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Weekly Analysis of MemeCoins: PEPE vs. Rebel Satoshi vs. Dogecoin

MemeCoins 每週分析:PEPE vs. Rebel Satoshi vs. Dogecoin

發布: 2024/01/01 06:06 閱讀: 815





  • PEPE gains 2% in a week, and experts expect more growth before the year ends.
  • PEPE 一週內上漲 2%,專家預計年底前將會有更多成長。

  • Dogecoin sheds 1% in a week, and analysts believe the downtrend will continue.
  • 狗狗幣一週內下跌 1%,分析師認為下跌趨勢將持續下去。

  • Rebel Satoshi has gained 100% since the start of its presale, with more gains coming.
  • 自預售開始以來,Rebel Satoshi 的漲幅已達 100%,並且還會有更多漲幅。

As the crypto market continues battling a fresh bearish force, top altcoins like Pepe (PEPE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have performed differently. Consequently, potential investors are asking, which is the best coin to invest in for massive gains before the end of 2023? Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), an upcoming meme coin, is doing rounds in the crypto-verse after surging 100% since the start of its presale.

隨著加密貨幣市場繼續與新的看跌力量作鬥爭,佩佩(PEPE)和狗狗幣(DOGE)等頂級山寨幣的表現有所不同。因此,潛在投資者會問,在 2023 年底前投資哪一種貨幣才能獲得巨額收益?與此同時,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ),一種即將推出的迷因幣,自預售開始以來飆升 100% 後,正在加密貨幣領域大肆流行。

Which is the best meme coin to invest in between PEPE, Dogecoin, and Rebel Satoshi? Let’s find out!

PEPE、Dogecoin 和 Rebel Satoshi 之間哪一個是最值得投資的迷因幣?讓我們來看看吧!

PEPE Gains 2% in a Week: Will Bulls Strengthen?

PEPE 一週上漲 2%:多頭會走強嗎?

PEPE has performed modestly over the past seven days. On December 17, PEPE was changing hands at around $0.000001374. After holding this level for days, PEPE spiked sharply on December 22 after the official X PEPE handle announced that PEPE’s treasury would be transferred into a multi-sig safe.

PEPE 在過去 7 天中表現平平。 12 月 17 日,PEPE 易手價格約為 0.000001374 美元。在連續幾天保持這一水平後,12 月 22 日,在 X PEPE 官方手柄宣布 PEPE 的金庫將轉移到多重簽名保險箱後,PEPE 大幅飆升。

This news saw PEPE surge as high as $0.000001582 on December 23 before experiencing a slight downward correction. By December 24, PEPE had stabilized at around $0.000001403. This price means PEPE has surged 2% in a week. Based on this performance, is PEPE a top crypto to buy for massive gains before the year ends?

受此消息影響,PEPE 在 12 月 23 日飆升至 0.000001582 美元,隨後略有向下調整。截至 12 月 24 日,PEPE 穩定在 0.000001403 美元左右。這個價格意味著PEPE在一周內飆升了2%。根據這項表現,PEPE 是否是年底前值得購買並獲得巨大收益的頂級加密貨幣?

According to experts, PEPE will maintain its gains and surge slightly to close the year at $0.000001484. Experts peg this prediction on PEPE gaining more adoption due to the December 23 news of CertiK ranking PEPE in the top 10% after conducting a thorough audit and finding PEPE has a 91% security score.

據專家稱,PEPE 將保持漲勢並小幅上漲,年底收於 0.000001484 美元。 12 月 23 日,CertiK 在進行徹底審查後發現 PEPE 的安全評分為 91%,將 PEPE 排在前 10% 之列,因此專家們認為這項預測將獲得更多採用。

Dogecoin Plunges 1% in a Week: Is a Recovery Imminent?


Dogecoin has performed poorly over the past seven days. On December 17, DOGE was hovering at around $0.095. DOGE plunged on December 18 due to speculation that Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus was developing another token. However, DOGE recovered after Markus clarified that he was only advising on the token’s technology.

