첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Bonk 가격 예측 – 바이낸스 상장 후 상위 Solana Meme 토큰이 20% 하락합니다. $BONK를 구매하기에는 너무 늦었나요?

Bonk Price Prediction - Top Solana Meme Coin Dips 20% After Binance Listing, Is It Too Late To Buy $BONK?

Bonk 가격 예측 – 바이낸스 상장 후 상위 Solana Meme 토큰이 20% 하락합니다. $BONK를 구매하기에는 너무 늦었나요?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/24 06:17 읽다: 385


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655f5f8ae41a5a17e860e356

The Solana-based meme coin Bonk (BONK) has outperformed the entire crypto market over the past month, skyrocketing over 30x and hitting a new all-time high of $0.0000054 on Monday. According to CoinMarketCap data, $BONK has posted the highest gains of any top 100 meme coin in 2023, appreciating over 4600% since its 2022 lows.

The token received another late on Tuesday when Binance Futures - the largest crypto-derivative exchange in the world - listed Bonk perpetual for trading under the ticker of 1000BONK, with up to 50x leverage. BONK has not yet been listed for spot trading, as PEPE was, but the announcement still resulted in the meme coin soaring by 15%, significantly outpacing other dog-themed tokens such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. 

이 토큰은 세계 최대 암호화폐 파생상품 거래소인 바이낸스 퓨쳐스(Binance Futures)가 최대 50배의 레버리지로 1000BONK의 티커로 거래할 수 있는 Bonk 영구 상장을 발표한 화요일 늦게 또 다른 토큰을 받았습니다. BONK는 아직 PEPE처럼 현물 거래에 등재되지 않았지만 이 발표로 인해 밈 코인은 여전히 ​​15% 급등하여 Dogecoin 및 Shiba Inu와 같은 다른 개 테마 토큰을 크게 능가했습니다.

However, experts believe that the Bonk price could experience a significant pullback in the coming days. Indeed, $BONK is currently trading at $0.0000044, 20% below the Solana meme coin’s all-time high, hit on Monday. The token has corrected close to 5% over the past day, even as Doge and Shiba Inu are both up by 2%. 

그러나 전문가들은 봉크 가격이 앞으로 며칠 내에 상당한 하락을 경험할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 실제로 $BONK는 현재 월요일에 기록한 솔라나 밈 코인의 사상 최고치보다 20% 낮은 $0.0000044에 거래되고 있습니다. Doge와 Shiba Inu가 모두 2% 상승했음에도 불구하고 토큰은 지난 하루 동안 거의 5% 수정되었습니다.

Why Did The BONK Price Explode?

Bonk Inu has skyrocketed over 1200% in November alone, largely due to the announcement of its staking program. In partnership with GooseFX, the meme coin announced Dynamic Single-Sided Liquidity Pools. 

Bonk Inu는 스테이킹 프로그램 발표로 인해 11월에만 1200% 이상 급등했습니다. GooseFX와 협력하여 meme 코인은 동적 단면 유동성 풀을 발표했습니다.

The SSLs offer similar yields as traditional staking, except with minimal risk. They also eliminated having to juggle with complex dual asset rations, requiring users to provide only one asset to be eligible for the rewards. 

SSL은 위험이 최소화된다는 점을 제외하면 기존 스테이킹과 유사한 수익률을 제공합니다. 또한 복잡한 이중 자산 배급을 처리할 필요가 없어 사용자가 보상을 받기 위해 하나의 자산만 제공하면 됩니다.

Investors can also choose to stake their tokens with other platforms such as Marginfi and Kamino Finance. As was the case with Floki crypto, the announcement of the staking program created strong hype within the Bonk Inu community, which is also reflected in the token’s price. 

Since then, the token has been receiving additional boosts due to various CEX listings, with Binance Futures the latest platform to jump on the bandwagon. On Tuesday, BitMEX announced a $BONK perp contract as well, allowing traders to trade with up to 10x leverage. The Rollbit crypto casino is another platform that announced the launch of Bonk futures, with up to 1000x leverage.

The token’s partnership with Hxro Network has also excited meme coin enthusiasts. BONKDAO and Hxro have agreed to a token treasury swap, aiming for higher collaboration between the two up-and-coming entities. To celebrate this partnership, Hxro has also announced that it will airdrop exHXRO tokens to every holder with more than 10,000,000 $BONK, even if these tokens are staked. 

$BONK has also been experiencing higher user adoption due to Solana. The skyrocketing SOL price has led to crypto investors searching for high-potential Solana-based tokens such as Bonk and Pyth. Interestingly, Binance Futures also listed Pyth perpetual for trading. 

