首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Lista Megadrop 慘敗後,幣安禁止空投獵人,發生了什麼事?

Binance Bans Airdrop Hunters After Lista Megadrop Fiasco, What’s Happening?

Lista Megadrop 慘敗後,幣安禁止空投獵人,發生了什麼事?

發布: 2024/06/26 16:03 閱讀: 267

原文作者:Coingape News Media


Lista Megadrop 慘敗後,幣安禁止空投獵人,發生了什麼事?

Binance Cracks Down on Fraudulent Accounts Following Lista Megadrop

繼 Lista Megadrop 之後,幣安打擊詐欺帳戶

In the wake of a controversial Megadrop event, Binance has taken decisive action against a significant number of fraudulent accounts. This has led to a substantial crackdown on airdrop hunters exploiting the platform.

在備受爭議的 Megadrop 事件發生後,幣安對大量詐欺帳戶採取了果斷行動。這導致了對利用該平台的空投獵人的嚴厲打擊。

The Lista Controversy


The incident unfolded following the distribution of Lista (LISTA) tokens. According to reports, individuals exploited multiple Binance accounts to maximize their rewards from the Lista Megadrop event. After receiving the rewards, these users consolidated the funds into single accounts and sold them.

該事件是在 Lista(LISTA)代幣分發後發生的。據報道,個人利用多個幣安帳戶來最大化 Lista Megadrop 活動的獎勵。這些用戶收到獎勵後,將資金合併到單一帳戶中並出售。

Binance's Response


Binance's terms and conditions for the Megadrop explicitly prohibit malicious behavior, including volume manipulation, bulk registration of small accounts, and self-trading. Binance confirmed the authenticity of these claims, revealing that some individuals had purchased large numbers of KYC-verified accounts in bulk to obtain the Megadrop rewards.

幣安的 Megadrop 條款和條件明確禁止惡意行為,包括交易量操縱、小帳戶大量註冊和自我交易。幣安證實了這些說法的真實性,並透露一些個人批量購買了大量經過 KYC 驗證的帳戶以獲得 Megadrop 獎勵。

"After being flagged by the system's risk control, they attempted to consolidate the funds into one account to evade detection, which triggered another risk control measure, leading to a freeze," Binance explained.




The exchange underscored that several main accounts were banned. Furthermore, it revealed that one account consolidated up to 9,000 KYC-verified accounts. Binance has frozen the assets and demanded refunds from the fraudulent accounts.

該交易所強調,多個主要帳戶已被禁止。此外,它還透露,一個帳戶整合了多達 9,000 個經過 KYC 驗證的帳戶。幣安已凍結這些資產,並要求詐欺帳戶退款。

Binance's move highlights its commitment to maintaining the integrity of its platform and rewarding genuine users. The exchange continues to monitor for and take action against malicious behavior to protect the interests of its users.



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