狗狗幣在過去 7 天表現不佳。 12 月 17 日,DOGE 徘徊在 0.095 美元附近。由於猜測狗狗幣聯合創始人比利馬庫斯正在開發另一種代幣,DOGE 於 12 月 18 日暴跌。然而,在馬庫斯澄清他只是就代幣技術提供建議後,DOGE 恢復了過來。

As a result, DOGE climbed as high as $0.097 on December 22. Unfortunately, the December 24 news of Binance announcing plans to delist the DOGE/GBP pair saw DOGE plunge before leveling off at around $0.094. This price means DOGE has shed 1.05% in a week. 

結果,DOGE 在 12 月 22 日攀升至 0.097 美元。不幸的是,12 月 24 日幣安宣布計劃下架 DOGE/GBP 貨幣對的消息導致 DOGE 暴跌,然後穩定在 0.094 美元左右。這個價格意味著DOGE在一週內下跌了1.05%。

Moreover, analysts predict DOGE will continue plunging to close the year at $0.092. This forecast adds DOGE to the list of altcoins to watch. Analysts base this prediction on DOGE losing more investors after Binance delists the DOGE/GBP trading pair on December 29.

此外,分析師預測 DOGE 將繼續暴跌,年底收在 0.092 美元。這項預測將 DOGE 加入了值得關注的山寨幣名單中。分析師做出這項預測的依據是,幣安於 12 月 29 日下架 DOGE/GBP 交易對後,DOGE 將失去更多投資者。



Rebel Satoshi Gains 100% During Its Presale: More Gains Coming!

Rebel Satoshi 在預售期間獲得 100% 收益:更多收益即將到來!

Rebel Satoshi, an upcoming meme coin that aims to enhance decentralization in the crypto sector, has performed exceptionally well since the start of its public presale. Thus far, Rebel Satoshi has completed the Early Bird Round, Rebels Round 1, and Warriors Round 2 stages of its presale, making it the fastest-growing meme coin.

Rebel Satoshi 是一款即將推出的迷因幣,旨在加強加密貨幣領域的去中心化,自公開預售開始以來表現異常出色。到目前為止,Rebel Satoshi 已經完成了早鳥輪、Rebels 第一輪和 Warriors 第二輪的預售,使其成為增長最快的 meme 幣。

This budding project has achieved these milestones due to increasing investor interest. Investors are attracted to Rebel Satoshi because of its mission to build a community comprising the silent majority. To achieve this feat, Rebel Satoshi depends on its governance and membership token,$RBLZ.

由於投資者興趣的增加,這個新興項目已經實現了這些里程碑。投資者之所以被 Rebel Satoshi 所吸引,是因為它的使命是建立一個由沉默的大多數組成的社區。為了實現這一壯舉,Rebel Satoshi 依賴其治理和會員代幣 $RBLZ。

As of December, Rebel Satoshi had started Citizens Round 3 of its presale, with $RBLZ going for $0.020. This price means $RBLZ has generated a 100% ROI for Early Bird Round investors that bought it at $0.010. On the other hand, Rebels Round 1 investors that bought $RBLZ at $0.013 have realized a 53.85% ROI.

截至 12 月,Rebel Satoshi 已開始 Citizens 第 3 輪預售,$RBLZ 售價為 0.020 美元。這個價格意味著 $RBLZ 為以 0.010 美元購買的早鳥輪投資者帶來了 100% 的投資回報率。另一方面,以 0.013 美元購買 $RBLZ 的 Rebels 第一輪投資者實現了 53.85% 的投資回報率。

Warriors Round 2 investors that bought $RBLZ at $0.018 have enjoyed an 11.11% yield thus far. More importantly, Citizens Round 3 investors will see the value of their $RBLZ tokens surge 25% when $RBLZ ascends to its listing price of $0.025. This predicted price growth makes $RBLZ the best cryptocurrency to buy now!

勇士隊第 2 輪投資者以 0.018 美元買入 $RBLZ,迄今為止的收益率為 11.11%。更重要的是,當 $RBLZ 升至 0.025 美元的上市價格時,Citizens 第 3 輪投資者將看到其 $RBLZ 代幣的價值飆升 25%。這種預期的價格成長使 $RBLZ 成為現在最值得購買的加密貨幣!

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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The post Weekly Analysis of MemeCoins: PEPE vs. Rebel Satoshi vs. Dogecoin appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

MemeCoins 每週分析:PEPE vs. Rebel Satoshi vs. Dogecoin 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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