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Bitcoin Price Rises on Thanksgiving Day: Data Indicates Further Upside!


發布: 2023/11/24 06:22 閱讀: 987



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  • Bitcoin, although staying just below the recent peak of around $38,000, continues a sustained rise, increasing by a third since the beginning of October.
  • 比特幣雖然略低於 38,000 美元左右的近期峰值,但仍在持續上漲,自 10 月初以來增加了三分之一。

  • In the fall of 2020, Bitcoin was in the early stages of a bull market that would later carry prices up to $69,000 a year later.
  • 2020 年秋季,比特幣正處於牛市的早期階段,一年後價格將上漲至 69,000 美元。

  • Beyond Bitcoin, the second-largest crypto, Ether, rose by 2% to $2,060. Smaller tokens or altcoins were also lively.
  • 除比特幣外,第二大加密貨幣以太幣上漲 2%,至 2,060 美元。較小的代幣或山寨幣也很活躍。

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies maintain their upward momentum on Thanksgiving Day: What could happen for the rest of the year?


Bitcoin’s Thanksgiving Day Performance


Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies rose on Thursday, continuing the momentum that allowed the largest digital asset to show its best performance on Thanksgiving Day since 2020. History suggests that more gains could be on the way.

比特幣和其他加密貨幣週四上漲,延續了這一最大的數位資產在感恩節展現 2020 年以來最佳表現的勢頭。歷史表明,更多漲幅可能即將到來。

The price of Bitcoin rose by 2% in the last 24 hours to $37,350, recovering above $37,000 after experiencing a drop earlier in the week following the admission of guilt by the CEO of the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, for money laundering violations.

比特幣價格在過去24 小時內上漲2%,至37,350 美元,在全球最大加密貨幣交易所幣安(Binance) 首席執行官承認犯有洗錢違規行為後,本週早些時候經歷了下跌,比特幣價格已恢復至37,000 美元以上。

Although Bitcoin remains just below the recent peak of around $38,000, it continues a sustained rise, increasing by a third since the beginning of October. This marks the end of a long period of calm in the crypto markets and signals a new bullish run.

儘管比特幣仍略低於 38,000 美元左右的近期峰值,但它仍在持續上漲,自 10 月初以來增加了三分之一。這標誌著加密貨幣市場長期平靜的結束,並預示著新的看漲行情。

In fact, according to Dow Jones Market Data, Bitcoin has experienced almost a 17% increase in the past month leading up to Thanksgiving Day. This marks the pre-holiday best performance, compared to the same period in 2020 when the token surged by over 30%.

事實上,根據道瓊斯市場數據,比特幣在感恩節前一個月上漲了近 17%。與2020年同期相比,這標誌著節前的最佳表現,當時代幣飆升了30%以上。

In the fall of 2020, Bitcoin was in the early stages of a bull market that would later carry prices up to $69,000 a year later. The current gains have been largely triggered by optimism that U.S. regulators will soon approve the first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), bringing a new wave of investor interest to cryptocurrencies.

2020 年秋季,比特幣正處於牛市的早期階段,一年後價格將上漲至 69,000 美元。目前的漲幅很大程度上是由於美國監管機構將很快批准首隻現貨比特幣交易所交易基金(ETF)的樂觀情緒引發的,這為加密貨幣帶來了新一波投資者的興趣。

Bitcoin’s Performance in Historical Events


Looking back to 2020 and historical data, crypto bulls might have more to celebrate in the coming weeks. Three years ago, Bitcoin increased by 69% from Thanksgiving Day until the end of 2020, and since 2010, the token has averaged a 17% increase from Black Friday to the moment the New Year’s Eve bell rings.

回顧 2020 年和歷史數據,加密貨幣多頭可能在未來幾週內有更多值得慶祝的事情。三年前,從感恩節到 2020 年底,比特幣上漲了 69%,而自 2010 年以來,從黑色星期五到除夕鐘聲敲響,該代幣平均上漲了 17%。

Beyond Bitcoin, the second-largest crypto, Ether, rose by 2% to $2,060. Smaller tokens or altcoins were also lively, with Cardano increasing by 4% and Polygon rising by 2%. Meme coins also saw gains, with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu rising by 2% each.

除比特幣外,第二大加密貨幣以太幣上漲 2%,至 2,060 美元。較小的代幣或山寨幣也很活躍,Cardano 上漲了 4%,Polygon 上漲了 2%。 Meme 幣也有上漲,狗狗幣和柴犬幣各上漲 2%。

The post Bitcoin Price Rises on Thanksgiving Day: Data Indicates Further Upside! appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

感恩節比特幣價格上漲:數據顯示進一步上漲!首先出現在 COINOTAG 新聞上。

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