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Bitcoin on Fire! China’s Stimulus Fuels $78K Target—Will It Break New Records?

比特幣火了!中國的刺激方案實現 7.8 萬美元目標——會打破新紀錄嗎?

發布: 2024/09/24 21:30 閱讀: 661



比特幣火了!中國的刺激方案實現 7.8 萬美元目標——會打破新紀錄嗎?

Bitcoin Bullish Outlook: Targeting $78,000

比特幣看漲前景:目標為 78,000 美元

Bitcoin anticipates a significant breakout, aiming to breach $78,000 in the upcoming weeks. This bullish sentiment stems from recent technical analysis and the economic stimulus package implemented by the People's Bank of China (PBOC).

比特幣預計將出現重大突破,目標是在未來幾週內突破 78,000 美元。這種看漲情緒源自於最近的技術分析和中國人民銀行(PBOC)實施的經濟刺激計畫。

China's Stimulus Injects Optimism


On September 24th, the PBOC declared a $140 billion liquidity injection into the financial system by reducing the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) by 50 basis points. This measure intends to bolster the real estate market and stimulate the overall economy. Historically, such liquidity injections have positively impacted Bitcoin and other risk assets, fueling investor confidence.


Experts Weigh In


Industry experts, such as Jamie Coutts, Chief Crypto Analyst at Real Vision, highlight the positive impact of China's stimulus on Bitcoin. Coutts emphasizes that when central banks inject liquidity, it typically leads to increased demand for assets like Bitcoin. He notes, "Sit back and watch the other CBs fall into line," suggesting that other central banks may adopt similar measures.

Real Vision 首席加密分析師 Jamie Coutts 等產業專家強調了中國刺激措施對比特幣的正面影響。 Coutts 強調,當央行注入流動性時,通常會導致對比特幣等資產的需求增加。他指出,“坐下來看看其他中央銀行遵守規定”,這表明其他央行可能會採取類似的措施。

Technical Analysis Supports Bullish Outlook


Beyond macroeconomic factors, Bitcoin's price chart exhibits a classic "bull flag" pattern. This technical formation typically indicates a bullish breakout, as the price consolidates before a potential surge. Currently, Bitcoin is testing the upper trendline of the flag, with a breakout potentially propelling it toward $78,000.

除了宏觀經濟因素之外,比特幣的價格圖表還呈現出經典的「牛旗」模式。這種技術形態通常表明看漲突破,因為價格在潛在飆升之前會盤整。目前,比特幣正在測試該旗形的上方趨勢線,突破可能將其推向 78,000 美元。

Global Liquidity Supports Rally


Bitcoin has historically responded favorably to liquidity injections from China. In October 2023, following a similar stimulus package, Bitcoin's price doubled. With another liquidity infusion, the prospects for continued Bitcoin appreciation remain positive.

比特幣歷來對中國的流動性注入反應良好。 2023 年 10 月,在類似的刺激方案之後,比特幣的價格翻了一番。隨著另一次流動性注入,比特幣持續升值的前景仍然樂觀。

Analysts' Perspective


Analysts caution that Bitcoin must overcome resistance levels at $65,000 and $68,000 to sustain its upward trend. They note that Bitcoin's performance remains tied to global economic conditions, with China's actions potentially influencing other central banks.

分析師警告稱,比特幣必須克服 65,000 美元和 68,000 美元的阻力位才能維持其上漲趨勢。他們指出,比特幣的表現仍與全球經濟狀況掛鉤,中國的行動可能會影響其他央行。

Eyes on $78,000

著眼於 78,000 美元

As Bitcoin continues to gain traction, many eagerly anticipate whether it can maintain its momentum and reach the highly anticipated $78,000 milestone.

隨著比特幣繼續受到關注,許多人熱切地期待它是否能夠保持其勢頭並達到備受期待的 78,000 美元里程碑。

Disclaimer: This article provides informational content only and should not be considered financial advice.



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