首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於監管擔憂,幣安決定下架多筆保證金交易對

Binance moves to delist several margin trading pairs amid regulatory concerns


發布: 2023/10/19 18:15 閱讀: 541




In a recent development that has caught the attention of cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide, Binance, the global crypto trading giant, has unveiled plans to delist several margin trade pairs. This move comes on the heels of growing regulatory challenges that the firm is grappling with, especially concerning its fiat-backed stablecoin, BUSD.

最近引起全球加密貨幣愛好者關注的事態發展,全球加密貨幣交易巨頭幣安公佈了下架多個保證金交易對的計劃。此舉是在該公司面臨日益嚴峻的監管挑戰之後做出的,特別是在其法定支持的穩定幣 BUSD 方面。

Binance wave of delisting: What’s on the chopping block?


Binance, in its October 18, 2023, announcement, has divulged plans to phase out several trading pairs by October 26, 2023, at 06:00 UTC. The affected pairs include prominent cryptocurrencies like TRX/BUSD, ATOM/BUSD, and HBAR/BUSD. The list extends to encompass LDO/BUSD and LEVER/BUSD among other margin pairs.

幣安在 2023 年 10 月 18 日的公告中透露,計劃在 2023 年 10 月 26 日 06:00 UTC 之前逐步淘汰多個交易對。受影響的貨幣對包括 TRX/BUSD、ATOM/BUSD 和 HBAR/BUSD 等知名加密貨幣。該清單還包括 LDO/BUSD 和 LEVER/BUSD 以及其他保證金對。

The company’s shift is not only aimed at the cessation of these trading pairs but also includes a halt on isolated margin borrowing of these assets, which is slated to come into effect from October 20, 2023, at 06:00 UTC.

該公司的轉變不僅旨在停止這些交易對,還包括停止這些資產的逐倉保證金借貸,該政策預計於 2023 年 10 月 20 日 06:00 UTC 起生效。

Binance Margin, an arm of the crypto behemoth that specializes in enabling users to borrow funds for margin trading, has further elaborated on the impending actions. The platform disclosed its plan to auto-settle all users’ positions on the affected margin pairs. Additionally, any pending orders on these pairs will be canceled. Despite the setback on these specific pairs, users can still engage in trades involving these assets on other available pairs within the Binance Margin framework.


In light of these developments, Binance has issued a clear advisory to its vast user base. The firm has strongly recommended its users to refrain from updating positions during the transition period. Instead, the best course of action, as suggested by Binance, is for users to shut down their positions and shift their assets from Margin Wallets to the more conventional Spot Wallets. The deadline to heed this advice is before October 26, 2023, at 06:00 UTC.

鑑於這些事態發展,幣安已向其龐大的用戶群發布了明確的建議。該公司強烈建議其用戶在過渡期間不要更新部位。相反,正如幣安建議的那樣,最好的行動方案是讓用戶關閉頭寸並將資產從保證金錢包轉移到更傳統的現貨錢包。聽取此建議的截止日期是 2023 年 10 月 26 日 06:00 UTC 之前。

BUSD controversy: The bigger picture

BUSD 爭議:大局觀

Binance’s move to delist these margin pairs appears to be a part of a broader strategy, given its recent announcement surrounding the cessation of support for BUSD. BUSD, a stablecoin pegged to the dollar, was co-issued by Binance and Paxos. The rationale behind this surprising move can be attributed to the mounting regulatory issues that the firm has encountered in several countries.

鑑於幣安最近宣布停止對 BUSD 的支持,幣安下架這些保證金對的舉措似乎是更廣泛戰略的一部分。 BUSD 是一種與美元掛鉤的穩定幣,由幣安和 Paxos 聯合發行。這一令人驚訝的舉動背後的原因可以歸因於該公司在多個國家遇到的日益嚴重的監管問題。

Regulatory bodies across the globe have been sharpening their focus on cryptocurrency operations, leading to heightened scrutiny. Given this environment, Binance’s decision to pull the plug on support for BUSD is primarily driven by a proactive approach to mitigate potential regulatory risks. Through such measures, Binance aims to uphold the trust of its users and partners, ensuring the sustained and seamless operation of its diverse trading platforms.

全球監管機構一直在加強對加密貨幣營運的關注,從而引發更嚴格的審查。在這種環境下,幣安決定停止對 BUSD 的支持,主要是因為採取了積極主動的方法來減輕潛在的監管風險。透過這些措施,幣安旨在維護用戶和合作夥伴的信任,確保其多元化交易平台的持續、無縫運作。

This isn’t the first time Binance has taken such precautionary measures. Earlier in the year, the platform bid adieu to perpetual pairs like Litecoin (LTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE), specifically the LTCBUSD and DOGEBUSD pairs. The reasons behind these delistings, while not explicitly stated, appear to be intertwined with the declining trajectory of BUSD. On both occasions, users were apprised in a similar manner, emphasizing the firm’s commitment to transparency and user welfare.

這並不是幣安第一次採取此類預防措施。今年早些時候,該平台告別了萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 等永久貨幣對,特別是 LTCBUSD 和 DOGEBUSD 貨幣對。這些退市背後的原因雖然沒有明確說明,但似乎與 BUSD 的下跌軌跡交織在一起。在這兩種情況下,用戶都以類似的方式收到通知,強調該公司對透明度和用戶福利的承諾。



The crypto landscape is no stranger to shifts and turns, with regulatory dynamics playing a pivotal role in shaping its future. Binance, being a stalwart in the domain, is making strategic moves to align itself with the evolving regulatory landscape, while also ensuring it doesn’t compromise on its commitment to users. The coming days will unveil how these changes will impact the broader crypto market and whether other exchanges will follow suit.



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