首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Netflix 導演將其劇集預算投資於狗狗幣並賺了數百萬美元!但他拿不到錢!

Netflix Director Invested His Series Budget in Dogecoin and Made Millions! But He Can't Get His Money!

Netflix 導演將其劇集預算投資於狗狗幣並賺了數百萬美元!但他拿不到錢!

發布: 2023/11/24 06:28 閱讀: 515

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi


Netflix 導演將其劇集預算投資於狗狗幣並賺了數百萬美元!但他拿不到錢!

Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular meme token loved and supported by Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter (now known as X), has made many investors rich.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是一種流行的迷因代幣,受到 Twitter(現稱為 X)所有者 Elon Musk的喜愛和支持,已經讓許多投資者變得富有。

One of them was Carl Erik Rinsch, director of the Netflix series “Conquest”.

其中一位是 Netflix 影集《征服》的導演卡爾艾瑞克林許 (Carl Erik Rinsch)。

According to The New York Times, Carl Erik Rinsch used part of the $55 million budget allocated for the science fiction series Conquest to invest in stocks and Dogecoin.

根據《紐約時報》報道,卡爾·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 將科幻小說系列《征服》分配的 5500 萬美元預算的一部分用於投資股票和狗狗幣。

Director Rinsch, who initially received a budget of 44 million dollars, later requested an additional budget of 11 million dollars.

導演林許最初獲得了 4,400 萬美元的預算,後來又要求追加 1,100 萬美元的預算。

Rinsch, who did not use the $11 million budget for the series, used $10.5 million of the additional fund to buy various stocks on the stock market.

林什沒有使用該系列的 1100 萬美元預算,而是使用了額外資金中的 1050 萬美元購買了股市上的各種股票。

However, Rinsch, who lost nearly $6 million on his stock investment in just a few weeks, transferred just over $4 million to the crypto exchange Kraken.

然而,Rinsch 在短短幾週內就損失了近 600 萬美元的股票投資,他將略高於 400 萬美元的資金轉移到了加密貨幣交易所 Kraken。

Rinsch, who invested all the money he invested in Kraken into DOGE, earned approximately 27 million dollars from his DOGE investment.

Rinsch 將他在 Kraken 投資的所有資金都投入到 DOGE 中,他從 DOGE 投資中賺取了大約 2700 萬美元。

Rinsch withdrew the $27 million he earned from his DOGE investment in May 2021, according to account reports seen by The New York Times.

根據《紐約時報》看到的帳戶報告,Rinsch 於 2021 年 5 月撤回了他從 DOGE 投資中賺取的 2700 萬美元。

At this point, The New York Times reported that Rinsch filed a lawsuit against Netflix and claimed that Netflix owed him $14 million in compensation for profiting from the DOGE investment.

此時,《紐約時報》報道稱,林什對 Netflix 提起訴訟,聲稱 Netflix 因從 DOGE 投資中獲利而欠他 1400 萬美元賠償。

Netflix, on the other hand, denies Rinsch's claims, stating that it does not owe Rinsch any debt.

另一方面,Netflix 否認了 Rinsch 的說法,表示不欠 Rinsch 任何債務。

The decision on the case, which was heard at the beginning of November, is expected to be made soon.

該案已於 11 月初審理,預計很快就會做出裁決。

*This is not investment advice.


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繼續閱讀:Netflix 導演將他的劇集預算投資於狗狗幣並賺了數百萬美元!但他拿不到錢!


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