not a random pump. Targeted accumulation by “smart money” holders provided the fuel for BNT’s meteoric rise once upside momentum kicked in. Savvy traders will closely watch for similar patterns in other altcoins that could signal the next breakout.

鏈上洞察清楚地表明,Bancor 的強勁反彈並非隨機上漲。一旦上行勢頭啟動,「聰明的錢」持有者的有針對性的積累就為BNT 的迅速上漲提供了動力。精明的交易者將密切關注其他山寨幣的類似模式,這些模式可能預示著下一次突破。

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The post Bancor (BNT) Market Cap Triples in 4 Days – Analyst Reveals the Catalyst appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Bancor (BNT) 市值在 4 天內翻了三倍——分析師揭示了催化劑,該文章首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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