首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣即將漲至 10 萬美元,但分析師稱 SHIB 和 APORK 會讓你賺更多錢

Bitcoin is Going To $100k, But Analysts Say SHIB and APORK Will Make You More Money

比特幣即將漲至 10 萬美元,但分析師稱 SHIB 和 APORK 會讓你賺更多錢

發布: 2024/06/19 21:03 閱讀: 246

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


比特幣即將漲至 10 萬美元,但分析師稱 SHIB 和 APORK 會讓你賺更多錢

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Surge Predicted


Top on-chain analyst James Check forecasts a significant surge for Bitcoin (BTC), potentially surpassing $100,000. While Check anticipates a 30% likelihood of BTC reaching $250,000 during this bull cycle, analysts highlight Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) as meme coins poised for even greater gains.

頂級鏈上分析師 James Check 預測比特幣 (BTC) 將大幅上漲,可能突破 10 萬美元。雖然 Check 預計 BTC 在本次牛市週期中達到 25 萬美元的可能性為 30%,但分析師強調 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 作為模因代幣,有望獲得更大收益。

Shiba Inu's (SHIB) Ascent

柴犬 (SHIB) 的攀登

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has emerged as a top choice for market experts as a meme coin set for a major price rally in the second half of 2024. The primary catalyst behind this prediction is the diminishing exchange supply of SHIB. Mags, a renowned Bitcoin analyst, emphasizes the limited window of opportunity to acquire SHIB at its current price level. Based on Mags' analysis, SHIB could experience a surge of up to 501%, making it an attractive investment.

柴犬 (SHIB) 已成為市場專家的首選,因為它是一種模因代幣,預計價格將在 2024 年下半年大幅上漲。著名比特幣分析師 Mags 強調,以目前的價格水準收購 SHIB 的機會有限。根據 Mags 的分析,SHIB 的漲幅可能高達 501%,使其成為一項有吸引力的投資。

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK): Solana's Memecoin Phenom

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK):Solana 的 Memecoin 現象

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) has risen to prominence as Solana's most captivating memecoin, distinguishing itself by incorporating tangible utility into its ecosystem. This unique approach defies the status quo of meme coins known for their lack of utility and market volatility. The project's "Conquer To Earn" mechanism targets the eradication of "zombie coins" from the meme coin space.

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 已成為 Solana 最具吸引力的迷因幣,透過將有形效用融入其生態系統而脫穎而出。這種獨特的方法挑戰了因缺乏實用性和市場波動性而聞名的迷因幣的現狀。該專案的「征服賺取」機制的目標是從模因幣空間中消除「殭屍幣」。

Experts predict APORK will experience the highest demand among memecoins in the second quarter due to its innovative approach. The community's active engagement in eliminating zombie coins earns them APORK tokens and other rewards, highlighting a clear path to value creation. CrypoKrali recognizes APORK's potential as a 100x meme coin due to its utility and community-driven earning opportunities. Investors can currently participate in the first presale stage at a price of per coin, offering early access and a potential bonus of up to 10%.

專家預測,由於其創新方法,APORK 將在第二季度經歷 memecoin 中最高的需求。社區積極參與消除殭屍幣,為他們贏得了 APORK 代幣和其他獎勵,凸顯了一條清晰的價值創造之路。由於其實用性和社區驅動的盈利機會,CrypoKrali 認識到 APORK 作為 100 倍模因幣的潛力。投資者目前可以以每枚代幣的價格參與第一預售階段,提供搶先體驗和高達 10% 的潛在獎金。



While Bitcoin is anticipated to double in value, Shiba Inu is poised for even more substantial gains. However, Angry Pepe Fork outshines both in terms of potential returns, cementing its position as a game-changer in the meme coin space with its focus on utility and community engagement.

雖然比特幣的價值預計將翻倍,但柴犬有望獲得更大幅度的收益。然而,Angry Pepe Fork 在潛在回報方面都表現出色,透過注重實用性和社群參與,鞏固了其作為迷因幣領域遊戲規則改變者的地位。


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