首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著比特幣的穩定,探索有前途的山寨幣:柴犬、狗狗幣和創新的 Galaxy Fox——所有這些都適合精明的投資者

As Bitcoin stabilizes, explore promising altcoins: Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and innovative Galaxy Fox – all for savvy investors

隨著比特幣的穩定,探索有前途的山寨幣:柴犬、狗狗幣和創新的 Galaxy Fox——所有這些都適合精明的投資者

發布: 2024/02/03 06:06 閱讀: 203



隨著比特幣的穩定,探索有前途的山寨幣:柴犬、狗狗幣和創新的 Galaxy Fox——所有這些都適合精明的投資者



  • Dogecoin (DOGE) holders celebrate OKX’s plans to support Doginals.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者慶祝 OKX 支持 Doginals 的計劃。

  • Bitcoin’s recent decline has worsened The Sandbox’s (SAND) price fall.
  • 比特幣最近的下跌加劇了 The Sandbox (SAND) 的價格下跌。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) is also one of the top investment choices in the crypto market.
  • NuggetRush(NUGX)也是加密貨幣市場的最佳投資選擇之一。

Dogecoin’s Doginals will soon be available on OKX’s marketplace. The Sandbox (SAND) also fell to the $0.40 region amid Bitcoin’s market wobble.

狗狗幣的 Doginals 很快就會在 OKX 市場上發售。由於比特幣市場波動,沙箱(SAND)也跌至 0.40 美元區域。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is gaining traction over other play-to-earn networks. Its sale of 167 million tokens continues to attract investors. Yet, can NUGX join the list of top DeFi projects to buy? Let’s hear what market analysts say.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 正在獲得比其他邊玩邊賺網絡更有吸引力的關注。其 1.67 億枚代幣的銷售繼續吸引投資者。然而,NUGX 能否躋身最值得購買的 DeFi 專案之列呢?我們來聽聽市場分析師怎麼說。

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OKX Announces Support For Dogecoin’s Doginals

OKX 宣布支持狗狗幣 Doginals

OKX has revealed plans to add support for Doginals, a new Inscriptions token standard for Dogecoin (DOGE). The move comes amid growing interest in Inscription activity on Bitcoin and Dogecoin (DOGE). Furthermore, OKX has announced plans to launch a marketplace for Dogecoin (DOGE) Inscriptions and those belonging to other networks.

OKX 透露計劃增加對 Doginals 的支持,這是狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的新銘文代幣標準。此舉正值人們對比特幣和狗狗幣(DOGE)的銘文活動越來越感興趣之際。此外,OKX 還宣布計劃推出狗狗幣 (DOGE) 銘文和屬於其他網路的銘文市場。

The plan could add bullish momentum to Dogecoin’s (DOGE) recent performance. DOGE sold at $0.09015 on December 30. By January 15, DOGE had fallen by 10.0% to $0.08113. DOGE rose by 8.3% to $0.08789 on January 20 before falling by 10.3% to $0.07881 by January 28.

該計劃可能為狗狗幣(DOGE)的近期表現增添看漲勢頭。 DOGE 於 12 月 30 日以 0.09015 美元的價格出售。到 1 月 15 日,DOGE 已下跌 10.0% 至 0.08113 美元。 DOGE 於 1 月 20 日上漲 8.3% 至 0.08789 美元,隨後於 1 月 28 日下跌 10.3% 至 0.07881 美元。

Inscription activity could skyrocket in 2024. This could lead to a corresponding increase in demand for Dogecoin (DOGE) inscriptions. Furthermore, the Doom Video game was launched on Dogecoin via Doginals. Analysts say such moves would increase in the second quarter of 2024 as Inscription activity rises. This could push DOGE’s price up by 26.6% to $0.09979.

2024 年,銘文活動可能會激增。這可能會導致狗狗幣 (DOGE) 銘文需求相應增加。此外,《毀滅戰士》電玩遊戲是透過 Doginals 在狗狗幣上推出的。分析師表示,隨著 Inscription 活動的增加,此類措施將在 2024 年第二季增加。這可能會使 DOGE 的價格上漲 26.6% 至 0.09979 美元。



The Sandbox Falls to $0.40 Amid Bitcoin’s Slight Downturn

比特幣小幅下滑,沙盒跌至 0.40 美元

The crypto market has enjoyed widespread bullishness in January 2024. Yet, a recent Bitcoin fall triggered a market-wide price correction. Several top altcoins like The Sandbox (SAND) lost significant bullish momentum following Bitcoin’s fall. 

