首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE 持有者厭倦了等待,出售以進入以太坊最大的 ICO

DOGE holders tired of waiting, sells to move into Ethereum’s biggest ICO

DOGE 持有者厭倦了等待,出售以進入以太坊最大的 ICO

發布: 2024/09/24 22:00 閱讀: 581



DOGE 持有者厭倦了等待,出售以進入以太坊最大的 ICO

ETFSwap: A Promising ICO for Investors Seeking Higher Returns

ETFSwap:對於尋求更高回報的投資者來說,一個有前途的 ICO

Table of Contents


  • ETFSwap's Features Attract Investors
  • Dogecoin Holders Transition to ETFSwap ICO
  • Conclusion

ETFSwap's Features Attract Investors

ETFSwap 的功能吸引投資者狗狗幣持有者轉向 ETFSwap ICO 結論ETFSwap 的功能吸引投資者

ETFSwap, an Ethereum-based project, is gaining recognition for its innovative features:

ETFSwap 是一個基於以太坊的項目,因其創新功能而獲得認可:

  • Tokenized ETFs: ETFSwap tokenizes ETFs, providing exposure to the $10 trillion ETF market.
  • Lightning-Fast Transactions: Leveraging Ethereum's scalable blockchain, transactions are swift and cost-efficient.
  • Security and Transparency: Audited by Cyberscope and KYC-verified by SolidProof, ETFSwap ensures user trust.
  • Borderless Trading: Users can trade tokenized ETFs globally without restrictions.
  • AI-Powered Trading Tools: ETF Screener and ETF Tracker provide data-driven insights for informed decision-making.
  • Attractive Staking Rewards: Passive income opportunities with an APR of 87%.

Dogecoin Holders Transition to ETFSwap ICO

代幣化ETF:ETFSwap 對ETF 進行代幣化,提供進入10 兆美元ETF 市場的機會。 :ETFSwap 透過Cyber​​scope 審計並透過SolidProof 進行KYC 驗證,確保用戶信任。 ETF 追蹤器為明智的決策提供數據驅動的見解。

Dogecoin investors are seeking faster growth prospects in ETFSwap's ongoing ICO. The platform's features and potential for rapid growth have attracted Dogecoin holders who are seeking to diversify their portfolios. By acquiring ETFS tokens at $0.03846, investors stand to benefit from the platform's launch and subsequent listing on exchanges.

狗狗幣投資者正在 ETFSwap 正在進行的 ICO 中尋求更快的成長前景。該平台的功能和快速增長的潛力吸引了尋求多元化投資組合的狗狗幣持有者。透過以 0.03846 美元的價格購買 ETFS 代幣,投資者將從該平台的推出和隨後在交易所的上市中受益。



ETFSwap has emerged as a compelling investment opportunity for those seeking higher returns. Dogecoin holders are wisely transitioning to ETFSwap's ICO, recognizing its potential for substantial gains. ETFSwap's features, transparency, and growth trajectory make it a promising investment for those looking to diversify their crypto portfolio.

對於那些尋求更高回報的人來說,ETFSwap 已成為一個引人注目的投資機會。狗狗幣持有者正在明智地轉向 ETFSwap 的 ICO,認識到其巨大收益的潛力。 ETFSwap 的功能、透明度和成長軌跡使其成為那些希望實現加密貨幣投資組合多元化的人的一項有前途的投資。


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