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SHIB and PEPE struggle as Raboo gains traction in the memecoin market

隨著 Raboo 在 memecoin 市場上獲得關注,SHIB 和 PEPE 陷入困境

發布: 2024/06/13 17:03 閱讀: 859



隨著 Raboo 在 memecoin 市場上獲得關注,SHIB 和 PEPE 陷入困境

The Turbulence of the Memecoin Market: Shiba Inu and PEPE Stumble, Raboo Gains Momentum

Memecoin 市場的動盪:Shiba Inu 和 PEPE 跌跌撞撞,Raboo 勢頭強勁

As the memecoin market continues its unpredictable journey, Shiba Inu (SHIB) and PEPE (PEPE) have faced setbacks, while a new contender, Raboo, has emerged with a strong presale performance.


Shiba Inu: A Slow Burn


Once a soaring star, Shiba Inu has experienced a decline in recent months, hovering around $0.000022. The market has become increasingly crowded, and some investors have shifted their focus to projects with more utility. Despite a loyal fan base, SHIB has struggled to regain its former momentum.

柴犬曾經是一顆冉冉升起的新星,近幾個月來經歷了下滑,徘徊在 0.000022 美元左右。市場變得越來越擁擠,一些投資者已將注意力轉向更實用的項目。儘管擁有忠實的粉絲基礎,SHIB 仍難以恢復昔日的勢頭。

PEPE: A Slippery Descent


PEPE, the once-popular meme frog, has also seen its value drop to $0.0000138. Market fatigue and fierce competition from new meme coins have contributed to this decline. While PEPE's core fanbase remains strong, the lack of fresh developments has led to a perception of staleness.

曾經流行的 meme 青蛙 PEPE 的價值也跌至 0.0000138 美元。市場疲勞和新模因幣的激烈競爭導致了這種下降。雖然 PEPE 的核心粉絲群仍然強大,但缺乏新的發展導致了一種陳舊的感覺。

Raboo: The Rising Challenger


Amidst the struggles of SHIB and PEPE, Raboo has emerged as a promising contender. Its successful presale, which raised $1.6 million and led to a 60% launch surge, has caught the attention of analysts and investors alike.

在 SHIB 和 PEPE 的鬥爭中,Raboo 成為了一個有希望的競爭者。它的成功預售籌集了 160 萬美元,發行量激增 60%,引起了分析師和投資者的關注。

Raboo boasts a unique AI-powered meme generator and a "Post-to-Earn" platform, which rewards users for creating and sharing funny content. This innovative approach has the potential to disrupt the meme coin market, combining the viral power of SHIB and PEPE with cutting-edge technology.

Raboo 擁有獨特的人工智慧驅動的迷因生成器和「Post-to-Earn」平台,該平台獎勵用戶創建和分享有趣的內容。這種創新方法將 SHIB 和 PEPE 的病毒傳播力與尖端技術結合,有可能顛覆迷因幣市場。



The memecoin market remains in flux, with new challengers continuing to emerge. Raboo, with its promising presale performance and innovative features, has the potential to become a major player in the space and challenge the dominance of established meme coins like SHIB and PEPE.

模因幣市場仍在不斷變化,新的挑戰者不斷出現。 Raboo 憑藉其令人鼓舞的預售表現和創新功能,有潛力成為該領域的主要參與者,並挑戰 SHIB 和 PEPE 等成熟模因幣的主導地位。

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.



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