首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 柴犬會超越狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年的預測與預測

Will Shiba Inu eclipse Dogecoin? Predictions and forecast for 2024

柴犬會超越狗狗幣嗎? 2024 年的預測與預測

發布: 2024/02/03 06:00 閱讀: 609



Unpacking the factors shaping Shiba Inu’s price predictions for 2024: from tech innovations to influencer endorsements.

解析影響 2024 年柴犬價格預測的因素:從技術創新到影響者的認可。

Shiba Inu (SHIB), the second most popular meme coin after Dogecoin (DOGE), has experienced a mix of developments and challenges in recent weeks. It is also predicted that it could surpass DOGE in market performance in Feb. 2024. 


Amidst these changes, on Jan. 24, the Shiba Inu team announced a strategic shift toward Shibdentity, focusing on decentralized identity within the web3 ecosystem. 

在這些變化中,1 月 24 日,Shiba Inu 團隊宣布向 Shibdentity 進行策略轉變,重點關注 web3 生態系統中的去中心化身分。

Despite this forward-thinking initiative, SHIB has declined by more than 20% since the start of 2024, impacted by broader market trends such as the sell-off of Grayscale GBTC shares. 

儘管採取了這項前瞻性舉措,但受 Grayscale GBTC 股票拋售等更廣泛市場趨勢的影響,SHIB 自 2024 年初以來仍下跌了 20% 以上。

As a result, SHIB reached a high of $0.00001092 on Jan. 2, but since then, its price has been on a downward trajectory. It hit a monthly low of $0.000008574 on Jan. 8. However, there has been a silver lining as it has gradually rebounded and is trading at $0.000008984 as of Feb. 2.

結果,SHIB 在 1 月 2 日達到了 0.00001092 美元的高點,但此後,其價格一直處於下降軌道。 1 月 8 日觸及 0.000008574 美元的月度低點。不過,隨著逐漸反彈,截至 2 月 2 日交易價格為 0.000008984 美元,也出現了一線希望。

Let’s delve deeper into the dynamics of SHIB’s ecosystem and explore what these changes might mean for Shiba Inu price prediction. 

讓我們更深入研究 SHIB 生態系統的動態,並探討這些變化對柴犬價格預測可能意味著什麼。

Current state of Shiba Inu ecosystem 


In 2024, one of the key highlights for Shiba Inu is its focus on Shibdentity, a concept aimed at altering digital identification within the web3 ecosystem. 

2024 年,Shiba Inu 的主要亮點之一是對 Shibdentity 的關注,這是一個旨在改變 web3 生態系統中數位身分的概念。

To ensure the widespread adoption and user-friendliness of Shibdentity, Shiba Inu has partnered with D3 Global, a company specializing in domain infrastructure. 

為了確保 Shibdentity 的廣泛採用和用戶友好性,Shiba Inu 與專門從事網域基礎設施的公司 D3 Global 合作。

Much like Ethereum Name Service (ENS) simplifies Ethereum user experiences by replacing complex wallet addresses with user-friendly names, Shibdentity aims to offer a similar solution within the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

就像以太坊名稱服務 (ENS) 透過以用戶友好的名稱替換複雜的錢包地址來簡化以太坊用戶體驗一樣,Shibdentity 旨在在 Shiba Inu 生態系統中提供類似的解決方案。

For example, instead of sending SHIB tokens to a wallet address like 0x1234ABCD5678EFGH91011IJKL12131415MNO16P, users could send them to trump.shib.

例如,用戶可以將 SHIB 代幣發送到 trump.shib,而不是將其發送到 0x1234ABCD5678EFGH91011IJKL12131415MNO16P 等錢包地址。

Meanwhile, Shibarium, Shiba Inu’s layer-2 blockchain platform, has grown strongly since its mainnet launch in Aug. 2023. According to the project’s data, as of Feb. 2, it has processed over 328 million transactions, generated over 2.9 million blocks, and accumulated almost 1.35 million wallet addresses.

同時,Shiba Inu的二層區塊鏈平台Shibarium自2023年8月主網上線以來增長強勁。根據該項目的數據,截至2月2日,它已處理超過3.28億筆交易,生成超過290萬個區塊,並累積了近135萬個錢包位址。

Additionally, the Shiba Inu platform has made good progress in reducing its token supply. According to the latest data, a total of 410.7 trillion SHIB tokens have been burned from the initial supply. 

此外,柴犬平台在減少代幣供應方面取得了良好進展。根據最新數據,初始供應量共 410.7 兆個 SHIB 代幣被銷毀。

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This practice is consistent with common strategies in the crypto market, where reducing the supply of a token can potentially lead to an increase in its token value, assuming demand remains stable or increases.


