首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於柴犬和狗狗幣價格滯後,這款新的 Meme 幣能否先突破 1 美元?

As Shiba Inu & Dogecoin Prices Lag, Could This New Meme Coin Hit $1 First?

由於柴犬和狗狗幣價格滯後,這款新的 Meme 幣能否先突破 1 美元?

發布: 2024/02/14 22:00 閱讀: 616

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post As Shiba Inu & Dogecoin Prices Lag, Could This New Meme Coin Hit $1 First? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

由於柴犬和狗狗幣價格滯後,這種新的 Meme 硬幣能否首先突破 1 美元?首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

The meme coin market is lagging behind the broader crypto space, with Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) showing minimal price movement.


Both meme tokens have traded sideways despite Bitcoin (BTC) surging above $50,000.

儘管比特幣 (BTC) 飆升至 50,000 美元以上,但這兩種 meme 代幣的交易卻一直橫盤整理。

While the future of these two dog-themed cryptos seems uncertain, a new project called Sponge V2 (SPONGEV2) has been gaining attention – and could be the first meme coin to hit the coveted $1 mark.

雖然這兩種以狗為主題的加密貨幣的未來似乎不確定,但一個名為Sponge V2 (SPONGEV2) 的新項目已經引起了人們的關注,並且可能是第一個達到令人垂涎的1 美元大關的模因幣。

Shiba Inu & Dogecoin Lag Behind as Crypto Market Picks Up Steam


SHIB is hovering around the $0.0000096 level, representing a 3% rise from yesterday’s low.

SHIB 徘徊在 0.0000096 美元附近,較昨日低點上漲 3%。

However, despite this rise, many in the crypto community are disappointed that SHIB hasn’t exploded in value like many altcoins have.

然而,儘管有所上漲,加密社群的許多人仍然對 SHIB 的價值沒有像許多山寨幣那樣爆炸性增長感到失望。

For example, Solana (SOL) is up over 6% in the same time frame, while Avalanche (AVAX) has risen even higher.

例如,Solana (SOL) 在同一時期上漲超過 6%,而 Avalanche (AVAX) 的漲幅甚至更高。

It’s not just Shiba Inu that has been lagging behind the broader market – Dogecoin is also struggling.


DOGE is up just 3% since yesterday, a modest gain compared to smaller cap meme coins.

DOGE 自昨天以來僅上漲了 3%,與小盤 Meme 幣相比,漲幅不大。

This muted reaction from SHIB and DOGE could be due to a lack of catalysts lately, as well as meme coin enthusiasts migrating to more “trendy” tokens like dogwifhat (WIF).

SHIB 和 DOGE 的反應冷淡可能是由於最近缺乏催化劑,以及模因幣愛好者轉向更「流行」的代幣,如 Dogwifhat (WIF)。

BONK has proved capable of producing exponential returns in recent months and has outpaced the gains made by the world’s largest meme coins.

事實證明,近幾個月來,BONK 能夠產生指數級回報,其漲幅超過了全球最大的迷因幣。

So, although Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are still in the green for the week, their performance has been relatively underwhelming.


New Cartoon Coin Sponge V2 Rockets 101% After Polygon Migration

新卡通硬幣海綿 V2 多邊形遷移後火箭 101%

While established meme coins are failing to impress, a new contender has emerged that could shake up the status quo.


Sponge V2 is a cryptocurrency based on the popular SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon character and just migrated to the Polygon blockchain last week.

Sponge V2 是一種基於流行的海綿寶寶卡通人物的加密貨幣,上週剛遷移到 Polygon 區塊鏈。

In the short time since its migration, SPONGEV2 has rocketed in value, gaining over 101%, with trading volumes also rising daily.

在遷移後的短時間內,SPONGEV2 的價值激增,漲幅超過 101%,交易量也每天都在增加。

Sponge V2 is still in the very early stages of its life cycle, with a market cap of just $44.8 million.

Sponge V2 仍處於生命週期的早期階段,市值僅 4,480 萬美元。

However, the community momentum behind it is undeniable – more than 31,000 people now follow Sponge V2’s Twitter account.

然而,背後的社群動力是不可否認的——現在有超過 31,000 人關注 Sponge V2 的 Twitter 帳戶。

With blockchains like Polygon gaining widespread adoption and meme coins on non-Ethereum chains rising in popularity, Sponge V2 seems poised for further growth

隨著 Polygon 等區塊鏈廣泛採用,以及非以太坊鏈上的 meme 幣越來越受歡迎,Sponge V2 似乎已準備好進一步增長

The exponential gains of Sponge V2 in the past week stand in stark contrast to the sluggish performance of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin.

過去一周 Sponge V2 的指數級上漲與 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 的低迷表現形成鮮明對比。

As these market leaders stagnate, Sponge V2 looks ready to take the initiative – with YouTuber Jacob Bury stating it could be the “next 100x crypto” to launch.

當這些市場領導者停滯不前時,Sponge V2 似乎已準備好採取主動 - YouTuber Jacob Bury 表示它可能是「下一個 100 倍加密貨幣」。

Sponge V2’s Gaming & Staking Perks Could Power Token’s Price to $1

Sponge V2 的遊戲和質押福利可能會將代幣的價格推至 1 美元

But can Sponge V2 really reach the coveted $1 valuation before Shiba Inu or Dogecoin?

但 Sponge V2 真的能在柴犬或狗狗幣之前達到令人垂涎的 1 美元估值嗎?

Given its current price of $0.00111, hitting $1 would require exponential growth.

鑑於其當前價格為 0.00111 美元,要達到 1 美元將需要指數級增長。

However, with its ambitious roadmap and growing traction on social media, it may be possible.


Key factors that could drive demand for Sponge V2 include the upcoming play-to-earn (P2E) racing game and attractive staking rewards.

可能推動 Sponge V2 需求的關鍵因素包括即將推出的邊玩邊賺錢 (P2E) 賽車遊戲和有吸引力的質押獎勵。

Staking rewards are as high as 1,303% APY, meaning investors are incentivized to buy and hold SPONGEV2 long-term.

質押獎勵高達 1,303% APY,這意味著投資者有動力購買並長期持有 SPONGEV2。

Moreover, if the P2E game successfully catches the attention of crypto gamers when it launches, SPONGEV2 could be a token in high demand.

此外,如果 P2E 遊戲在推出時成功吸引加密遊戲玩家的注意,SPONGEV2 可能會成為需求量大的代幣。

Ultimately, while meme coins are inherently volatile, Sponge V2 shows more long-term potential than most due to its built-in utility.

最終,雖然 Meme 幣本質上具有波動性,但 Sponge V2 由於其內建實用性,比大多數幣種顯示出更多的長期潛力。

With the right mix of hype and use cases, Sponge V2 reaching $1 first before SHIB and DOGE is still within the realms of possibility.

透過正確的宣傳和用例組合,Sponge V2 在 SHIB 和 DOGE 之前首先達到 1 美元仍然是可能的。

Interested investors can buy SPONGEV2 tokens using ETH or USDT at sponge.vip



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