首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在 DOGE 的反彈和 Simon's Cat 的復甦中,BlockDAG 預計將在知名交易所上市,投資回報率預計將飆升 30,000 倍

BlockDAG Poised for Prominent Exchange Listings with a Forecasted 30,000X ROI Surge, Amid DOGE’s Rally & Simon’s Cat’s Recovery

在 DOGE 的反彈和 Simon's Cat 的復甦中,BlockDAG 預計將在知名交易所上市,投資回報率預計將飆升 30,000 倍

發布: 2024/09/21 02:30 閱讀: 234



在 DOGE 的反彈和 Simon's Cat 的復甦中,BlockDAG 預計將在知名交易所上市,投資回報率預計將飆升 30,000 倍

Amidst the cryptocurrency fervor, while giants command attention, lesser-known players are making significant strides.


Dogecoin is experiencing heightened interest as large holders accumulate their positions, driving speculation of an impending surge. Simon's Cat, recovering from an airdrop hiccup, has managed a notable price recovery.


Meanwhile, BlockDAG has generated excitement with its soccer affiliations and anticipation surrounding potential exchange listings. These imminent listings promise increased liquidity and visibility, potentially propelling BlockDAG into the ranks of top cryptocurrency contenders by 2024. With an impressive $73.5 million raised in its presale phase, BlockDAG emerges as a dark horse for the year. Financial experts also predict a remarkable 30,000x ROI for early investors in the long run.

與此同時,BlockDAG 因其與足球的關係以及對潛在交易所上市的期望而引起了人們的興奮。這些即將上市的項目有望增加流動性和知名度,有可能推動 BlockDAG 到 2024 年躋身頂級加密貨幣競爭者行列。金融專家也預測,從長遠來看,早期投資者的投資回報率將高達 30,000 倍。

Is a Dogecoin Surge Imminent?


Gradually gaining momentum, Dogecoin's shift from a selling to a purchasing trend signifies growing interest among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Technical indicators suggest a robust accumulation phase, hinting at a potential surge. Despite prevailing market challenges, Dogecoin has avoided significant declines, with an increasing number of long positions indicating bolstering market confidence. While still early, the signs are favorable for a potential Dogecoin rally.


Simon's Cat Climbs Despite Initial Setback


Despite an airdrop miscue where Binance misdated a snapshot, Simon's Cat's valuation jumped by 20%, reaching $0.000028. This error resulted in an uneven token distribution, which has since been corrected. Despite these initial troubles, the token's price ascended to $0.0000315 by September 9th. Currently standing at a market capitalization of $186 million, the token is drawing significant attention. However, price fluctuations are anticipated, as 30% of tokens were acquired during the presale phase.

儘管幣安因空投失誤導致快照日期錯誤,西蒙貓的估值還是上漲了 20%,達到 0.000028 美元。此錯誤導致代幣分配不均勻,現已修正。儘管最初遇到了這些麻煩,該代幣的價格到 9 月 9 日仍升至 0.0000315 美元。目前該代幣的市值為 1.86 億美元,引起了廣泛關注。然而,預計價格會出現波動,因為 30% 的代幣是在預售階段購買的。

BlockDAG Rumored to Debut on Prominent Exchange Listings

據傳 BlockDAG 將在知名交易所上市

BlockDAG is generating substantial excitement in the cryptocurrency landscape, following strategic partnerships with top-tier soccer clubs such as Borussia Dortmund and Inter Milan. These collaborations have brought BlockDAG into the spotlight, bridging the gap between sports and blockchain technology.

繼與多特蒙德足球俱樂部和國際米蘭等頂級足球俱樂部建立戰略合作夥伴關係後,BlockDAG 在加密貨幣領域引起了極大的關注。這些合作使 BlockDAG 成為人們關注的焦點,彌合了體育和區塊鏈技術之間的差距。

Amidst growing anticipation, there are rumors that BlockDAG may soon list on some of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges. Such a move would enhance liquidity and significantly increase BlockDAG's reputation within the digital currency markets. Listings on reputable exchanges are generally perceived as a testament to a cryptocurrency's reliability and transparency, driving broader adoption.

在人們越來越期待的情況下,有傳言稱 BlockDAG 可能很快就會在一些全球領先的加密貨幣交易所上市。此舉將增強流動性並顯著提高 BlockDAG 在數位貨幣市場中的聲譽。在信譽良好的交易所上市通常被認為是加密貨幣可靠性和透明度的證明,從而推動了更廣泛的採用。

This increased accessibility could potentially increase trading activity and demand, elevating BlockDAG's profile among institutional and retail investors alike, accelerating its growth trajectory. An exchange debut could significantly enhance its value, with early ROI projections suggesting a phenomenal 30,000x ROI.

這種可近性的增加可能會增加交易活動和需求,從而提升 BlockDAG 在機構和散戶投資者中的形象,從而加速其成長軌跡。交易所首次亮相可以顯著提高其價值,早期的投資回報率預測顯示投資回報率高達 30,000 倍。

In Summary


While Dogecoin garners growing interest and Simon's Cat's valuation ascends, BlockDAG is seizing a substantial share of the crypto spotlight. With its soccer affiliations and speculation of major exchange listings, excitement surrounding BlockDAG is palpable. Such developments could significantly improve its liquidity and perceived trustworthiness.

雖然狗狗幣引起了越來越多的興趣,西蒙貓的估值也在上升,但 BlockDAG 正在佔據加密貨幣聚光燈下的很大一部分。憑藉其與足球的聯繫和對主要交易所上市的猜測,圍繞 BlockDAG 的興奮是顯而易見的。這些發展可以顯著提高其流動性和可信度。

Already boasting $73.5 million from its presale, BlockDAG demonstrates strong market potential. An eventual listing could propel its returns to unprecedented heights, positioning it as a key player to monitor in 2024, with the potential to make waves in the digital currency realm. Additionally, market experts anticipate a remarkable 30,000x ROI for early adopters in the future.

BlockDAG 的預售已達到 7,350 萬美元,展現了強大的市場潛力。最終的上市可能會推動其回報達到前所未有的高度,使其成為 2024 年值得關注的關鍵參與者,並有可能在數位貨幣領域掀起波瀾。此外,市場專家預計未來早期採用者的投資報酬率將高達 30,000 倍。


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