首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣價格預測:安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇表示,比特幣在一周內飆升 19% 後突破 5.1 萬美元,現在購買還不算太晚

Bitcoin Price Prediction: BTC Blasts Past $51K After 19% Surge In A Week As Anthony Scaramucci Says It’s Not Too Late To Buy

比特幣價格預測:安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇表示,比特幣在一周內飆升 19% 後突破 5.1 萬美元,現在購買還不算太晚

發布: 2024/02/14 22:00 閱讀: 938



The Bitcoin price rose 2.5% in the last 24 hours to trade at $51,443 as of 04:45 a.m. EST on trading volume that surged 3% to $40 billion.

截至美國東部時間凌晨 04:45,比特幣價格在過去 24 小時內上漲 2.5%,交易價格為 51,443 美元,交易量飆升 3%,達到 400 億美元。

The current price increase comes as Skybridge founder Anthony Scaramucci says that it is not too late to buy Bitcoin, which has surged 19% in the last week. 

目前價格上漲之際,Skybridge 創辦人 Anthony Scaramucci 表示,現在買比特幣還為時不晚,比特幣上週飆升 19%。

Scaramucci says BTC could soar even further now that interest rates are falling and spot Bitcoin ETFs (exchange-traded funds) are driving billions in new inflows. With the halving also expected to occur in two months, Scaramucci sees now as a great opportunity to buy more BTC. He also believes that markets may be underestimating the potential growth of Bitcoin ETFs in future.

斯卡拉穆奇表示,由於利率正在下降,而且現貨比特幣 ETF(交易所交易基金)正在推動數十億美元的新資金流入,比特幣可能會進一步飆升。由於減半預計將在兩個月內發生,斯卡拉穆奇認為現在是購買更多比特幣的絕佳機會。他還認為,市場可能低估了比特幣 ETF 未來的潛在成長。

Bitcoin Price Breaks Above The Bullish Pennant


This month, the price of Bitcoin experienced a significant surge following a period of consolidation, during which the price stabilized around $40,000. This stability provided a solid foundation for bullish traders to initiate a rally. As a result, the bulls successfully propelled the price through a markup phase, elevating it to $50,000.

本月,比特幣價格經歷了一段盤整期後的大幅上漲,期間價格穩定在4萬美元左右。這種穩定為看漲交易者發起反彈提供了堅實的基礎。結果,多頭成功推動價格進入加價階段,將其提升至 50,000 美元。

BTC has now breached the upper boundary of the bullish pennant pattern, signaling a continuation of the bullish trend.

BTC 目前已突破看漲三角旗形態的上限,標誌著看漲趨勢的延續。

Additionally, the BTC price is trading above both the 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs), further supporting the bullish sentiment. The Relative Strength Index is trending upwards at 72, which is above the overbought threshold of 70. This rise from the 50-midline level suggests significant buying pressure.

此外,BTC 價格交投於 50 天和 200 天簡單移動平均線 (SMA) 上方,進一步支撐了看漲情緒。相對強度指數呈上升趨勢,達到 72,高於 70 的超買閾值。從 50 中線水平上升表明存在巨大的買盤壓力。

Moreover, the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) line (blue) tends to be rebounding from trading below the signal line (orange), which signals a continuation of the upward trend. 


This is further supported by the movement of the bars in the histogram, which shows that the price is bound for a rally, strengthening the bullish prospects for the BTC price. The Average Directional Index (ADX) is at 53, showing a very strong trend currently, which confirms the bullish momentum.

直方圖中的條形運動進一步支持了這一點,表明價格必然會上漲,從而加強了 BTC 價格的看漲前景。平均方向指數(ADX)為 53,目前顯示出非常強勁的趨勢,證實了看漲勢頭。

Bitcoin Price Prediction


The current Bitcoin price long-term technical Analysis indicates that BTC is on bullish momentum, as confirmed by the price breaking above the bullish pennant pattern.


As the RSI is trading above 70, there could be a possible correction of the price to create more positions for the bulls. If such a scenario happens, the price could retrace back to $48,317, a footing that will allow the bulls to rally the price to a new high at $56,000.

