首頁 > 資訊新聞 > BitBot、Immutable X 迷失方向,MoonBag 成為加密貨幣預售榜首:它會成為下一個 Pepe 嗎?

BitBot, Immutable X Lose Way as MoonBag Rises as the Top Crypto Presale: Could it be the Next Pepe?

BitBot、Immutable X 迷失方向,MoonBag 成為加密貨幣預售榜首:它會成為下一個 Pepe 嗎?

發布: 2024/06/13 17:02 閱讀: 725



BitBot、Immutable X 迷失方向,MoonBag 成為加密貨幣預售榜首:它會成為下一個 Pepe 嗎?

MoonBag: A Potential Successor to Pepe Coin


Investors evaluate the potential of new cryptocurrencies by comparing them to established ones, considering metrics such as presale performance, liquidity, and return on investment (ROI). Many seek to replicate the success of Pepe Coin (PEPE) during its presale.

投資者透過將新加密貨幣與現有加密貨幣進行比較,並考慮預售表現、流動性和投資回報率 (ROI) 等指標來評估新加密貨幣的潛力。許多人試圖複製 Pepe Coin (PEPE) 在預售期間的成功。

MoonBag's Features


As one of the leading crypto presales, MoonBag (MBAG) presents appealing features that surpass those of BitBot (BITBOT) and Immutable X (IXP). Investors can stake their MoonBag tokens immediately after purchasing during the presale, earning a substantial 88% annual percentage yield (APY). Additionally, MoonBag offers a 15,000% ROI and 20% liquidity. With its energetic online community and the stability of the Ethereum network, MoonBag has the potential to follow in the footsteps of Pepe Coin as the next meme coin.

作為領先的加密貨幣預售之一,MoonBag (MBAG) 提供了超越 BitBot (BITBOT) 和 Immutable X (IXP) 的吸引人的功能。投資者可以在預售期間購買 MoonBag 代幣後立即質押,從而獲得高達 88% 的年收益率 (APY)。此外,MoonBag 提供 15,000% 的投資回報率和 20% 的流動性。憑藉其充滿活力的線上社群和以太坊網路的穩定性,MoonBag 有潛力追隨 Pepe Coin 的腳步,成為下一個迷因幣。

Comparison with Other Coins




BitBot's initial surge in popularity rapidly waned due to structural and leadership deficiencies. Its lack of technical proficiency and customer service issues, which included unsolicited recruitment on social media, contributed to its decline. As a result, MoonBag has experienced a significant influx of former BitBot investors seeking a more stable and user-friendly platform.

由於結構和領導缺陷,BitBot 最初的受歡迎程度迅速下降。它缺乏技術熟練程度和客戶服務問題,其中包括在社交媒體上主動招聘,導致其衰落。因此,大量前 BitBot 投資者湧入 MoonBag,尋求更穩定、更用戶友好的平台。

Immutable X


Immutable X (IXP), a collaboration with StarkWare, was established in 2018 for gas-free NFT minting and trading. However, technical issues have recently plagued the project and caused investors to flock to MoonBag. MoonBag offers a more stable and engaging alternative.

Immutable X (IXP) 是與 StarkWare 合作成立於 2018 年,用於無氣體 NFT 鑄造和交易。然而,技術問題最近困擾該項目,導致投資者紛紛湧向 MoonBag。 MoonBag 提供了更穩定、更有吸引力的替代方案。

MoonBag's Presale

MoonBag 預售

MoonBag's presale has reached Stage 5 with over $2 million raised. The current price is $0.0002, with a listing price of $0.0030. Coins purchased in Stage 5 are expected to increase in value during the next stage.

MoonBag 的預售已進入第五階段,籌集資金超過 200 萬美元。目前價格為 0.0002 美元,掛牌價為 0.0030 美元。在第五階段購買的硬幣預計在下一階段會增值。

MoonBag's Referral System

MoonBag 的推薦系統

MoonBag allows investors to earn additional tokens through its referral program:

MoonBag 允許投資者透過其推薦計畫賺取額外的代幣:

  1. Connect your wallet with MoonBag to generate a referral code.
  2. Share the code with others.
  3. You will receive 10% bonus MoonBag tokens for every referral who uses your code.
  4. Referrals also enable you to participate in a monthly leaderboard for prizes.


將您的錢包與MoonBag 連接以產生推薦代碼。獲得獎品。

MoonBag's presale presents a promising opportunity for investors seeking the potential success of Pepe Coin. Its features and community engagement have attracted investors from BitBot and Immutable X. With the presale nearing its halfway point, MoonBag has the potential to become the next top crypto presale.

MoonBag 的預售為尋求 Pepe Coin 潛在成功的投資者提供了一個充滿希望的機會。其功能和社區參與度吸引了 BitBot 和 Immutable X 的投資者。

Invest in MoonBag Presale:

投資 MoonBag 預售:

  • Website: MoonBag.org
  • Presale: MoonBag Presale
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonbag_org
  • Telegram: https://t.me/moonbag_official



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