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Netflix And Steal: Director Diverts Production Budget To Dogecoin & More

Netflix 和 Steal:导演将制作预算转移到狗狗币等

发布: 2023/11/24 06:22 阅读: 713

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


Netflix 和 Steal:导演将制作预算转移到狗狗币等

Netflix gave director Carl Erik Rinsch millions to produce the sci-fi series "Conquest."

Netflix 向导演 Carl Erik Rinsch 提供了数百万美元来制作科幻剧集《征服》。

But Rinsch used the money to trade stocks and crypto and then splurge on luxury goods. 


Budget Allocations and Additional Funding


Director Carl Erik Rinsch, known for his work on "47 Ronin," faced allegations of financial mismanagement after diverting Netflix's production budget for the sci-fi series "Conquest" into cryptocurrency and stock trading.

因《47 Ronin》而闻名的导演卡尔·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 在将 Netflix 科幻剧集《征服》的制作预算转用于加密货币和股票交易后,面临财务管理不善的指控。

In November 2018, Netflix granted Rinsch's production company a $61.2 million budget for "Conquest." By March 2020, $44.3 million had already been spent, leading Rinsch to request an additional $11 million, which Netflix approved.

2018 年 11 月,Netflix 向林什的制作公司授予了 6120 万美元的《征服》预算。到 2020 年 3 月,已经花费了 4430 万美元,Rinsch 请求额外支付 1100 万美元,Netflix 批准了这一请求。

Mismanagement Unveiled


This is where the mismanagement of funds comes in, as revealed by the director’s financial dealings during his divorce proceedings. Instead of channeling the funds towards production costs, Rinsch pulled out $10.5 million and placed options bets on pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500 in the stock market, where he suffered a $5.9 million loss. 

这就是资金管理不善的根源,正如该董事在离婚诉讼期间的财务交易所揭示的那样。 Rinsch 没有将资金用于生产成本,而是拿出 1050 万美元,对制药公司和标准普尔 500 指数股票市场的期权进行押注,结果损失了 590 万美元。

Facing setbacks in stocks, Rinsch shifted his focus to the crypto market. Investing $4 million in DOGE through Kraken, he managed to turn the tide, earning a substantial $27 million.

面对股市的挫折,Rinsch 将注意力转向了加密货币市场。他通过 Kraken 向 DOGE 投资​​了 400 万美元,成功扭转了局面,赚取了 2700 万美元的巨额利润。

Rather than reinvesting in the series, Rinsch indulged in extravagant purchases, including $9 million in high-end furniture, designer clothing, luxury watches exceeding $380,000, five Rolls Royces, and a Ferrari, according to his ex-wife's forensic accountant.

据林什前妻的法务会计师称,林什并没有对这个系列进行再投资,而是沉迷于奢侈的购买,包括价值 900 万美元的高端家具、名牌服装、价值超过 38 万美元的豪华手表、五辆劳斯莱斯和一辆法拉利。

Netflix's Response And Legal Dispute


Despite the financial windfall, Rinsch failed to deliver any episodes of "Conquest." Netflix's spokesperson, Thomas Cherian, said they had written off the series, emphasizing that 

尽管获得了意外之财,林什还是未能推出《征服》的任何一集。 Netflix 发言人托马斯·切里安 (Thomas Cherian) 表示,他们已经取消了该剧,并强调

"Mr. Rinsch was never going to complete the project he agreed to make."


Rinsch and Netflix are currently engaged in confidential arbitration proceedings, which were initiated by Rinsch under the claims of being owed $14 million in damages for breach of contract. Netflix refutes these claims, denouncing them as a "shakedown."

Rinsch 和 Netflix 目前正在进行保密仲裁程序,该程序由 Rinsch 发起,声称因违约而欠下 1400 万美元的赔偿金。 Netflix 驳斥了这些说法,谴责其是“整顿”。

In the deposition, Rinsch attempted to justify his purchases in the almost $9 million spending spree as props for "Conquest." 

在证词中,林什试图证明他为《征服》花费近 900 万美元的疯狂购买是合理的。

However, Netflix remains firm, stating that the funds were meant for production, and Rinsch's actions demonstrate a failure to fulfill his agreed-upon obligations.

然而,Netflix 态度坚决,表示这些资金是用于制作的,林什的行为表明他未能履行约定的义务。

Ruling To Come Soon


As the legal battle unfolds, Rinsch's questionable financial decisions not only jeopardized the production of "Conquest" but also cast a shadow over his professional integrity. Netflix's firm stance signals a tough road ahead for the director in proving his case and reclaiming alleged damages. 

随着法律诉讼的展开,林什可疑的财务决策不仅危及了《征服》的制作,也给他的职业操守蒙上了阴影。 Netflix 的坚定立场表明,这位导演在举证并索回所谓的损害赔偿方面将面临艰难的道路。

The case was presented before an arbitrator in November, and the involved parties are expecting a ruling soon. 

该案已于 11 月提交给仲裁员,相关各方预计很快就会有裁决。

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. 



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