首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Sandbox 購買 PEPE、SHIB、BONK 模因幣來支持“他們的特定社區”

The Sandbox buys PEPE, SHIB, BONK memecoins to support ‘their specific communities’

Sandbox 購買 PEPE、SHIB、BONK 模因幣來支持“他們的特定社區”

發布: 2024/06/19 21:03 閱讀: 572



Sandbox 購買 PEPE、SHIB、BONK 模因幣來支持“他們的特定社區”

Metaverse Platform Acquires Six Memecoins

元界平台獲得六種 Memecoin

The Sandbox, a prominent metaverse-centric platform, has purchased six significant memecoins: PEPE, SHIB, MEME, DEGEN, DOGE, and BONK. This strategic move aims to provide utility to both its users and the broader memecoin community.

Sandbox 是一個著名的以元宇宙為中心的平台,它已經購買了六種重要的迷因幣:PEPE、SHIB、MEME、DEGEN、DOGE 和 BONK。這項策略性舉措旨在為其用戶和更廣泛的迷因幣社群提供實用性。

In a recent Medium announcement, The Sandbox expressed its dedication to "staying abreast of industry trends" through this acquisition. The platform believes that the creative culture fostered by these coins is fundamental to the open metaverse concept.

在最近的 Medium 公告中,The Sandbox 表達了透過此次收購「緊跟產業趨勢」的決心。該平台認為,這些代幣培育的創意文化是開放元宇宙概念的基礎。

"We're committed to engaging with and supporting the growth of the Web3 ecosystem for the benefit of all participants." - The Sandbox

“我們致力於參與並支持 Web3 生態系統的發展,以造福所有參與者。” - 沙盒

The Sandbox emphasizes the growing popularity of memecoins, attributing their success to endorsements from influential figures. While the financial details of the deal remain confidential, The Sandbox intends to leverage these memecoins for upcoming initiatives. However, the timeframe for these initiatives is yet unspecified.

沙盒強調了模因幣的日益普及,並將其成功歸功於有影響力人物的認可。雖然交易的財務細節仍然保密,但 The Sandbox 打算利用這些 memecoin 來實施即將推出的計劃。然而,這些舉措的時間表尚未確定。

This purchase follows The Sandbox's recent acquisition of $20 million from Kingsway Capital and Animoca Brands, which elevated its valuation to $1 billion. As previously reported by Crypto.news, this funding will support The Sandbox's efforts in fostering its creator economy, expanding its mobile metaverse platform, and refining its social features and avatar capabilities.

在此之前,The Sandbox 最近以 2,000 萬美元的價格從 Kingsway Capital 和 Animoca Brands 手中收購,將其估值提升至 10 億美元。正如 Crypto.news 先前報導的那樣,這筆資金將支持 The Sandbox 培育其創作者經濟、擴展其行動元宇宙平台以及完善其社交功能和化身功能的努力。


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