由於 RSI 高於 70,價格可能會出現調整,為多頭創造更多部位。如果這種情況發生,價格可能會回撤至 48,317 美元,這一基礎將使多頭將價格上漲至 56,000 美元的新高。

The bullish trend in Bitcoin’s price is positively influencing Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX), a BTC derivative that’s experiencing exponential growth in its presale. Investors eager to diversify their exposure to Bitcoin might well consider this token. 

比特幣價格的看漲趨勢對 Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX) 產生了積極影響,這是一種預售量呈指數級增長的 BTC 衍生品。渴望分散比特幣投資的投資者很可能會考慮這種代幣。

BTCMTX Secures $10.8 Million – Best Alternative to Bitcoin To Buy Now For 10X Returns

BTCMTX 融資 1080 萬美元——立即購買比特幣的最佳替代品,可獲得 10 倍回報

Bitcoin mining has been an expensive endeavor for a long time now, but not anymore. Bitcoin Minetrix is a cutting-edge, decentralized cryptocurrency project that aims to fix the problem of high hardware costs and deceptive scams that prevent people from mining Bitcoin.

長期以來,比特幣挖礦一直是一項昂貴的工作,但現在不再是這樣了。 Bitcoin Minetrix 是一個尖端的、去中心化的加密貨幣項目,旨在解決高硬體成本和阻止人們開採比特幣的欺騙性詐騙問題。

This innovative approach has brought in significant interest and investment from the crypto community. The Bitcoin Minetrix presale has already raised over $10.8 million in early funding as it hurtles towards its $11.5 million target.

這種創新方法引起了加密社群的極大興趣和投資。 Bitcoin Minetrix 預售已經籌集了超過 1,080 萬美元的早期資金,目前正朝著 1,150 萬美元的目標快速前進。

BTCMTX tokens are currently priced at $0.0133, but the price will increase in less than one day, offering a quick gain if you buy now.

BTCMTX 代幣目前價格為 0.0133 美元,但價格將在不到一天的時間內上漲,如果您現在購買,可以快速獲利。

Buy And Stake BTCMTX, Win $30K Minedrop 

購買並質押 BTCMTX,贏取 3 萬美元 Minedrop

You can also buy and stake your BTCMTX tokens and receive a high annual percentage yield (APY) of 63%. Over 665 million tokens have already been staked. When you stake, you automatically get tradable ERC-20 token credits, which are burned in exchange for BTC cloud mining power.

您也可以購買並質押您的 BTCMTX 代幣,並獲得 63% 的高年收益率 (APY)。超過 6.65 億個代幣已被質押。當您進行質押時,您會自動獲得可交易的 ERC-20 代幣積分,這些積分將被銷毀以換取 BTC 雲端算力。

Moreover, taking part in the platform’s buying and staking process automatically places you as a contender in the $30,000 minedrop competition. Ten winners will be selected from all the entries, each receiving a $3,000 prize.

此外,參與平台的購買和質押流程將自動讓您成為 30,000 美元的挖礦競賽的競爭者。將從所有參賽作品中選出 10 名獲獎者,每位獲獎者將獲得 3,000 美元的獎金。

Jacob Bury, a YouTube crypto analyst, says that BTCMTX has the potential to go 10X after launch.

YouTube 加密貨幣分析師 Jacob Bury 表示,BTCMTX 推出後有可能上漲 10 倍。

To take part in the presale, visit the BTCMTX official website and swap your ETH or USDT for BTCMTX. You can also make purchases directly using your bank card.



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Source: https://thebittimes.com/bitcoin-price-prediction-btc-blasts-past-51k-after-19-surge-in-a-week-as-anthony-scaramucci-says-it-s-not-too-late-to-buy-tbt79810.html

資料來源:https://thebittimes.com/bitcoin-price-prediction-btc-blasts-past-51k-after-19-surge-in-a-week-as-anthony-scaramucci-says-it-s-not -太晚購買-tbt79810.html


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