首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Bonk 價格預測 - Binance 上市後頂級 Solana Meme 代幣下跌 20%,現在購買 $BONK 是否太晚了?

Bonk Price Prediction - Top Solana Meme Coin Dips 20% After Binance Listing, Is It Too Late To Buy $BONK?

Bonk 價格預測 - Binance 上市後頂級 Solana Meme 代幣下跌 20%,現在購買 $BONK 是否太晚了?

發布: 2023/11/24 06:17 閱讀: 385



The Solana-based meme coin Bonk (BONK) has outperformed the entire crypto market over the past month, skyrocketing over 30x and hitting a new all-time high of $0.0000054 on Monday. According to CoinMarketCap data, $BONK has posted the highest gains of any top 100 meme coin in 2023, appreciating over 4600% since its 2022 lows.

基於 Solana 的模因幣 Bonk (BONK) 在過去一個月的表現優於整個加密貨幣市場,飆升超過 30 倍,並於週一創下 0.0000054 美元的歷史新高。根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,$BONK 是 2023 年 100 名 meme 代幣中漲幅最高的,自 2022 年低點以來升值超過 4600%。

The token received another late on Tuesday when Binance Futures - the largest crypto-derivative exchange in the world - listed Bonk perpetual for trading under the ticker of 1000BONK, with up to 50x leverage. BONK has not yet been listed for spot trading, as PEPE was, but the announcement still resulted in the meme coin soaring by 15%, significantly outpacing other dog-themed tokens such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. 

週二晚間,全球最大的加密貨幣衍生性商品交易所幣安合約交易平台 (Binance Futures) 上市了 Bonk 永續合約,交易代號為 1000BONK,槓桿率高達 50 倍,該代幣再次獲得好評。 BONK 尚未像 PEPE 那樣上市現貨交易,但該公告仍然導致 meme 幣飆升 15%,明顯超過其他以狗為主題的代幣,如狗狗幣和柴犬。

However, experts believe that the Bonk price could experience a significant pullback in the coming days. Indeed, $BONK is currently trading at $0.0000044, 20% below the Solana meme coin’s all-time high, hit on Monday. The token has corrected close to 5% over the past day, even as Doge and Shiba Inu are both up by 2%. 

然而,專家認為,Bonk 價格在未來幾天可能會大幅回檔。事實上,$BONK 目前的交易價格為 0.0000044 美元,比周一創下的 Solana meme 代幣歷史高點低 20%。儘管 Doge 和 Shiba Inu 都上漲了 2%,但該代幣在過去一天已經修正了近 5%。

Why Did The BONK Price Explode?


Bonk Inu has skyrocketed over 1200% in November alone, largely due to the announcement of its staking program. In partnership with GooseFX, the meme coin announced Dynamic Single-Sided Liquidity Pools. 

僅在 11 月份,Bonk Inu 的股價就飆升了 1200% 以上,這主要歸功於其質押計劃的宣布。 Meme 幣與 GooseFX 合作,宣布推出動態單邊流動資金池。

The SSLs offer similar yields as traditional staking, except with minimal risk. They also eliminated having to juggle with complex dual asset rations, requiring users to provide only one asset to be eligible for the rewards. 

SSL 提供與傳統質押類似的收益,但風險最小。他們還消除了處理複雜的雙資產配給的麻煩,要求用戶僅提供一種資產就有資格獲得獎勵。

Investors can also choose to stake their tokens with other platforms such as Marginfi and Kamino Finance. As was the case with Floki crypto, the announcement of the staking program created strong hype within the Bonk Inu community, which is also reflected in the token’s price. 

投資者還可以選擇將代幣質押到 Marginfi 和 Kamino Finance 等其他平台。與 Floki 加密貨幣的情況一樣,質押計劃的宣佈在 Bonk Inu 社區內引起了強烈的炒作,這也反映在代幣的價格上。

Since then, the token has been receiving additional boosts due to various CEX listings, with Binance Futures the latest platform to jump on the bandwagon. On Tuesday, BitMEX announced a $BONK perp contract as well, allowing traders to trade with up to 10x leverage. The Rollbit crypto casino is another platform that announced the launch of Bonk futures, with up to 1000x leverage.

從那時起,由於各種 CEX 的上市,該代幣一直受到額外的推動,幣安期貨是最新的平台。週二,BitMEX 還宣布了 $BONK 永續合約,允許交易者以高達 10 倍的槓桿進行交易。 Rollbit 加密賭場是另一個宣布推出 Bonk 期貨的平台,槓桿率高達 1000 倍。

The token’s partnership with Hxro Network has also excited meme coin enthusiasts. BONKDAO and Hxro have agreed to a token treasury swap, aiming for higher collaboration between the two up-and-coming entities. To celebrate this partnership, Hxro has also announced that it will airdrop exHXRO tokens to every holder with more than 10,000,000 $BONK, even if these tokens are staked. 

