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Max Keiser Slams Dogecoin, Responding to Elon Musk's Tweet


發布: 2024/02/03 06:00 閱讀: 375




Vocal Bitcoin proponent and maximalist Max Keiser has taken to the X/Twitter social media platform to take a jab at another top 10 altcoin. While, Bitcoin advisor Keiser usually aims his critique at such cryptocurrencies as XRP, ADA and SOL, this time, he responded to a tweet posted by Elon Musk and chose DOGE as a new target.

比特幣的大力支持者和極端主義者 Max Keizer 在 X/Twitter 社交媒體平台上對另一種排名前十的山寨幣進行了攻擊。雖然比特幣顧問凱澤通常將批評矛頭指向XRP、ADA和SOL等加密貨幣,但這次,他回應了馬斯克發布的推文,選擇了DOGE作為新的目標。

Keiser bashes DOGE, praising BTC

Keiser 抨擊 DOGE,讚揚 BTC

Max Keiser quoted Elon Musk’s tweet about the U.S. government and the “Committee of Public Safety” that saw a large number of people executed during the French Revolution. In his critique, the Bitcoin maximalist slammed Dogecoin as an s-coin and shared statistics of the homicide rate in El Salvador falling substantially lower than in such counties as South Africa, Jamaica and even the U.S. (Chicago in particular).

馬克斯·凱澤引用了伊隆·馬斯克關於美國政府和「公共安全委員會」的推文,該委員會在法國大革命期間殺害了大量人員。在他的批評中,這位比特幣極端主義者猛烈抨擊狗狗幣是一種s 幣,並分享了薩爾瓦多兇殺率的統計數據,該國的兇殺率大幅低於南非、牙買加甚至美國(尤其是芝加哥)等國家。

Keiser believes that the high crime rate all over the world is due to those countries using fiat currencies, unlike El Salvador, where in 2020 President Nayib Bukele adopted Bitcoin as the national currency.

Keizer 認為,世界各地的高犯罪率是由於那些使用法定貨幣的國家造成的,這與薩爾瓦多不同,薩爾瓦多總統納伊布·布克萊 (Nayib Bukele) 在 2020 年採用了比特幣作為本國貨幣。

This is how we handle shitcoiners (like DOGE) in #ElSalvador. The homicide rate in 🇸🇻 went from Jamaica, South Africa, Chicago-like rates of 50 - 60 murders per 100,000 —- to the same as Luxembourg’s 1.6 Shitcoiners and all fiat money terrorists must be ELIMINATED WITH… https://t.co/9c2CGbSQO9

這就是我們在#ElSalvador 處理垃圾幣者(如 DOGE)的方式。 🇸🇻的兇殺率從牙買加、南非、芝加哥那樣的每10 萬人中有50 - 60 起謀殺案的比率下降到與盧森堡1.6 Shitcoiners 相同的水平,所有法定貨幣恐怖分子都必須被消滅.... .. https://t.co /9c2CGbSQO9

— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) February 2, 2024

— 馬克斯‧凱澤 (@maxkeiser) 2024 年 2 月 2 日

In his recent tweets, Max Keiser has slammed XRP and SOL, calling them “centralized garbage” and predicting that they are on their way to collapse to virtual zero against Bitcoin.

Max Keizer 在最近的推文中猛烈抨擊了 XRP 和 SOL,稱它們為“中心化垃圾”,並預測它們相對於比特幣即將崩潰至虛擬零。

Earlier this week, Keiser criticised BNB, ETH, ADA and XRP in a humorous tweet, while singing serenades to Bitcoin.

本週早些時候,Keizer 在一條幽默的推文中批評了 BNB、ETH、ADA 和 XRP,同時為比特幣唱了小夜曲。

BTC, USDT can buy you Salvadorian citizenship


Aside from Bitcoin, El Salvador and Keiser also support Tether’s USDT. The thing is that this nation-state tries to attract new wealthy citizens and offers them a chance to apply for a visa and citizenship for an entrance fee of $1 million worth of Bitcoin. As of the first week of December, there were 153 individuals (whose families are also eligible) who have signed up for Salvadorian citizenship.

除了比特幣之外,薩爾瓦多和凱澤還支持 Tether 的 USDT。問題是,這個民族國家試圖吸引新的富裕公民,並為他們提供申請簽證和公民身份的機會,入場費為價值 100 萬美元的比特幣。截至 12 月第一周,已有 153 人(家人也符合資格)申請加入薩爾瓦多公民身分。

In case all of them are approved to undergo the “Adopting El Salvador Freedom” program, $153 million worth of Bitcoin and/or Tether will flow into the country’s economy.

如果他們所有人都被批准接受「採用薩爾瓦多自由」計劃,價值 1.53 億美元的比特幣和/或 Tether 將流入該國經濟。

Bitcoin market performance


Over the past 24 hours, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, demonstrated an increase of almost 3%, rising from $41,985 to the $43,150 zone. 

在過去 24 小時內,全球領先的加密貨幣比特幣上漲了近 3%,從 41,985 美元升至 43,150 美元區域。

However, today Bitcoin printed a massive red hourly candlestick as it abruptly went down by 1.17%. At the time of this writing, BTC is exchanging hands at $42,625 on the Bitstamp exchange.

然而,今天比特幣突然下跌了 1.17%,形成了一個巨大的紅色小時燭台。截至撰寫本文時,BTC 在 Bitstamp 交易所的交易價格為 42,625 美元。


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