Factors affecting Shiba Inu price prediction in 2024


A combination of factors influences Shiba Inu price predictions in 2024, each playing a role in shaping its market dynamics.

多種因素綜合影響 2024 年柴犬的價格預測,每個因素都在塑造其市場動態方面發揮作用。

Shibarium’s influence


The fate of SHIB’s price prediction is closely tied to the performance of Shibarium. Features such as improved scalability, enhanced transactions per second, and the implementation of an automated SHIB token burn portal are expected to be crucial in 2024.

SHIB價格預測的命運與Shibarium的表現密切相關。提高可擴展性、增強每秒交易量以及實施自動化 SHIB 代幣銷毀入口網站等功能預計將在 2024 年變得至關重要。

Impact of influencer endorsements


The SHIB market is highly sensitive to influences, especially from social media hype. For instance, past tweets from high-profile individuals like Elon Musk, known for swaying crypto prices, have significantly impacted SHIB’s value. This vulnerability could alter SHIB’s price trajectory in the future.

SHIB 市場對影響高度敏感,尤其是社群媒體炒作的影響。例如,以影響加密貨幣價格而聞名的馬斯克(Elon Musk)等知名人士過去發布的推文對 SHIB 的價值產生了重大影響。此漏洞可能會改變 SHIB 未來的價格軌跡。

SHIB’s engagement with the metaverse

SHIB 與元宇宙的合作

SHIB’s involvement in the metaverse is another key factor. Its integration into gaming and virtual world projects adds a new dimension of utility and engagement. 


The development of metaverse-related applications, such as the Shiba Inu metaverse project ‘Shib the Metaverse’, could open up new avenues for adoption and utility, potentially enhancing SHIB’s appeal beyond its status as a meme coin.

元宇宙相關應用程式的開發,例如柴犬元宇宙計畫“Shib the Metaverse”,可以開闢新的採用和實用途徑,有可能增強 SHIB 的吸引力,超越其作為模因硬幣的地位。

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您可能還喜歡:“元界技術還不成熟,但 30 年後,每個人都會使用它”

Transformation through utility and dApps

透過實用程式和 dApp 進行轉型

The evolution of Shiba Inu from a meme token to a more established project also depends on the growth of its utility and decentralized applications (dapps). 

Shiba Inu 從 meme 代幣到更成熟的專案的演變也取決於其實用性和去中心化應用程式 (dapp) 的成長。

ShibaSwap, its decentralized exchange (DEX), needs to see expanded usage for trading SHIB and other tokens, thereby boosting liquidity and accessibility. Similarly, the success of the Shiboshis NFT collection and Shiba Eternity, the play-to-earn game, will be crucial for Shiba Inu’s growth. 

ShibaSwap 是其去中心化交易所 (DEX),需要擴大 SHIB 和其他代幣交易的使用範圍,從而提高流動性和可訪問性。同樣,Shiboshis NFT 系列和 Shiba Eternity(邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲)的成功對於 Shiba Inu 的成長至關重要。

Additionally, for Shiba Inu to thrive, tokens like BONE and LEASH must gain broader significance by supporting governance and participating in metaverse land initiatives.

此外,為了讓柴犬蓬勃發展,像 BONE 和 LEASH 這樣的代幣必須透過支持治理和參與元宇宙土地計畫來獲得更廣泛的意義。

Influence of Bitcoin halving


Another crucial factor is the upcoming Bitcoin halving in 2024. This event, which typically occurs every four years, reduces the reward for mining Bitcoin by half, potentially reducing the new supply of Bitcoin and influencing the entire crypto market, including SHIB. 

另一個關鍵因素是即將到來的2024 年比特幣減半。這一事件通常每四年發生一次,它將開採比特幣的獎勵減少一半,可能會減少比特幣的新增供應量,並影響包括SHIB在內的整個加密市場。

As such, the 2024 Bitcoin halving could indirectly impact Shiba Inu’s price, either by fostering a bullish market sentiment or by increasing overall market volatility.

因此,2024 年比特幣減半可能會透過培育看漲的市場情緒或增加整體市場波動性來間接影響柴犬的價格。

Shiba Inu price prediction: short-term outlook


In the short term, the Shiba Inu coin price prediction seems to be undergoing some volatility. 


According to CoinCodex, a forecast suggests a decline to $0.000007733 by Feb. 13, indicating a notable drop from its current price. 

根據 CoinCodex 的預測,到 2 月 13 日,價格將跌至 0.000007733 美元,這表明其當前價格顯著下跌。

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However, the trajectory isn’t set on a downward path only. CoinCodex also predicts a rebound to around $0.000009785 by Mar. 2. 

