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Dogecoin Founder Comments on Bitcoin (BTC) Topping $47,000

狗狗幣創始人對比特幣 (BTC) 突破 47,000 美元的評論

發布: 2024/01/09 21:05 閱讀: 986



狗狗幣創始人對比特幣 (BTC) 突破 47,000 美元的評論

Billy Markus, who created the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin together with Jackson Palmer, is a frequent user of X/Twitter and is a respectable figure within the cryptocurrency community.

比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 與傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 一起創建了最初的模因加密貨幣狗狗幣(Dogecoin),他是X/Twitter 的頻繁用戶,也是加密貨幣社區中值得尊敬的人物。

Today, he published a tweet, discussing reasons why the Bitcoin price can rise and fall. It was published after the world’s leading cryptocurrency skyrocketed by more than 9% and broke above the $47,000 level. On Twitter, Markus writes content under the pseudonym “Shibetoshi Nakamoto.”

今天,他發布了一條推文,討論了比特幣價格上漲和下跌的原因。該報告是在全球領先的加密貨幣飆升超過 9% 並突破 47,000 美元大關後發布的。在 Twitter 上,馬庫斯以筆名「Shibetoshi Nakamoto」撰寫內容。

Billy Markus talks about Bitcoin price


Markus is known on Twitter for his skepticism toward cryptocurrency investment and trading crypto. In April last year, in one of his tweets, he likened investing in crypto to “just investing in mental illness.” As for those who invest in non-fungible tokens (NFTs), he commented “NFTs are a crypto derivative. So it’s like even more mentally ill.”

馬庫斯在推特上因對加密貨幣投資和加密貨幣交易持懷疑態度而聞名。去年 4 月,他在一條推文中將投資加密貨幣比作「投資精神疾病」。對於那些投資不可替代代幣(NFT)的人,他評論道:「NFT 是一種加密貨幣衍生品。所以這更像是精神病。”

Today, Billy Markus posted a tweet about a “frequently asked question” about Bitcoin. The tweet states that Bitcoin goes up “after you sell” and it goes down “after you buy.” He did not consider any other reasons or factors here; therefore, it seems Markus does not believe in either fundamental or technical analysis of the cryptocurrency market. Or, he simply believes that the majority of traders do not know why Bitcoin rises or falls.

今天,比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus)發布了一條關於比特幣「常見問題」的推文。該推文指出,比特幣「在你賣出後」會上漲,而「在你買入後」會下跌。他在這裡沒有考慮任何其他原因或因素;因此,馬庫斯似乎不相信加密貨幣市場的基本面或技術分析。或者,他只是認為大多數交易者不知道比特幣為何會上漲或下跌。

FAQQ: when will bitcoin go up?A: after you sellQ: when will bitcoin go down?A: after you buy

FAQQ: 比特幣什麼時候會上漲?A: 賣出後Q: 比特幣什麼時候會下跌?A: 買入後

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 8, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 8 日

Bitcoin smashes $47,000 ahead of possible ETF approval

在 ETF 可能獲得批准之前,比特幣價格已突破 47,000 美元

Earlier today, the world’s flagship cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, skyrocketed by a massive 8.93%, smashing $47,000 and ending up at the $47,201 level. A small correction followed this explosive rise, taking Bitcoin down 1.71% to the $46,461 level, at which it is changing hands at the time of this writing.

今天早些時候,全球旗艦加密貨幣比特幣暴漲 8.93%,突破 47,000 美元,最終達到 47,201 美元的水平。在這次爆炸性上漲之後,比特幣出現了小幅回調,下跌 1.71%,至 46,461 美元的水平,在撰寫本文時,比特幣正在易手。

Bitcoin thus settled a new high at the start of 2024 not seen since April last year.

比特幣因此在 2024 年初創下了自去年 4 月以來的新高。

The main trigger behind the staggering and sudden price increase is the hype around the spot Bitcoin ETF, which is expected tomorrow, Jan. 10, from the Securities and Exchange Commission regulator.

價格驚人和突然上漲背後的主要觸發因素是圍繞現貨比特幣 ETF 的炒作,美國證券交易委員會監管機構預計將於明天(1 月 10 日)推出比特幣 ETF。

Eleven major Wall Street companies are awaiting a decision on their ETF filings, which have been updated several times based on the SEC’s demands by now. Should the spot Bitcoin ETF get approved, billions of U.S. dollars are expected to inflow into Bitcoin, and its price is expected to surge to a new all-time high.

華爾街 11 家主要公司正在等待其 ETF 申請的決定,目前該申請已根據 SEC 的要求進行了多次更新。如果現貨比特幣ETF獲得批准,預計將有數十億美元流入比特幣,其價格有望飆升至歷史新高。


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