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Bitcoin Breaks the $52,000 Barrier While Altcoins Follow in Recovery

比特幣突破 52,000 美元大關,山寨幣緊隨其後復甦

發布: 2024/02/20 06:22 閱讀: 622

原文作者:BH NEWS


比特幣突破 52,000 美元大關,山寨幣緊隨其後復甦

You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Bitcoin Breaks the $52,000 Barrier While Altcoins Follow in Recovery

您還可以在 BH NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:比特幣突破 52,000 美元大關,山寨幣緊隨其後復甦

In the latest cryptocurrency market update, Bitcoin has successfully crossed the $52,000 threshold, signaling a potential trend reversal and a hopeful outlook for a bullish future. As Bitcoin strengthens its position, alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) are also experiencing a resurgence. This positive momentum is fueling the anticipation of an increase in investors’ appetite for risk, which could lead to significant gains across the altcoin spectrum.

在最新的加密貨幣市場更新中,比特幣已成功突破 52,000 美元大關,預示著潛在的趨勢逆轉和看漲的未來前景。隨著比特幣地位的增強,替代加密貨幣(山寨幣)也正在復甦。這種積極的勢頭引發了投資者對風險偏好增加的預期,這可能會導致整個山寨幣領域的大幅上漲。

Dogecoin’s Path to Recovery


Dogecoin has seen its reserves drop to historical lows due to miner sales, sparking optimism for a possible shift in the coin’s prolonged bearish trend. Despite Elon Musk’s recent disinterest in the meme-inspired cryptocurrency, Dogecoin is edging close to a resistance level at $0.088. Should it break past this point, subsequent price targets could be at $0.094 and $0.106.

由於礦工拋售,狗狗幣的儲備量跌至歷史低點,引發了人們對該幣種長期看跌趨勢可能轉變的樂觀情緒。儘管馬斯克最近對這種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣不感興趣,但狗狗幣仍接近 0.088 美元的阻力位。如果突破這一點,後續價格目標可能為 0.094 美元和 0.106 美元。

Surge in Solana’s Value

Solana 價值飆升

Solana investors are celebrating as the cryptocurrency reclaims its $111 value, setting its sights on the $120 high. A sustained rally will hinge on the coin’s ability to resume its rising support trajectory. With the total value locked within the Solana network approaching $2 billion, there’s a clear bullish sentiment. As the rally persists, eyes are on potential future milestones at $126 and $142.

Solana 投資者正在慶祝該加密貨幣重回 111 美元的價值,並將目標瞄準 120 美元的高點。持續的反彈將取決於代幣恢復其上升支撐軌跡的能力。隨著 Solana 網路鎖定的總價值接近 20 億美元,看漲情緒明顯。隨著漲勢持續,我們關注未來潛在的里程碑 126 美元和 142 美元。

Avalanche Faces Crucial Week


Avalanche’s price action hovers at the median of its channel, with the $50 resistance level in view for a more vigorous ascent. However, the imminent release of $380 million worth of tokens could temporarily dampen the outlook. Should prices decline, key support levels at $34.3 and $31 will be crucial. A breakthrough above $50 could propel the coin toward $68 and $74.

Avalanche 的價格走勢徘徊在其通道的中位,50 美元的阻力位有望實現更強勁的上漲。然而,即將發行的價值 3.8 億美元的代幣可能會暫時抑制前景。如果價格下跌,34.3 美元和 31 美元的關鍵支撐位將至關重要。突破 50 美元可能會將代幣推向 68 美元和 74 美元。

Chiliz Awaits Breakout


Chiliz maintains a positive stance, though an expected breakout has been postponed. A decisive movement that establishes $0.12 as support could spark a significant uptrend. The rally could gain further traction when Ethereum surpasses the $3,000 mark, indicating a broader willingness among investors to embrace riskier altcoins. Potential price peaks for Chiliz could reach $0.14 and $0.179, with supports at $0.105 and $0.096 acting as safety nets against sudden market drops.

儘管預期的突破已被推遲,但 Chiliz 仍保持積極立場。確立 0.12 美元支撐位的決定性走勢可能會引發顯著的上升趨勢。當以太坊突破 3000 美元大關時,漲勢可能會獲得進一步的推動,這表明投資者更願意接受風險較高的山寨幣。 Chiliz 的潛在價格高峰可能達到 0.14 美元和 0.179 美元,支撐位為 0.105 美元和 0.096 美元,作為防止市場突然下跌的安全網。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Bitcoin Breaks the $52,000 Barrier While Altcoins Follow in Recovery

該帖子首次出現在 BH NEWS:比特幣突破 52,000 美元大關,山寨幣緊隨其後復甦


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