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Book of Meme and Avalanche Get Crushed Under the Weight of MoonBag Staking Rewards

Book of Meme 和 Avalanche 在 MoonBag 質押獎勵的重壓下崩潰

發布: 2024/06/24 01:02 閱讀: 694



Book of Meme 和 Avalanche 在 MoonBag 質押獎勵的重壓下崩潰

MoonBag Staking Rewards Emerge as Top Presale Sensation

MoonBag 質押獎勵成為預售最熱門的項目

Are you up-to-date on the crypto industry's latest buzz? MoonBag staking rewards are dominating headlines, while Book of Meme and Avalanche struggle to match its phenomenal success. Despite being a nascent project, MoonBag has generated over $2.5 million in under a month, selling 50% of its tokens and exceeding expectations.

您了解加密產業的最新動態嗎? MoonBag 質押獎勵佔據了各大頭條新聞,而 Book of Meme 和 Avalanche 卻難以與其驚人的成功相媲美。儘管是一個新興項目,MoonBag 在不到一個月的時間內就產生了超過 250 萬美元的收入,銷售了 50% 的代幣,超出了預期。

MoonBag: The Sixth Stage Triumph


MoonBag crypto is currently in its sixth stage, offering 1 MBAG coin for 0.0003 USDT. Its unparalleled success has overshadowed rival coins, leaving them in its wake.

MoonBag 加密貨幣目前處於第六階段,以 0.0003 USDT 的價格提供 1 MBAG 代幣。它無與倫比的成功讓競爭對手的硬幣黯然失色,讓它們望塵莫及。

Book of Meme: Lacking Potential


Book of Meme, a relatively new project in the meme coin presale, presents an unproven concept. Despite its similarities to MoonBag, it offers a mere 81% APY on staking rewards, significantly less than MoonBag's 88%.

Book of Meme 是迷因幣預售中一個相對較新的項目,提出了一個未經證實的概念。儘管與 MoonBag 相似,但它的質押獎勵年化率僅為 81%,明顯低於 MoonBag 的 88%。

Moreover, Book of Meme has failed to meet investor expectations, jeopardizing its long-term viability. Instead of venturing into uncertain territory, investors prefer established projects like MoonBag that have gained widespread acceptance.

此外,Book of Meme 未能滿足投資者的預期,危及其長期生存能力。投資者不喜歡冒險進入不確定的領域,而是更喜歡像 MoonBag 這樣廣泛認可的成熟項目。

Avalanche Staking Disappoints

Avalanche 質押令人失望

Avalanche joined the meme coin presale with promises of fast transactions and blockchain versatility. However, investors discovered flaws in the coin upon closer examination.

Avalanche 加入了模因幣預售,並承諾快速交易和區塊鏈多功能性。然而,投資者經過仔細檢查後發現了代幣的缺陷。

Besides facing stiff competition from Ethereum, Avalanche poses concerns about its validators. Malicious validators face no penalties for losing Avalanche coins. Additionally, validators must stake 2,000 AVAX coins, and with a meager 10% APY, investors have hesitated to commit their funds for long-term investment.

除了面臨來自以太坊的激烈競爭之外,Avalanche 還對其驗證者表示擔憂。惡意驗證者不會因失去 Avalanche 代幣而受到處罰。此外,驗證者必須質押 2,000 個 AVAX 代幣,而年化殖利率僅 10%,投資者猶豫是否將資金用於長期投資。

MoonBag Staking: Unparalleled Triumph

MoonBag 質押:無與倫比的勝利

Staking holds immense importance in crypto investing, and MoonBag has capitalized on this trend by offering 88% APY on MBAG staking. Once investors stake their coins, they benefit from the MoonBag monkey's tireless efforts until the presale's end, ensuring substantial rewards.

質押在加密貨幣投資中非常重要,MoonBag 充分利用了這一趨勢,為 MBAG 質押提供 88% 的年化收益。一旦投資者投入了他們的代幣,他們就會從 MoonBag 猴子的不懈努力中受益,直到預售結束,確保獲得豐厚的回報。

MoonBag's unique liquidity strategies contribute to its success. By allocating 20% of presale funds to its liquidity wallet, MoonBag guarantees a stable coin supply. This approach promotes price appreciation post-launch, ensuring the project's longevity and strengthening the bond between MoonBag and its loyal investors.

MoonBag 獨特的流動性策略為其成功做出了貢獻。 MoonBag將預售資金的20%分配給其流動性錢包,保證了穩定的代幣供應。這種方法促進了啟動後的價格升值,確保了專案的壽命並加強了 MoonBag 與其忠實投資者之間的聯繫。

Referral Program


MoonBag's referral program rewards investors with additional coins. By connecting their wallets to the MoonBag website and obtaining referral codes, investors can earn 10% MBAG coins when their codes are used by others.

MoonBag 的推薦計畫會向投資者獎勵額外的代幣。透過將錢包連接到 MoonBag 網站並獲取推薦代碼,投資者可以在其代碼被其他人使用時賺取 10% MBAG 幣。



While Book of Meme and Avalanche offer low APY, MoonBag staking rewards have become the highlight of this year's presale. With its zero tax policy, MoonBag is gaining traction as a superior alternative to Pepe coin and has the potential to join the ranks of crypto giants.

雖然Book of Meme和Avalanche的APY較低,但MoonBag質押獎勵成為今年預售的亮點。憑藉零稅收政策,MoonBag 作為 Pepe 幣的優質替代品而受到關注,並有潛力加入加密巨頭的行列。

Invest in MoonBag Presale

投資 MoonBag 預售

Website: MoonBag.org
Presale: MoonBag Presale
Telegram: https://t.me/moonbag_official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moonbag_org



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