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BONK goes boom! Beats Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in trading volume

BONK 爆炸!交易量擊敗狗狗幣和柴犬

發布: 2023/12/16 17:06 閱讀: 791



BONK 爆炸!交易量擊敗狗狗幣和柴犬

BONK’s trading volume has surpassed Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), a fairly significant accomplishment for the new Solana-based meme coin. Indeed, amid its spectacular climb, the newest meme coin on the market has officially given the two mainstays a run for their money.

BONK 的交易量已經超過了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB),這對於基於 Solana 的新模因幣來說是相當重大的成就。事實上,在其驚人的攀升中,市場上最新的迷因幣已經正式與這兩個主流貨幣競爭。

According to data, the newcomer had a whopping $1.37 billion in trading activity, outperforming DOGE’s $933 million and SHIB’s $225.8 million. Furthermore, despite its heightened volatility, it positions BONK as a serious participant in the meme coin market. However, concerns regarding its long-term viability remain.

數據顯示,這家新公司的交易活動高達 13.7 億美元,超過 DOGE 的 9.33 億美元和 SHIB 的 2.258 億美元。此外,儘管波動性較大,但 BONK 仍是迷因幣市場的重要參與者。然而,對其長期生存能力的擔憂仍然存在。

BONK takes the week’s wins

BONK 奪得本週勝利

The digital asset business remains a highly risky investment opportunity for the modern investor. However, this is especially true in the subsect meme coin market. Although several tokens have consolidated, they are still strongly linked to quick price moves up or down.


Could another meme coin be added to the list of foundational tokens? As a result of its recent stratospheric increase, BONK has seen its trade volume surpass both Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). The Solana-based meme coin has surely added another milestone to its growing list.

是否可以將另一種模因幣添加到基礎代幣列表中?由於最近的平流式增長,BONK 的交易量超過了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB)。基於 Solana 的模因幣無疑為其不斷增長的名單添加了另一個里程碑。

Bonk (BONK) is currently trading at $0.00002374 with a 24-hour trading volume of $1,510,759,711.53. This indicates a -24.35 % decrease in the last 24 hours and a 70.20% gain in the last seven days. Bonk has a market valuation of $1,442,808,026 with a circulating supply of 61 trillion BONK.

Bonk(BONK)目前交易價格為0.00002374美元,24小時交易量為1,510,759,711.53美元。這表明過去 24 小時內下降了 -24.35%,在過去 7 天內增長了 70.20%。 Bonk 的市場估值為 1,442,808,026 美元,流通量為 61 兆 BONK。

BONK’s market capitalization has briefly hit $3 billion. Furthermore, the development came after its historic debut on two major cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance and Crypto.com. As a result of the listing, the asset had a tremendous 100% rally as it targeted fellow meme coins.

BONK的市值曾經一度達到30億美元。此外,這項發展是在幣安和 Crypto.com 兩大主要加密貨幣交易所歷史性首次亮相之後發生的。上市後,該資產因瞄準其他模因幣而出現了 100% 的大幅上漲。

According to Arkham Intelligence, the coin was being exchanged by a number of investors, resulting in a large spike in overall volume. In contrast, the report stated that “funding is consistently negative, meaning many traders are still shorting.” 

據 Arkham Intelligence 稱,許多投資者正在交換該代幣,導致整體交易量大幅飆升。相比之下,報告指出“資金持續為負,這意味著許多交易者仍在做空。”

Nonetheless, it will be fascinating to see how this momentum influences the asset’s performance as we approach the end of 2023 and the start of the new year.

儘管如此,隨著 2023 年底和新年伊始的臨近,看看這種勢頭如何影響該資產的表現將會很有趣。

SHIB’s price projection


Shiba Inu supporters have long hoped for the crypto to reach key milestones. According to recent market projections, the dream of achieving $0.02 (2 cents) may be closer than previously anticipated. 

柴犬的支持者長期以來一直希望加密貨幣能達到關鍵的里程碑。根據最近的市場預測,實現 0.02 美元(2 美分)的夢想可能比之前的預期更接近。

According to a market analyst, a respected source of market insights, this ambitious goal might be fulfilled between 2030 and 2040, instilling a renewed sense of hope and optimism within the Shiba Inu community.

一位受人尊敬的市場洞察來源市場分析師表示,這個雄心勃勃的目標可能會在 2030 年至 2040 年間實現,為柴犬社群注入新的希望和樂觀情緒。

Due to notable price changes, Shiba Inu has recently aroused renewed interest in its community. Over the previous 30 days, the token has gained 19%.

由於價格變化顯著,柴犬最近重新引起了社區的興趣。在過去 30 天裡,該代幣上漲了 19%。

Shiba Inu is currently trading at $0.00000979 with a 24-hour trading volume of $193,122,625.83. This indicates a -0.46% drop in the last 24 hours and a -5.30% drop in the last 7 days. 

Shiba Inu 目前的交易價格為 0.00000979 美元,24 小時交易量為 193,122,625.83 美元。這表明過去 24 小時內下降了 -0.46%,在過去 7 天內下降了 -5.30%。

While the road to 2 cents for SHIB will be difficult, given the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market, the analyst estimate instills confidence and optimism in the Shiba Inu community. The rising popularity of SHIB, combined with increased investor interest, is viewed as a trigger for prospective price increases.

儘管考慮到加密貨幣市場固有的波動性,SHIB 邁向 2 美分的道路將會很困難,但分析師的估計為 Shiba Inu 社區注入了信心和樂觀情緒。 SHIB 的日益普及,加上投資者興趣的增加,被視為潛在價格上漲的觸發因素。

Furthermore, the importance of SHIB’s utility and the expansion of its ecosystem is emphasized. ShibaSwap’s continued expansion and traction could add to a more persuasive case for the appreciation of SHIB’s worth, providing a good outlook for the Shiba Inu community.

此外,也強調了 SHIB 的實用性及其生態系擴展的重要性。 ShibaSwap 的持續擴張和吸引力可能為 SHIB 的價值增值提供更有說服力的理由,為 Shiba Inu 社區提供良好的前景。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is now trading at $0.093632 with a 24-hour trading volume of $758,264,067.10. This indicates a -2.38% drop in the last 24 hours and a -9.20% drop in the last 7 days.

狗狗幣(DOGE)現交易價格為 0.093632 美元,24 小時交易量為 758,264,067.10 美元。這表明過去 24 小時內下降了 -2.38%,在過去 7 天內下降了 -9.20%。


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