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Bitcoin and Altcoins: A Look at the Current Market Situation


發布: 2024/01/01 12:34 閱讀: 378



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您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:比特幣和山寨幣:當前市場情勢概覽

Bitcoin and altcoin investors are now living the first days of 2024. We can say that the year 2023 was a year of compensation for 2024. Especially the last quarter of 2023 went great in terms of the recovery of cryptocurrencies. The increasing expectation for a Bitcoin ETF from June 2023 onwards had a significant impact on the rises. With the expectation of an approval from the SEC in January, hopes are now higher. So, what is the current situation of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in such an atmosphere? Let’s take a look together.

比特幣和山寨幣投資者現在正處於2024年的第一天。可以說,2023年是2024年的補償年。尤其是2023年最後一個季度,加密貨幣的復甦非常出色。自 2023 年 6 月起,人們對比特幣 ETF 的預期不斷增加,這對比特幣 ETF 的上漲產生了重大影響。由於預計 SEC 將在一月份獲得批准,現在的希望更大了。那麼,在這樣的氛圍下,比特幣和加密貨幣的現況如何呢?我們一起來看看吧。

How Did Bitcoin and Ethereum Start the Year?


Bitcoin entered the new year at the levels of $42,283. While writing this article, we see that the BTC price is trading at $42,707. The upcoming process for Bitcoin seems to be connected with the SEC. A potential approval development regarding the Bitcoin ETF could bring higher levels for Bitcoin.

比特幣以 42,283 美元的價格進入新的一年。在撰寫本文時,我們看到 BTC 價格為 42,707 美元。即將到來的比特幣流程似乎與美國證券交易委員會有關。比特幣 ETF 的潛在批准進度可能會為比特幣帶來更高的水平。

Looking at the Ethereum price, we see that ETH entered the new year at $2,254 levels. While writing this article, Ethereum is trading at $2,291. The next important development for Ethereum will be the 2024 roadmap announced by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin in recent days. The successes in this roadmap could potentially impact the Ethereum price.

看看以太坊的價格,我們發現以太坊進入新年的價格為 2,254 美元。在撰寫本文時,以太坊的交易價格為 2,291 美元。以太坊的下一個重要發展將是以太坊創始人 Vitalik Buterin 近日宣布的 2024 年路線圖。該路線圖的成功可能會影響以太坊的價格。

Latest Status of BNB, Solana, XRP, Cardano, AVAX, and Dogecoin

BNB、Solana、XRP、Cardano、AVAX 和 Dogecoin 的最新狀態

Looking at the leading altcoins, we see a stagnation in prices. BNB, which has attracted attention with its effective rise recently, is trading at $311. Let’s note that the weekly rise is at the level of 17%. On the other hand, there is a stagnation in Solana’s price today. SOL is trading at $103 while writing this article.

看看主要的山寨幣,我們發現價格停滯不前。近期有效上漲備受關注的BNB目前交易價格為311美元。請注意,每週漲幅為 17%。另一方面,今天 Solana 的價格停滯不前。在撰寫本文時,SOL 的交易價格為 103 美元。

Looking at other cryptocurrencies, the XRP price is trading at $0.61. Analysts like Dark Defender have set a target of $36 for XRP for the year 2024. Cardano is also experiencing the stagnation seen in other altcoins. Accordingly, the ADA price is at $0.59 while writing this article. Analyst Lucid has given a price target of $10 for ADA.

看看其他加密貨幣,XRP 的交易價格為 0.61 美元。 Dark Defender 等分析師將 2024 年 XRP 的目標設定為 36 美元。卡爾達諾也經歷了其他山寨幣中出現的停滯。因此,在撰寫本文時,ADA 價格為 0.59 美元。分析師 Lucid 給出 ADA 的目標價為 10 美元。

Looking at the AVAX price, we see that it is trading at $38.97. Let’s mention that there has been a 17% decline in the AVAX price over the last week. Lastly, the cryptocurrency Dogecoin is trading at $0.089.

看看 AVAX 價格,我們發現它的交易價格為 38.97 美元。值得一提的是,上週 AVAX 價格下跌了 17%。最後,加密貨幣狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.089 美元。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Bitcoin and Altcoins: A Look at the Current Market Situation

該貼文首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:比特幣和山寨幣:當前市場情勢概覽


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