然而,軌跡並不僅僅設定在向下的路徑上。 CoinCodex 也預測到 3 月 2 日將反彈至 0.000009785 美元左右。

It’s important to remember that Shiba Inu crypto price predictions are often speculative and should be taken with caution. Hence, when considering the SHIB price prediction or any investment in the crypto market, it’s crucial to conduct your own research and not rely solely on forecasts, which can be incorrect.

重要的是要記住,柴犬加密貨幣價格預測通常具有投機性,應謹慎對待。因此,在考慮 SHIB 價格預測或加密貨幣市場的任何投資時,進行自己的研究至關重要,而不是只依賴預測,因為預測可能是錯誤的。

Shiba Inu price forecast: long-term outlook


Looking ahead, the Shiba Inu price prediction for 2024 presents a varied landscape according to different algorithmic forecasting tools. 

展望未來,根據不同的演算法預測工具,2024 年柴犬價格預測呈現不同的前景。

Digital Coin Price (DCP) forecasts a potential price of $0.0000181, suggesting a bullish outlook for the coin. In contrast, Wallet Investor (WI) presents a more conservative estimation, projecting the price to be around $0.000004030. 

數位硬幣價格 (DCP) 預測潛在價格為 0.0000181 美元,表明該硬幣的前景看漲。相比之下,Wallet Investor (WI) 給出了更保守的估計,預計價格約為 0.000004030 美元。

Moving to Shiba Inu price prediction for 2025, the trend seems to lean towards gradual growth. 

轉向 2025 年柴犬價格預測,趨勢似乎傾向逐步成長。

DCP’s prediction for 2025 stands at around $0.0000224, indicating a potential increase from its 2024 forecast. However, WI’s analysis offers a starkly different view, predicting a much lower price of $0.000000745. 

DCP 對 2025 年的預測約為 0.0000224 美元,顯示較 2024 年的預測可能有所增加。然而,WI 的分析提供了截然不同的觀點,預測價格要低得多,為 0.000000745 美元。

From a long-term perspective, the Shiba Inu price prediction for 2030 shows an interesting range. 

從長期角度來看,2030 年柴犬的價格預測顯示出一個有趣的範圍。

DCP optimistically predicts a price of $0.0000644, suggesting a strong growth trajectory for SHIB over the decade. Meanwhile, CoinCodex provides a broader range, with its prediction varying from a low of $0.00004705 to a high of $0.00008868.

DCP 樂觀地預測價格為 0.0000644 美元,表明 SHIB 在過去十年中呈現強勁的成長軌跡。同時,CoinCodex 提供了更廣泛的範圍,其預測範圍從最低 0.00004705 美元到最高 0.00008868 美元。

As always, you should cautiously approach these predictions and conduct thorough research. Crypto investments carry inherent risks, and the market’s volatility can lead to significant losses. 


While algorithmic forecasts provide valuable insights, they are not foolproof and should be one of many tools you should use in making informed investment decisions.


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Is Shiba Inu a good investment?


The potential of Shiba Inu as an investment depends on various factors, including market trends and individual risk tolerance. Shiba Inu, originally a meme coin, has gradually expanded into a more complex ecosystem with developments like Shibarium. However, it still remains a highly speculative asset with price fluctuations influenced by market sentiments and social media hype. It’s advisable only to invest what you can afford to lose and consider diversifying your investment portfolio to mitigate risks.

柴犬作為投資的潛力取決於多種因素,包括市場趨勢和個人風險承受能力。 Shiba Inu 最初是一種迷因幣,隨著 Shibarium 等發展,逐漸擴展到更複雜的生態系統。然而,它仍然是一種高度投機的資產,價格波動受到市場情緒和社交媒體炒作的影響。建議僅投資您可以承受的損失,並考慮分散您的投資組合以降低風險。

Will Shiba Inu go up or down?


Predicting the exact direction of Shiba Inu’s price is challenging due to the volatile nature of the crypto market. Short-term forecasts from sources like CoinCodex suggest fluctuations, with potential declines and subsequent rebounds in the near future. Long-term Shiba Inu price forecasts show a wide range of possibilities, indicating both potential growth and decline.

由於加密市場的波動性,預測柴犬價格的確切方向具有挑戰性。 CoinCodex 等來源的短期預測表明存在波動,在不久的將來可能會出現下跌和隨後的反彈。長期柴犬價格預測顯示出多種可能性,顯示潛在的成長和下降。

Should I invest in Shiba Inu?


Investing in Shiba Inu should be based on careful consideration of your financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance. While Shiba Inu has shown growth and is developing its ecosystem, it remains a speculative investment with a high degree of price volatility. Always do your own research and consider seeking advice from a financial professional.


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