2024 年 1 月,加密貨幣市場普遍看漲。然而,最近比特幣的下跌引發了整個市場的價格調整。在比特幣下跌後,沙盒(SAND)等幾種頂級山寨幣失去了顯著的看漲勢頭。

The market bearishness pushed The Sandbox (SAND) below the $0.50 region. SAND traded at $0.6042 on January 1. It lost some bullish momentum, falling by 10.8% to $0.5384 on January 11. SAND fell by 9.3% to $0.4882 on January 19, before dropping further to $0.4504 on January 28.

市場看跌情緒將 The Sandbox (SAND) 推至 0.50 美元下方。 1 月1 日,SAND 交易價格為0.6042 美元。它失去了一些看漲勢頭,1 月11 日下跌10.8%,至0.5384 美元。1 月19 日,SAND 下跌9.3%,至0.4882 美元,1 月28 日進一步下跌至0.4504 美元。

The Sandbox (SAND) community expects a recovery following the growing demand for its services in the blockchain gaming industry. Furthermore, they expect more bullish momentum following a partnership between Unstoppable Domains and The Sandbox (SAND). 

隨著區塊鏈遊戲產業對其服務的需求不斷增長,沙盒(SAND)社群預計會出現復甦。此外,他們預計 Unstoppable Domains 和 The Sandbox (SAND) 之間的合作將帶來更多看漲勢頭。

However, bearish spectators say The Sandbox (SAND) will face tough competition from other altcoins in the gaming industry. This could push The Sandbox’s SAND token up by 17.9% to $0.4004.

然而,看跌的觀眾表示,沙盒(SAND)將面臨遊戲產業其他山寨幣的激烈競爭。這可能會使 The Sandbox 的 SAND 代幣上漲 17.9% 至 0.4004 美元。



NuggetRush: Becoming the Difference Maker in Play-to-Earn Adventures

NuggetRush:成為 Play-to-Earn 冒險中的改變者

Few market experts could anticipate NuggetRush’s mega growth by round five of its presale. The project is about exploring your adventurous side by delving deep into a virtual world of artisanal mining. It offers the perfect escape where you become an artisanal miner focused on establishing your own wealth-building operations. 

很少有市場專家能夠預見 NuggetRush 在預售第五輪時會實現巨大成長。該專案旨在透過深入研究手工採礦的虛擬世界來探索您冒險的一面。它為您提供了完美的逃離,讓您成為手工採礦者,專注於建立自己的財富累積業務。

NuggetRush (NUGX) demands that you learn the skill of mining entrepreneurship. The gameplay involves the collection of NFT assets, which make your team of miners. These workers will determine the success or failure rate of your mining operation. Collecting high-value NFT gaming assets thus becomes a necessity on the path to building wealth in NuggetRush.

NuggetRush(NUGX)要求您學習挖礦創業的技能。遊戲玩法涉及收集 NFT 資產,這些資產組成了你的礦工團隊。這些工人將決定您採礦作業的成功率或失敗率。因此,收集高價值的 NFT 遊戲資產就成為了 NuggetRush 累積財富的必要條件。

Speaking of building wealth, NuggetRush (NUGX) offers both NFT trading and staking. Gamers can sell their NFT collectibles over the platform’s P2P marketplace. They can also opt to earn high-value APY rewards for staking their NFTs.

說到累積財富,NuggetRush (NUGX) 提供 NFT 交易和質押服務。遊戲玩家可以透過該平台的 P2P 市場出售他們的 NFT 收藏品。他們還可以選擇透過質押 NFT 來賺取高價值的 APY 獎勵。

Many investors have fallen with NuggetRush, acquiring 167 million NUGX tokens by round five of its presale. Furthermore, some have capitalized on NuggetRush’s 80% price increase since its presale kicked off. 

許多投資者都對 NuggetRush 感興趣,在第五輪預售中購買了 1.67 億個 NUGX 代幣。此外,自預售開始以來,NuggetRush 的價格上漲了 80%,有些人從中獲利。

Now, NUGX’s exchange listing is on the lips of its earliest investors as the token will jump by 11.1% to $0.020. Analysts agree that NuggetRush’s (NUGX) sharp presale growth could make it one of the top crypto coins.

現在,NUGX 的交易所上市已成為其最早投資者的話題,該代幣將上漲 11.1% 至 0.020 美元。分析師一致認為,NuggetRush (NUGX) 預售的急劇增長可能使其成為頂級加密貨幣之一。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

The post As Bitcoin stabilizes, explore promising altcoins: Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and innovative Galaxy Fox – all for savvy investors appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

《隨著比特幣穩定,探索有前途的山寨幣:柴犬、狗狗幣和創新的 Galaxy Fox——所有這些都適合精明的投資者》一文首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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