首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 PEPE 代幣價格下跌,一個強大的新競爭對手出現

As PEPE Token Price Dips, A Strong New Competitor Emerges

隨著 PEPE 代幣價格下跌,一個強大的新競爭對手出現

發布: 2024/06/24 00:05 閱讀: 384

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


As PEPE Token Price Dips, A Formidable Competitor Arises

隨著 PEPE 代幣價格下跌,強大的競爭對手出現

The steadfast meme token $PEPE has experienced a marked decline in recent days, dropping nearly 20% on the weekly chart. Nonetheless, with a robust market capitalization exceeding $5 billion, it remains a formidable contender to dethrone DOGE as the top meme coin in the future. Currently, its trajectory appears intertwined with the price fluctuations of Ethereum, which has also faltered this week.

堅定的 meme 代幣 $PEPE 最近幾天經歷了明顯的下跌,週線圖上下跌了近 20%。儘管如此,憑藉著超過 50 億美元的強勁市值,它仍然是取代 DOGE 作為未來頂級 meme 代幣的強大競爭者。目前,其走勢似乎與以太坊的價格波動交織在一起,以太坊本周也出現了波動。

The Gamble of Investing in Top Meme Coins

投資頂級 Meme 代幣的賭博

Traders face a significant gamble when investing in $PEPE, the leading meme coin on the Ethereum blockchain. Despite market fervor, Pepe's price action remains inextricably linked to the price of ETH. Consequently, many traders have shifted their focus to a new meme coin dubbed Pepe Unchained.

交易者在投資以太坊區塊鏈上領先的模因幣 $PEPE 時面臨著重大賭博。儘管市場熱情高漲,Pepe 的價格趨勢仍與 ETH 的價格有著千絲萬縷的關係。因此,許多交易者將注意力轉向了一種名為 Pepe Unchained 的新迷因幣。

Pepe Unveils Its Own Blockchain

Pepe 推出自己的區塊鏈

After Pepe's dominance on the Ethereum blockchain for over a year, a Layer 2 Pepe chain has finally been created. Hindsight suggests that this move was long overdue, but the developers of Pepe Unchained may have inadvertently crafted the future of meme coins with their innovative Layer 2 solution.

Pepe 在以太坊區塊鏈上佔據主導地位一年多後,第二層 Pepe 鏈終於創建了。事後看來,這項舉措早就該發生了,但 Pepe Unchained 的開發者可能無意中用他們創新的 Layer 2 解決方案打造了 meme 幣的未來。

As stated on the official website:


"Pepe Unchained is the harbinger of the future for meme coins. A Layer 2 blockchain optimized for speed, security, low fees, and, of course, memes.

「Pepe Unchained 是 meme 幣未來的預兆。針對速度、安全性、低費用,當然還有 meme 進行優化的第 2 層區塊鏈。

The $PEPU token serves as the lifeblood of the entire ecosystem. You're witnessing the dawn of a new golden age for meme coins. With Pepe enthroned as King and the Pepe Unchained Layer 2 as his Kingdom."

$PEPU 代幣是整個生態系統的命脈。您正在見證迷因幣新黃金時代的黎明。 Pepe 登基為國王,Pepe Unchained Layer 2 成為他的王國。

In essence, Pepe Unchained endeavors to surpass the traditional Ethereum Layer 1 by enhancing speed, reducing fees, and introducing $PEPU, a native token that empowers the ecosystem.

從本質上講,Pepe Unchained 致力於透過提高速度、降低費用並引入 $PEPU(一種為生態系統提供支援的原生代幣)來超越傳統的以太坊 Layer 1。

Staking for Exponential Gains – The Winning Formula?

為指數級收益下注 – 獲勝秘訣?

Pepe Unchained boasts another advantage over the original Pepe: its exclusive staking reward mechanism. At present, it's in the early stages of its presale, having already garnered over $150,000 USD during the initial hours. Presale purchasers can stake their tokens for the duration of the presale to potentially double, triple, or even quadruple their investments. This mechanism, coupled with the impressive technological advancements, has generated considerable buzz in the Web3 community, despite its nascent stage.

Pepe Unchained 與原版 Pepe 相比還有另一個優點:其獨特的質押獎勵機制。目前,它正處於預售的早期階段,在最初的幾個小時內已經獲得了超過 15 萬美元的收入。預售購買者可以在預售期間質押他們的代幣,使其投資可能增加一倍、三倍甚至四倍。這種機制,加上令人印象深刻的技術進步,儘管還處於起步階段,但已經在 Web3 社群中引起了相當大的轟動。

How to Acquire $PEPU Presale Tokens?

如何取得 $PEPU 預售代幣?

Currently, Pepe Unchained tokens can only be purchased and staked directly on the Official Website. This indicates that the token is not yet available for trading. Traders anticipate substantial gains as the presale price escalates with each successive stage. The combined effect of this mechanism and the staking rewards becomes increasingly apparent as Pepe Unchained gains traction. Interested parties are advised to act swiftly to secure the lowest possible price and the highest potential staking rewards.

目前,Pepe Unchained 代幣只能直接在官方網站上購買和質押。這表明該代幣尚未可用於交易。隨著預售價格逐個連續階段的上漲,交易商預計將獲得大幅收益。隨著 Pepe Unchained 越來越受歡迎,這種機制和質押獎勵的綜合效應變得越來越明顯。建議有興趣的各方迅速採取行動,以確保盡可能低的價格和最高的潛在質押獎勵。


在此購買 $PEPU 預售


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