首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE 月亮日期揭曉,10 億狗狗幣轉移至神秘錢包

1 Billion Dogecoin Transferred to Mystery Wallet as DOGE Moon Date Revealed

DOGE 月亮日期揭曉,10 億狗狗幣轉移至神秘錢包

發布: 2024/01/09 21:32 閱讀: 370



DOGE 月亮日期揭曉,10 億狗狗幣轉移至神秘錢包

In a stunning turn of events in the crypto space, almost one billion Dogecoin (DOGE) have been shifted from the largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, to an enigmatic wallet, per reports from WhaleAlert. At the current market value, this massive transfer is estimated to be a staggering $78.85 million.

根據 WhaleAlert 報道,加密貨幣領域發生了令人震驚的事件,近 10 億狗狗幣 (DOGE) 已從最大的加密貨幣交易所幣安轉移到了一個神秘的錢包。按照目前的市場價值,這筆巨額轉會估計達到驚人的7,885萬美元。

What adds intrigue to this transfer is the swift movement of 18.5 million DOGE from the mystery wallet to another address immediately after receiving the colossal amount. This is not the first time such a significant sum of Dogecoins has landed in this particular wallet. A similar transaction took place on Dec. 26 last year, with the tokens subsequently dispersed across multiple unknown addresses in three separate transactions.

令這次轉帳更有趣的是,在收到巨額金額後,1850 萬枚 DOGE 立即從神秘錢包迅速轉移到另一個地址。這並不是第一次有如此大筆的狗狗幣進入這個特定的錢包。去年 12 月 26 日發生了類似的交易,代幣隨後透過三筆單獨的交易分散到多個未知地址。

🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 999,999,999 #DOGE (78,851,155 USD) transferred from #Binance to unknown wallethttps://t.co/JeOL3Q1KQj

🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 999,999,999 #DOGE(78,851,155 美元)從#Binance 轉移到未知錢包https://t.co/JeOL3Q1KQj

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) January 9, 2024

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 1 月 9 日

Details about the mysterious wallet remain scarce, but recent activity reveals its initial balance change just two weeks ago, at the close of December. During this brief period, the wallet amassed a whopping 2.215 billion DOGE, equivalent to a staggering $194.3 million. Simultaneously, a hefty 1.23 billion DOGE, translating to $106.46 million, was withdrawn, leaving the wallet with a current balance of 981.45 million DOGE, valued at $77.69 million.

關於這個神秘錢包的細節仍然很少,但最近的活動揭示了其最初的餘額變化就在兩週前,即 12 月底。在這段短暫的時間內,錢包累積了高達 22.15 億個 DOGE,相當於驚人的 1.943 億美元。同時,12.3 億 DOGE(約 1.0646 億美元)被撤出,錢包目前餘額為 9.8145 億 DOGE,價值 7,769 萬美元。

Dogecoin to the moon


Curiously, the timing of this transfer aligns with another significant event in the Dogecoin ecosystem. Just hours before, 332.93 million DOGE, equivalent to $26.6 million, was moved from an undisclosed wallet to Binance.

奇怪的是,這次轉移的時間與狗狗幣生態系統中的另一個重大事件一致。就在幾個小時前,3.3293 億個 DOGE(相當於 2,660 萬美元)從一個未公開的錢包轉移到了幣安。

The intrigue deepens as both transfers unfolded a day after Dogecoin, alongside Bitcoin, embarked on an extraordinary lunar journey aboard the Vulcan rocket. The rocket carries the private lunar landing module Peregrine, set for a two-and-a-half-week journey to lunar orbit, with an ambitious lunar surface landing scheduled for Feb. 23.

狗狗幣與比特幣一起乘坐火神火箭踏上非凡的月球之旅的第二天,隨著這兩筆轉帳的展開,人們的好奇心進一步加深。這艘火箭搭載私人登月艙“遊隼”,將進行為期兩周半的月球軌道之旅,並計劃於 2 月 23 日進行一次雄心勃勃的月球表面登陸。


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