$BONK는 솔라나 덕분에 사용자 채택률도 높아졌습니다. 폭등하는 SOL 가격으로 인해 암호화폐 투자자들은 Bonk 및 Pyth와 같은 잠재력이 높은 Solana 기반 토큰을 찾고 있습니다. 흥미롭게도 Binance Futures는 Pyth를 영구 거래용으로 상장했습니다.

BONK Price Prediction

While the meme coin has been outperforming other dog-based tokens since the start of the year, $BONK is giving all indications of hitting the local top. While the rest of the crypto market bounced back on Thursday, the token has plummeted close to 8%. Its 24-hour trading volume has also dropped by 20%. 

밈 코인은 연초부터 다른 개 기반 토큰보다 성능이 뛰어났지만 $BONK는 지역 최고 수준에 도달할 모든 징후를 보이고 있습니다. 나머지 암호화폐 시장은 목요일에 반등했지만 토큰은 8% 가까이 급락했습니다. 24시간 거래량도 20% 감소했다.

Crypto analyst @TheFlowHorse, who has close to 200k followers on X, predicted this outcome, stating that a Binance listing would likely lead to a local top, followed by consolidation and retracement. 

As a result, the token could continue its bearish trajectory over the coming days, likely testing the support at its 10-day exponential moving average, which is currently hovering nearing the $0.0000035 mark. 

결과적으로 토큰은 앞으로 며칠 동안 하락세를 이어갈 수 있으며 현재 0.0000035달러 근처에 맴돌고 있는 10일 지수 이동 평균에서 지지를 테스트할 가능성이 높습니다.

Could P2E Token Meme Kombat Skyrocket Instead?

Even as Bonk retraces, investors continue to look for more high-potential meme coins that could generate explosive growth. According to smart-money trader Crypto Tony, who has over 350k followers on X, Meme Kombat could potentially be that next big meme coin. 

Bonk가 되돌아가는 동안에도 투자자들은 폭발적인 성장을 창출할 수 있는 더 많은 잠재력을 지닌 밈 코인을 계속해서 찾고 있습니다. X에서 350,000명이 넘는 팔로어를 보유하고 있는 스마트 머니 거래자 Crypto Tony에 따르면 Meme Kombat는 잠재적으로 차세대 밈 코인이 될 수 있습니다.

The strong demand for $MK is evident in its presale, considering that it has raised over $2 million in just over a month. 

Similar to Bonk and Floki, Meme Kombat investors can stake their tokens and accrue passive income, starting from the presale itself. The $MK staking pool is currently offering an APY of over 475% - much higher than the industry standard of 5 to 7%. 

However, staking is only a part of $MK’s utility. Its play-to-earn platform will feature combat between top meme coins, during which players can bet on their favourite champions. 

그러나 스테이킹은 $MK 유틸리티의 일부일 뿐입니다. Play-to-Earn 플랫폼은 최고의 밈 코인 간의 전투를 특징으로 하며, 이 기간 동안 플레이어는 자신이 좋아하는 챔피언에 베팅할 수 있습니다.

The platform will feature 11 characters such as Doge, Shiba, Pepe, Floki, etc, all of which will engage in AI-simulated battles. The outcome of the battles will be fair and random, offering diverse betting opportunities to players, who will also have the option to allocate a portion of their staked tokens specifically towards betting. 

Meme Kombat has put an emphasis on security and transparency, revealing the identity of all team members behind the token, including its founder Matt Whiteman. This move reduces the risk of scams or rug pulls while fostering trust. Moreover, the token smart contract has been audited by Coinsult, which did not reveal any major vulnerability or centralization risk. 

Meme Kombat는 보안과 투명성에 중점을 두고 창립자 Matt Whiteman을 포함하여 토큰 뒤에 있는 모든 팀원의 신원을 공개합니다. 이러한 조치는 신뢰를 키우는 동시에 사기 또는 깔개 당김의 위험을 줄입니다. 또한 토큰 스마트 계약은 Coinsult의 감사를 받았는데, 이는 주요 취약점이나 중앙화 위험을 드러내지 않았습니다.

Due to its high utility and reliable security standards, popular trader Joe Parys has included Meme Kombat in his list of best meme coins to buy for 2024 and beyond. 

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

Meme Kombat 사전 판매 방문

Source: https://thebittimes.com/bonk-price-prediction-top-solana-meme-coin-dips-20-after-binance-listing-is-it-too-late-to-buy-bonk-tbt71377.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/bonk-price-prediction-top-solana-meme-coin-dips-20-after-binance-listing-is-it-too-late-to-buy-bonk-tbt71377. HTML

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