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Dogecoin Whale Transactions Stir Investor Attention


發布: 2024/01/09 21:05 閱讀: 972



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您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:狗狗幣鯨魚交易引起投資者關注

The largest meme coin by volume in the cryptocurrency world, Dogecoin, has once again turned all investors’ attention to the altcoin due to a series of whale transactions. What’s more interesting is that these transfers coincided with a period when a positive sentiment emerged due to the price increase the token was experiencing. Despite multiple whale transactions, the withdrawal of 999 million DOGE from exchanges in recent minutes has caught the attention of all investors.

加密貨幣世界中成交量最大的迷因幣——狗狗幣,由於一系列的鯨魚交易,再次將所有投資者的注意力轉向了山寨幣。更有趣的是,這些轉移恰逢由於代幣價格上漲而出現正面情緒的時期。儘管出現了多起鯨魚交易,但近幾分鐘內從交易所撤出 9.99 億枚 DOGE 引起了所有投資者的注意。

DOGE Whale Transfers


According to data provided by Whale Alert, known for tracking whale transactions in cryptocurrencies, three notable whale transactions occurred on the morning of Tuesday, January 9th. As a result of these transactions, a total of 545.12 million DOGE were moved, which also sparked rumors during the day.

根據以追蹤加密貨幣鯨魚交易而聞名的 Whale Alert 提供的數據,三起值得注意的鯨魚交易發生在 1 月 9 日星期二上午。這些交易的結果是,總共轉移了 5.4512 億枚 DOGE,這也引發了當天的謠言。

The first transaction that particularly caught the attention of cryptocurrency investors was the transfer of 78.05 million DOGE, valued at $6.29 million, from an unknown wallet to the Robinhood exchange.

第一筆特別引起加密貨幣投資者關注的交易是將 7,805 萬枚 DOGE(價值 629 萬美元)從未知錢包轉移到 Robinhood 交易所。

On the other hand, another noteworthy transaction took place. In this transaction, 134.14 million DOGE worth $10.84 million were transferred from Robinhood to an unknown wallet.

另一方面,另一樁值得注意的交易發生了。在這筆交易中,價值 1084 萬美元的 1.3414 億個 DOGE 從 Robinhood 轉移到了一個未知的錢包。

In the third transaction of the morning, 332.93 million DOGE valued at $26.61 million were sent to Binance, the world’s largest exchange by volume.


In recent minutes, another whale transaction occurred, and this time the whales made a historic move. 999,999,999 DOGE, valued at over $78 million, were suddenly withdrawn from the Binance exchange and sent to an unknown wallet.

最近幾分鐘,又發生了鯨魚交易,這次鯨魚做出了歷史性的舉動。價值超過 7800 萬美元的 999,999,999 DOGE 突然從幣安交易所提取並發送到一個未知的錢包。

Generally, such withdrawal transactions from exchanges are interpreted as whales accumulating in anticipation of a possible rise. Currently, the entire cryptocurrency world is curious about the outcome of this transaction.


Dogecoin Price Swings


As of the time of writing, the price of Dogecoin has risen by 0.80% in the last 24 hours to $0.0792, reflecting the effects of the whale transactions. More importantly, this price increase was accompanied by an increase in market value, with the token’s market value reaching $11.29 billion after a 0.70% increase.

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣的價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 0.80% 至 0.0792 美元,反映了鯨魚交易的影響。更重要的是,此次價格上漲伴隨著市值的上漲,該代幣市值在上漲0.70%後達到112.9億美元。

Despite today’s rise, the meme coin’s price continues to worry investors with its decline on a weekly and monthly basis. A 14% drop is noticeable in a 7-day price review, while a drop of over 20% is seen in the monthly review.

儘管今天有所上漲,但模因幣的價格仍因每周和每月的下跌而令投資者感到擔憂。 7天價格回顧中,下降了14%,而月回顧中,下降幅度超過20%。

Another significant point is that even on a day when 1 billion DOGE were moved, there was a drop of over 20% in the 24-hour trading volume. This situation might indicate that investors are hesitant to invest, possibly due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the decision on the spot Bitcoin ETF.

另一個重要的一點是,即使在轉移10億DOGE的那一天,24小時交易量也下降了20%以上。這種情況可能表明投資者對投資猶豫不決,可能是由於現貨比特幣 ETF 的決定持續存在不確定性。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Whale Transactions Stir Investor Attention

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:狗狗幣鯨魚交易引起投資者關注


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