該代幣與 Hxro Network 的合作也讓 Meme 幣愛好者興奮不已。 BONKDAO 和 Hxro 已同意進行代幣國庫互換,旨在加强两個新興實體之間的合作。為了慶祝這項合作關係,Hxro 還宣布,它將向每個持有超過 10,000,000 $BONK 的持有者空投 exHXRO 代幣,即使這些代幣是質押的。

$BONK has also been experiencing higher user adoption due to Solana. The skyrocketing SOL price has led to crypto investors searching for high-potential Solana-based tokens such as Bonk and Pyth. Interestingly, Binance Futures also listed Pyth perpetual for trading. 

由於 Solana,$BONK 的用戶採用率也不斷提高。 SOL 價格的飆升導致加密貨幣投資者尋找基於 Solana 的高潛力代幣,例如 Bonk 和 Pyth。有趣的是,幣安合約交易平台也上線了 Pyth 永續合約進行交易。

BONK Price Prediction


While the meme coin has been outperforming other dog-based tokens since the start of the year, $BONK is giving all indications of hitting the local top. While the rest of the crypto market bounced back on Thursday, the token has plummeted close to 8%. Its 24-hour trading volume has also dropped by 20%. 

儘管自今年年初以來,meme 代幣的表現一直優於其他基於狗的代幣,但 $BONK 的所有跡像都表明其將達到當地最高點。雖然加密貨幣市場的其他部分週四有所反彈,但該代幣卻暴跌了近 8%。其24小時交易量也下降了20%。

Crypto analyst @TheFlowHorse, who has close to 200k followers on X, predicted this outcome, stating that a Binance listing would likely lead to a local top, followed by consolidation and retracement. 

在 X 上擁有近 20 萬粉絲的加密貨幣分析師 @TheFlowHorse 預測了這一結果,並表示幣安上市可能會導致局部頂部,然後是整合和回調。

As a result, the token could continue its bearish trajectory over the coming days, likely testing the support at its 10-day exponential moving average, which is currently hovering nearing the $0.0000035 mark. 

因此,該代幣可能會在未來幾天繼續其看跌軌跡,可能會測試其 10 天指數移動平均線的支撐位,該移動平均線目前徘徊在 0.0000035 美元附近。

Could P2E Token Meme Kombat Skyrocket Instead?

P2E 代幣 Meme Kombat 能否飆升?

Even as Bonk retraces, investors continue to look for more high-potential meme coins that could generate explosive growth. According to smart-money trader Crypto Tony, who has over 350k followers on X, Meme Kombat could potentially be that next big meme coin. 

即使邦克回撤,投資者仍在繼續尋找更具潛力的迷因幣,以產生爆炸性成長。根據在 X 上擁有超過 35 萬粉絲的智慧貨幣交易商 Crypto Tony 的說法,Meme Kombat 可能會成為下一個大型迷因幣。

The strong demand for $MK is evident in its presale, considering that it has raised over $2 million in just over a month. 

考慮到 $MK 在短短一個多月內就籌集了超過 200 萬美元,其預售就體現了對 $MK 的強勁需求。

Similar to Bonk and Floki, Meme Kombat investors can stake their tokens and accrue passive income, starting from the presale itself. The $MK staking pool is currently offering an APY of over 475% - much higher than the industry standard of 5 to 7%. 

與 Bonk 和 Floki 類似,Meme Kombat 投資者可以從預售本身開始抵押他們的代幣並累積被動收入。 $MK 質押池目前提供超過 475% 的 APY——遠高於 5% 到 7% 的行業標準。

However, staking is only a part of $MK’s utility. Its play-to-earn platform will feature combat between top meme coins, during which players can bet on their favourite champions. 

然而,質押只是 $MK 效用的一部分。它的邊玩邊賺平台將以頂級模因幣之間的戰鬥為特色,在此期間玩家可以押注他們最喜歡的冠軍。

The platform will feature 11 characters such as Doge, Shiba, Pepe, Floki, etc, all of which will engage in AI-simulated battles. The outcome of the battles will be fair and random, offering diverse betting opportunities to players, who will also have the option to allocate a portion of their staked tokens specifically towards betting. 


Meme Kombat has put an emphasis on security and transparency, revealing the identity of all team members behind the token, including its founder Matt Whiteman. This move reduces the risk of scams or rug pulls while fostering trust. Moreover, the token smart contract has been audited by Coinsult, which did not reveal any major vulnerability or centralization risk. 

Meme Kombat 強調安全性和透明度,揭露了代幣背後所有團隊成員的身份,包括其創始人 Matt Whiteman。此舉降低了詐騙或拉扯的風險,同時培養了信任。此外,該代幣智能合約已過Coinsult的審核,未發現任何重大漏洞或中心化風險。

Due to its high utility and reliable security standards, popular trader Joe Parys has included Meme Kombat in his list of best meme coins to buy for 2024 and beyond. 

由於 Meme Kombat 的高實用性和可靠的安全標準,受歡迎的交易員 Joe Parys 將 Meme Kombat 列入了他的 2024 年及以後最值得購買的 Meme 代幣清單。

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

造訪 Meme Kombat 預售

Source: https://thebittimes.com/bonk-price-prediction-top-solana-meme-coin-dips-20-after-binance-listing-is-it-too-late-to-buy-bonk-tbt71377.html

來源:https://thebittimes.com/bonk-price-prediction-top-solana-meme-coin-dips-20-after-binance-listing-is-it-too-late-to-buy-bonk-tbt71377。 html


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