首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 鯨魚活動引發狗狗幣激增,交易量突破 10 億美元!

Whale Activity Sparks Dogecoin Surge, Trade Volume Tops $1B!

鯨魚活動引發狗狗幣激增,交易量突破 10 億美元!

發布: 2024/02/20 07:01 閱讀: 598

原文作者:Crypto News Land


鯨魚活動引發狗狗幣激增,交易量突破 10 億美元!

  • Whale activity drives Dogecoin’s trade volume over $1 billion, fueling its recovery.
  • 鯨魚活動推動狗狗幣的交易量超過 10 億美元,推動其復甦。

  • Large transactions exceed 1,100 in 24 hours, indicating significant activity among major players.
  • 24小時內大筆交易超過1,100筆,顯示主要參與者的活躍程度很高。

  • Dogecoin Foundation aims to boost adoption by integrating GigaWallet with platforms like Shopify for easier payments.
  • 狗狗幣基金會旨在透過將 GigaWallet 與 Shopify 等平台整合以簡化支付來提高採用率。

In recent days, Dogecoin (DOGE) has witnessed a significant resurgence in activity. This uptick is primarily attributed to a surge in trading volume, surpassing the $1 billion milestone, largely influenced by substantial transactions conducted by whales.

最近幾天,狗狗幣(DOGE)的活動出現了顯著的復甦。這一增長主要歸因於交易量激增,超過了 10 億美元的里程碑,這在很大程度上受到鯨魚進行的大量交易的影響。

These large-scale Dogecoin transactions, exceeding $100,000 each, have been particularly prominent, with over 1,100 such transactions occurring within the past 24 hours. This surge in activity among influential players within the Dogecoin community signals a renewed sense of confidence in the cryptocurrency.

這些每筆超過 10 萬美元的大規模狗狗幣交易尤為突出,在過去 24 小時內發生了超過 1,100 筆此類交易。狗狗幣社群內有影響力的參與者的活動激增標誌著人們對加密貨幣重新有了信心。

Furthermore, the substantial volume associated with these transactions is noteworthy, reaching over 12.63 billion DOGE, equivalent to approximately $1.09 billion in the past day alone. Even during periods of lower activity within the last seven days, the transaction volume remained significant, hovering around 8.8 billion DOGE, translating to roughly $759 million.

此外,與這些交易相關的巨額交易量值得注意,僅在過去一天就達到了超過 126.3 億 DOGE,相當於約 10.9 億美元。即使在過去 7 天內交易量較低的時期,交易量仍然很大,徘徊在 88 億 DOGE 左右,約合 7.59 億美元。

The resurgence in Dogecoin‘s trading volume coincides with a notable upward trend in Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency globally. Bitcoin’s recent surge has been linked to increased adoption by prominent Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) providers, such as iShares by BlackRock and Fidelity’s Bitcoin ETF, which collectively hold substantial amounts of BTC.

狗狗幣交易量的復甦恰逢全球領先的加密貨幣比特幣的顯著上升趨勢。比特幣最近的飆升與著名的比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)提供商的採用增加有關,例如貝萊德的 iShares 和富達的比特幣 ETF,它們共同持有大量比特幣。

Looking forward, the Dogecoin Foundation has put forth an ambitious agenda aimed at furthering the adoption and development of Dogecoin. Notably, plans include expanding the integration of GigaWallet with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and streamlining the acceptance of Dogecoin as a form of payment for online merchants. This strategic move underscores broader efforts to enhance Dogecoin’s practical utility in everyday transactions, thereby bolstering its attractiveness to both users and investors.

展望未來,狗狗幣基金會提出了一項雄心勃勃的議程,旨在進一步促進狗狗幣的採用和發展。值得注意的是,該計劃包括擴大 GigaWallet 與 Shopify 等電子商務平台的整合,並簡化狗狗幣作為線上商家支付方式的接受度。這項策略性舉措強調了為增強狗狗幣在日常交易中的實用性而做出的更廣泛的努力,從而增強了其對用戶和投資者的吸引力。

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The post Whale Activity Sparks Dogecoin Surge, Trade Volume Tops $1B! appeared first on Crypto News Land.

鯨魚活動引發狗狗幣飆升,交易量突破 10 億美元!首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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