首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Fantom (FTM) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 創下新紀錄,以太坊接近大幅復甦

Ethereum Nears Big Recovery As Fantom (FTM) and Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) Set New Records

Fantom (FTM) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 創下新紀錄,以太坊接近大幅復甦

發布: 2024/06/26 15:04 閱讀: 643

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


Fantom (FTM) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 創下新紀錄,以太坊接近大幅復甦

Ethereum Poised for Gains; Fantom Accelerates Development; Angry Pepe Fork Emerges as Leader

以太坊蓄勢待發; Fantom 加速開發;憤怒的佩佩福克 (Pepe Fork) 成為領袖

Crypto strategist Jason Pizzino suggests a key indicator, the average true range (ATR), indicates Ethereum (ETH) may be preparing for significant rallies. As ETH consolidates within a triangle structure, its ATR has decreased, signaling a potential breakout.

加密貨幣策略師 Jason Pizzino 提出了一個關鍵指標,即平均真實波動範圍(ATR),表明以太坊(ETH)可能正在為大幅反彈做準備。隨著 ETH 在三角形結構內盤整,其 ATR 下降,預示著潛在的突破。

Based on Pizzino's analysis, Ethereum could witness a sharp price increase, catching unprepared investors off guard. Many experts anticipate ETH could surpass $5,000 before year's end.

根據皮齊諾的分析,以太坊的價格可能會大幅上漲,讓毫無準備的投資者措手不及。許多專家預計 ETH 的價格可能會在年底前突破 5,000 美元。

Fantom Invests Heavily in Development

Fantom 大力投資開發

The Fantom Foundation has committed over $144 million in FTM to support the development of the Sonic blockchain, aimed at accelerating the adoption of dApps and partner applications. Sonic is a high-throughput Layer 1 chain with native Layer 2 chains connected to ETH.

Fantom 基金會已承諾投入超過 1.44 億美元的 FTM 以支持 Sonic 區塊鏈的開發,旨在加速 dApp 和合作夥伴應用程式的採用。 Sonic 是一條高吞吐量的第 1 層鏈,具有連接到 ETH 的本機第 2 層鏈。

Despite its investment, Fantom (FTM) has faced bearish sentiment in recent months, dropping by 30%. Its lack of momentum has led investors to consider other promising projects, including Angry Pepe Fork (APORK).

儘管進行了投資,但 Fantom (FTM) 近幾個月仍面臨看跌情緒,股價下跌 30%。由於缺乏動力,投資者開始考慮其他有前景的項目,包括 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)。

Angry Pepe Fork Gains Traction


Amidst the market downturn, Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) has emerged as a haven for investors seeking gains. Its price has stabilized around $0.014, while other top altcoins have declined.

在市場低迷時期,Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 已成為尋求收益的投資者的避風港。其價格穩定在 0.014 美元左右,而其他頂級山寨幣則有所下跌。

APORK's potential for a 100x price surge has solidified its reputation as a top crypto to watch. Experts believe it may surpass Ethereum and Fantom due to its unique "Conquer to Earn" concept, which aims to eliminate zombie meme coins and reward community members.

APORK 價格飆升 100 倍的潛力鞏固了其作為頂級加密貨幣的聲譽。專家認為,由於其獨特的「征服以賺取」理念,它可能會超越以太坊和 Fantom,該理念旨在消除殭屍 meme 幣並獎勵社區成員。

Active participation in removing zombie coins and promoting APORK as the dominant meme coin earns APORK tokens and badges. Additionally, staking offers earning opportunities, with higher rewards based on staking duration.

積極參與消除殭屍幣並將 APORK 推廣為主導模因幣,即可獲得 APORK 代幣和徽章。此外,質押提供了賺錢機會,根據質押持續時間可以獲得更高的獎勵。



While Ethereum and Fantom face bearish pressure, Angry Pepe Fork has gained prominence due to its innovative concept, earning potential, and growing community support. APORK is now a top altcoin to monitor for the rest of 2024.

雖然以太坊和 Fantom 面臨看跌壓力,但 Angry Pepe Fork 因其創新理念、盈利潛力和不斷增長的社區支持而獲得關注。 APORK 現在是 2024 年剩餘時間值得關注的頂級山寨幣。


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