첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Netflix 및 Steal: 감독은 제작 예산을 Dogecoin 등으로 전환

Netflix And Steal: Director Diverts Production Budget To Dogecoin & More

Netflix 및 Steal: 감독은 제작 예산을 Dogecoin 등으로 전환

풀어 주다: 2023/11/24 06:22 읽다: 713

원저자:Crypto Daily™

원본 소스:https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2023/11/netflix-and-steal-director-diverts-production-budget-to-dogecoin-more

Netflix 및 Steal: 감독은 제작 예산을 Dogecoin 등으로 전환

Netflix gave director Carl Erik Rinsch millions to produce the sci-fi series "Conquest."

넷플릭스는 칼 에릭 린쉬 감독에게 SF 시리즈 '컨퀘스트' 제작에 수백만 달러를 지원했습니다.

But Rinsch used the money to trade stocks and crypto and then splurge on luxury goods. 

그러나 Rinsch는 그 돈을 주식과 암호화폐 거래에 사용한 다음 사치품에 돈을 쏟았습니다.

Budget Allocations and Additional Funding

예산 할당 및 추가 자금

Director Carl Erik Rinsch, known for his work on "47 Ronin," faced allegations of financial mismanagement after diverting Netflix's production budget for the sci-fi series "Conquest" into cryptocurrency and stock trading.

In November 2018, Netflix granted Rinsch's production company a $61.2 million budget for "Conquest." By March 2020, $44.3 million had already been spent, leading Rinsch to request an additional $11 million, which Netflix approved.

2018년 11월 Netflix는 Rinsch의 제작사에 "Conquest"에 대한 6,120만 달러의 예산을 승인했습니다. 2020년 3월까지 이미 4,430만 달러가 지출되었으며 Rinsch는 Netflix가 승인한 추가 1,100만 달러를 요청했습니다.

Mismanagement Unveiled

드러난 잘못된 관리

This is where the mismanagement of funds comes in, as revealed by the director’s financial dealings during his divorce proceedings. Instead of channeling the funds towards production costs, Rinsch pulled out $10.5 million and placed options bets on pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500 in the stock market, where he suffered a $5.9 million loss. 

Facing setbacks in stocks, Rinsch shifted his focus to the crypto market. Investing $4 million in DOGE through Kraken, he managed to turn the tide, earning a substantial $27 million.

Rather than reinvesting in the series, Rinsch indulged in extravagant purchases, including $9 million in high-end furniture, designer clothing, luxury watches exceeding $380,000, five Rolls Royces, and a Ferrari, according to his ex-wife's forensic accountant.

전처의 법의학 회계사에 따르면 Rinsch는 시리즈에 재투자하는 대신 고급 가구, 디자이너 의류, 380,000달러가 넘는 고급 시계, 5대의 롤스로이스, 페라리 등 900만 달러의 사치스러운 구매에 빠져 있었습니다.

Netflix's Response And Legal Dispute

Despite the financial windfall, Rinsch failed to deliver any episodes of "Conquest." Netflix's spokesperson, Thomas Cherian, said they had written off the series, emphasizing that 

"Mr. Rinsch was never going to complete the project he agreed to make."

Rinsch and Netflix are currently engaged in confidential arbitration proceedings, which were initiated by Rinsch under the claims of being owed $14 million in damages for breach of contract. Netflix refutes these claims, denouncing them as a "shakedown."

Rinsch와 Netflix는 현재 계약 위반으로 인해 1,400만 달러의 손해 배상금을 지불해야 한다는 주장으로 Rinsch가 시작한 비밀 중재 절차를 진행하고 있습니다. 넷플릭스는 이러한 주장을 반박하며 이를 "흔들림"이라고 비난했습니다.

In the deposition, Rinsch attempted to justify his purchases in the almost $9 million spending spree as props for "Conquest." 

However, Netflix remains firm, stating that the funds were meant for production, and Rinsch's actions demonstrate a failure to fulfill his agreed-upon obligations.

Ruling To Come Soon

곧 나올 판결

As the legal battle unfolds, Rinsch's questionable financial decisions not only jeopardized the production of "Conquest" but also cast a shadow over his professional integrity. Netflix's firm stance signals a tough road ahead for the director in proving his case and reclaiming alleged damages. 

법적 싸움이 전개되면서 Rinsch의 의심스러운 재정적 결정은 "Conquest"의 제작을 위태롭게 했을 뿐만 아니라 그의 직업적 정직성에 그림자를 드리웠습니다. 넷플릭스의 확고한 입장은 감독이 자신의 주장을 입증하고 손해배상 청구에 있어 험난한 길을 가야 한다는 신호다.

The case was presented before an arbitrator in November, and the involved parties are expecting a ruling soon. 

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. 

면책조항: 이 기사는 정보 제공의 목적으로만 제공됩니다. 이는 법률, 세금, 투자, 재정 또는 기타 조언으로 제공되거나 사용될 의도가 없습니다.

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